199 Fairy, you are a cold person, you have to be responsible to me (please subscribe)

A silver flame like the moonlight burned in nothingness, shrouding Dong Minghan’s entire body, and there was no wave in silence.

This is a sign that the real fire is lit, and it can be seen that his eyebrows and cheekbones are translucent, a strange change in life.

In the whole person’s body, there is even a fragrance, like the smell of Tao, fresh and natural, which makes people want to get close.

After the godhead is condensed, the god foundation is stable, like checking the ground and drying the foundation soil.

Although the realm has broken through, Hua Minghan himself has not noticed a big change, at most it is a slight change in his cultivation.

The origin of time and space turned into a bright moon, hanging high in his sea of ​​consciousness space.

The origin of the stars is dotted with stars all over the sky, and the radiance is flickering, reflecting the deep and vast space.

The divine fire burned, and finally returned to silence, disappeared, and disappeared into the godhead.

“Fairy is responsible for the subordinates.”

Huang Minghan opened his eyes with a calm expression on his face, and then took the clothes from the storage space and put them on, without any unnaturalness or indifference.

The divine fire ignites everything and washes the lungs and organs.

Clothes and other foreign objects were naturally burnt down at this time.

Although his mind was silent, after Fairy Yan appeared, and even the many actions beside him, he felt it.

To be precise, this is the induction of his physical body, the voluntary reaction after sensing that an outsider is approaching.

Because Fairy Yan had no threat or malice towards him, Hua Minghan’s mind was still immersed in it, condensing the origin of time and space, but did not wake up.

But all the actions of Fairy Yan, he is equivalent to watching.

Naturally, she also saw her “580” quietly picking up her fairy materials and magical materials.

Originally, Hua Minghan was going to find it for her.

It’s just that she was a little too self-conscious, and almost didn’t reach out to her storage space.

This made Hua Minghan consider whether to take the opportunity to extort her for a sum of money, or else, wouldn’t these gods and immortals be sprayed by her in vain?


“What are you talking about, I don’t know what you mean.”

Fairy Yan never thought that Hua Minghan would open his eyes at this time.


The whole person seems to be caught.

The ears, which were originally white and turned red, now seem to have been revealed by the rays of the sun.

Even Wuxia’s face was flushed red, and he replied in a bit of a panic, his words stuttering.

Huang Minghan put on his clothes in a leisurely manner, and said calmly, “Is that good-looking?

“It doesn’t look good.”

When Fairy Yan heard the words, she shook her head subconsciously and replied.

But the next moment, I suddenly realized that there was a problem with my answer.

Isn’t this just acknowledging the move just now in disguise?

She quickly denied it and said, “What are you talking about? I don’t know what you mean, and I didn’t see anything. 39


Huang Minghan seemed to shake his head in disbelief, “But I just saw Mingming, you were peeking through your fingers. 99

“You’re wrong, I don’t have any at all. 59

Fairy Yan just wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in, and there has never been a day when she felt so embarrassed.

She was really curious, and then secretly took a look, only to be caught by Hua Minghan.

Hua Minghan was quite surprised by her current appearance.

It turned out that she had to pretend to be a senior in front of her, but gradually she couldn’t do it anymore. This time, her little tail was exposed, and her real psychological age should not be too old.

Huang Minghan wanted to say something to her, Fairy, your high-cold personality has collapsed.

But after thinking about it, he still shook his head and said, “I didn’t read it wrong, you were really peeping just now.

Fairy Yan was going to be pissed to death by him, her silver teeth were biting secretly, her eyes were murderous, and she really wanted to destroy the corpse.

Originally, I thought this guy was quite pleasing to the eye, he could say nice things, he was good-looking, and he was smart.

One sip of a senior, one sip of a splendid, peerless, unparalleled, she is very comfortable to hear, except for occasionally being bold and daring to make up your own mind, she has no shortcomings.

But now, why is he so dead-headed, he said it himself, he didn’t see it, and he insisted that he peeked.

The next moment, Fairy Yan’s good-looking eyes froze, her plain white hands clenched into fists, and her murderous intention grew.

“You’re wrong…” she said blankly.

“That’s right.

Huang Minghan was still serious and interrupted her, “Fairy, should you be responsible for me?

“I said you read it wrong, you just read it wrong. You just saw it, you forgot it for me, you are not allowed to remember it. 99

Fairy Yan really wanted to shoot him to death, so she threatened fiercely.

Still want to hold yourself accountable?

He just glanced at it a few times, and he didn’t have a small piece of meat.

“Fairy, you are too domineering…” Dong Minghan shook his head.

“Huh? 9) Fairy Yan’s tail rose, and her expression was not good.

“Okay, then I’ll just forget about it.

Huang Minghan sighed and seemed to agree with difficulty.

He also wanted to say, why don’t you let me take a look, we’ll both be clear, but he’s worried that she’ll really get angry.

“You just piss me off…”

Fairy Yan was furious and resisted the urge to smash his fist on his face.

She has a soft hand to take people, and a short mouth to eat people, not to mention that she is still in the wrong situation, so it doesn’t make sense at all.

Huang Minghan looked at the pile of messy fairy materials and dregs of god materials on the ground again, showing a distressed look.

“I also plan to refine a flying sword, just in time to break through the realm, warm and nurture in the divine fire…”

“It’s a pity. 93

“It’s hard to gather these materials.

He seemed to be muttering to himself.

But when he said this, he sighed again, quite helpless.

When Fairy Yan heard the words, she was also stunned.

She didn’t know that Dang Minghan still had plans for the police, and thought he was looking for it for herself.

If she knew, she wouldn’t make her own decisions and sprayed these immortal gods.

Thinking of this, Fairy Yan Lugou looked a little embarrassed. Looking at the painting Minghan, she still felt a little guilty in her heart.

Although he was very angry, thanks to the Huangqi Stone he gave, there were still many immortal materials.

Otherwise, she is probably still far from the small goal of reshaping her body.

“Otherwise, I have to compensate you, right?”

To the next, or flame fairy road, though I do not know how to compensate draw out cold.

He, as the little master portrait, logically speaking, nothing missing.

“Nothing, but some material fills a big deal I would tell people to go, fairies do not care.”

“It should not be long before I can again put together these materials.

Huang Han shook his head, the atmosphere is quite authentic.

But he said the more so, the more embarrassed flame fairy heart.

I had just still fierce around him.

I think about it, Huang Ming quite cold loss, the reason is fierce own meal, and then offering material refining Feijian, but also by their own to spray.

Or “This way, I can promise you an overly requirements?” Flame fairy tentatively asked.

In fact, even she never noticed, after the familiar cold and Huang Ming, have forgotten that before to install an advanced cold predecessors look like.

“This is not right?”

See this fairy Han Han Yan, actually really seriously.

Huang Han amused, but his face did not reveal the slightest anomalies in rhyme, some hesitantly shook his head.

“Nothing is not good, after all, I am wrong ……”

Flame fairy do not want to owe Leiming cold a requirement, it is no way.

When the glass before the island, because Phoenix habitat stone things, waved her hand, generously drawn out cold owed a requirement.

Huang Han then asked her to shake concise piece of light jade cents.

For this handy little things, she naturally flame fairy behaved extremely generous, said a trivial matter, so do not have to use the cold draw out the requirements.

So this result is that she owed a cold draw out a request.

The result today owed a ……

This is owed two overly request.

To her, this discourse is not simply to say it, but involve causal, say you have to do.

“That was so embarrassed.

“Thank you, younger seniors Xiao Yan fairy on.

Huang Han heard this, can not help but laugh, do not bother to go in again.

He always felt Yao Chi Joan yugao, claim to be a woman he met among regarded as relatively worry on.

But in front of the flame and fairy than up, but Joan Jade Pool smarter too.

How can such a few words, completely believe? She do not doubt?


Flame fairy not react, Huang Han meaning of these words,

But look at his mouth Nalv could not conceal a smile, suddenly realize that they have been fooled him, he cheated.


Her eyes narrowed, hold Chen boxing once again to kill gradually, he began to consider whether or not to draw out the cold to leave the whole body.

Or a fire to burn him directly to forget.

How dare fool deceive ourselves that the older generation?

Thought of this, she suddenly remembered that he was not forgotten anything?

“The older generation, have forgotten, this is what you promised yourself, and you owe me a request.”

“Oh, just the two .93

Huang Han gently smile, got up from the Po, this retreat for several days, for him, the harvest is not too small.

Concise space-time origin and the origin of the stars, lit a holy fire, as long as the next step by step, or how long it will be able to break through to the next level.

After all, he was a virtual god of this realm, but also to be a long, profound knowledge, a matter of course, but sub it?

As this requirement can only be said to be a windfall.

And hearing this, the eyes staring at the flame fairy but it is bad to him, to give him a raise.

She is now in a bad mood.

Own painting has always been in front of this guy out cold, cold to cold reticent senior high image shows the results today suddenly ruined.

“These are my self towards Jingyang Xian, specially chosen for the rare fairy fairy wood, God expected, priceless, some of them are universally hard to find, but do not waste the fairy ·”

Huang Han will waste a lot of bits and pieces picked up the ground gave, rather regret said.

Flame fairy looked at him blankly.

Now even want to scrap their mouth? This is the shame of his own.

Today it seems this guy is really going to play with fire.

“It seems fairy now been scornful of these bits and pieces, and I still remember when I first saw fairies time, scared to Heaven, said scrap, even the dregs are not willing to throw …….”

Huang Han seems imperceptible change in her complexion, still self-serving and said, with a bit of emotion.

“Young or it ……”

Flame fairy face showed no emotion, this discourse is no mood swings, cold.

Han Dong Fu Ming left the painting, is already dawn the next morning.

Not to stay in Dong Fu solid cultivation.

Flame fairy just have to let him stay, two people take Bihuabihua, or she really is gas, however.

Han Ming this painting is certainly not promised, though he is very confident of their own strength.

But the flame fairy body, but the real emperor suspected cluster of fire, perhaps even higher level, there may be a real fairy fire.

2.3 In addition he was crazy, and she will continue Bihuabihua, it is not likely to be pleased to find it?

But he really underestimated this guy magnanimous, specifically, did he asked for it, have to run her last few words, let her heart.

Huang Han forgot she had met when she was how narrow-minded.

So in the end he can only be forced to agree to let her out enough gas, following quasi leave his hole.

The outlet, out of the whole night, drawing out the cold feel of their own discomfort.

However, on the other hand, she was “grown up” for something, but also to draw out the cold had very solid foundation to become firmly to the extreme.

The cold drawn bright lit Shenhuo, breaking God’s message throughout, there will be no hidden from the crowd portrait, causing a lot of stir.

No one knows what things he lit a holy fire.

It does have a few old family repair to advanced, vaguely perceived his body origin of breath, and even more than one, no vast now, so they have had a horror of Italy.

This makes their shock at the same time, an incredible feeling.

Since ancient times, only in books, seen following the ignition of a useful source of surefire.

And this is just a deduction, predecessors that there is a way, and did not see anyone actually done it.

The origin of this kind of thing, even though it is difficult to see those supreme, but police say got.

Portraits deep inside, nor can the origin of things, we can see the extent of its rarity.

But drawing out the cold but this sure-fire ignited, cast godhead, perhaps even more than there is a …… origin.

How to keep them shocked, amazed?,

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