196 Yue Qingyi’s negotiation will not cause you any trouble (please subscribe)

“Eat slowly. At this time, no one will rob you.”

Seeing Yanyan devouring her face, as if she was afraid of being robbed, Yue Qingyi couldn’t help shaking her head again.

Once upon a time, when she faced these delicacies, she would be like Yanyan.

But at that time, she was not as peculiar as Yanyan.

It neither grows nor grows old, nor does it feel hungry.

And she almost starved to death.

On Yanyan’s body, she saw her former shadow.

But Yanyan is Yanyan after all, and she is just herself, and the two cannot be compared.

Because of her early wisdom, she knew from a very early age that she had to watch her words, guess the intentions of others, and protect herself.

The Yu clan values ​​the weak and the strong, and her mother, a sinner who once betrayed the “Yu clan”, is a disgrace to the entire Yu clan.

How could her situation be any better?

However, if she doesn’t go back to the Yu Clan, then she will become food for all kinds of beasts in the deep mountains and ancient forests.

Therefore, she had no choice but to pretend to be submissive.

Even so, when he was in the Yu clan, Yue Qingyi still had to be careful, and he was often beaten and scolded by the clan.

She is a disgrace in the eyes of all people, a thing that has blasphemed the sacredness of the Holy Maiden, and even seeing her will make people feel bad.

Children would throw stones at her, smashing her head with blood.

And the adults will only hold their arms by the side and look at them with a smile, not blocking them.

Injured, she can only find herbs to apply by herself.

One rainy night, the sky and the earth were filled with heavy rain, lightning and thunder, and Yue Qingyi fell off a cliff while picking herbs.

Under the cliff, she was in a coma for half a month, during which no clansmen came to find her.

When she evaporated from the world, or was eaten by some vicious beast, she wouldn’t care about her life or death.

Fortunately, Yue Qingyi was very lucky. Even with such a serious injury, he still did not die. Instead, he survived by relying on the herbs around him.

A life crisis like this has been encountered many times when she was very young.

And she survived stubbornly and tenaciously every time.

Yue Qingyi hated the police officer’s description of her, saying that she was like a delicate little flower, growing in a quiet place in the empty valley.

She felt that she was actually like a weed, even if it was burnt out by the fire, but no matter what, in the spring, it would grow wildly again.

“I want to go to the top step by step, stand on the top, and overlook the world…”

Yue Qingyi murmured softly, with deep ambition and obsession in his eyes.

Whether it is Emperor Jingyang or Zhuge Xingchen, the national teacher, they are all stepping stones on her way to the highest level.

But now, she put this stepping stone on Hua Minghan again.

In Yue Qingyi’s view, there is no more suitable candidate than Hua Minghan.

In her previous life, Yue Qingyi was thinking about these things, but she didn’t feel the right time or opportunity to ask.

Fortunately, because of the fragments of the origin of time and space, she was able to return to the present.

When the source of time and space shattered, Yue Qingyi saw a piece of it and flew towards the place where she was.

It’s just not towards her, but towards a strange cultivator not far away from her, so Yue Qingyi made a decisive decision, directly exposed the terrible cultivation that he had always concealed, and solved the cultivator without hesitation.

But after getting the piece of space-time origin, she did not touch it for the first time, but wrapped it in a secret method and sealed it up.

Yue Qingyi knew that this piece of space-time origin could be brought to her timeline five hundred years ago.

Before competing for the origin of time and space, she had already investigated and deduced everything.

Therefore, before she came into contact with that piece of space-time source fragment, she sealed it up, and left it to be used after planning many things in the future.

It’s just that the energy in the space-time source fragments dissipates all the time. If it is dusty for too long, accidents may happen.

So, after Yue Qingyi arranged everything, he planned to use this piece of space-time origin in the third year.

However, that is three years after the fragmentation of the space-time source.

There was a great turmoil in the entire Sandi Domain, and a vast light of flying immortals that swept the world came, and it seemed that Feixian Island appeared in the outer domain.

Many immortal forces rushed to leave, and even many dusty quasi-emperor figures appeared.

Outside Feixian Island, a shocking and terrifying battle broke out, the aftermath swept hundreds of millions of miles, and the surrounding universe was almost destroyed.

In that battle, Dong Minghan had already exposed his powerful and unparalleled cultivation. Even the old monster who cultivated the Emperor Zhun coughed up blood and fled for his life.

And there is a treasure hidden in Feixian Island, which is said to be related to the disappearing fairyland, and was finally snatched by Hua Minghan.

Yue Qingyi’s strength at that time was not enough to participate in this level of war.

Regarding the results of this battle, the hook was passed on through the conversations of many cultivators, and then it shook the Three Cans Domain.

As for what the treasure was, Yue Qingyi didn’t know.

Moreover, at that time, she had already touched that piece of space-time source fragment, which had already been attacked more than five hundred years ago in an instant.

When she was still the unknown nine princesses.

For Yue Qingyi, there is one and only one purpose for her to find the source fragments of time and space, so as to negotiate with Dong Minghan.

This was a plan she had already made in her previous life.

It doesn’t mean that she intends to rely on Hua Minghan, but in Yue Qingyi’s view, Gai Minghan is no different from the most terrifying character in her previous life.

With her own planning and strength alone, it is difficult for her to gain a foothold in the next few hundred years, so that after the arrival of the Light of Immortals, she will compete for an opportunity.

Therefore, she continued to think about this plan, step by step to win the original fragments of time and space.

As for marriage or something, it was already in her plans.

It’s just that in order to make all this normal, she has arranged so many methods.

“Tonight, he should come over” Qi.

Yueqing Yi was placed on the stone bench, and he came from the familiar tea set with rhyme, and began to make tea and make tea.

“Grandma, take these back to your room to eat.

“No matter what happens for a while, don’t stick your head out and look, you know?”

Afterwards, she glanced at her, still burying her little head, eating these foods, Yanyan, whose cheeks were bulging, said softly.

Yue Qingyi knew that Yanyan was afraid of Hua Minghan.

Instead of letting her stay here for a while and be frightened and faint again, it’s better to find a place to hide.

Hearing this, Yanyan raised her head, with a few pieces of pastry stuffed in her mouth, she couldn’t utter her words, “Sister, yes… is someone coming?”

Yue Qingyi smiled slightly, and didn’t say anything, just asked her to take something back to the room to eat.

Yanyan nodded somewhat incomprehensibly, holding these food boxes, she trotted away all the way.

And Yue Qingyi began to drink by himself, but he drank tea instead of wine.

Her head was held by blue silk, and instead of being fixed with a hosta like before, her slender, snow-white neck was exposed, giving a capable and cool feeling.

“Looks like you’ve been waiting for me here for a long time?”

And just when Yue Qingyi drank the third cup of tea, the sound of footsteps and a little chuckle suddenly came from outside the quiet mansion.

The visitor did not conceal his existence, nor did he conceal his figure, and just walked over so unhurriedly.

The moonlight is very dark, but he seems to be riding on the moonlight, with a graceful demeanor and a leisurely atmosphere.

Dong Minghan appeared in the courtyard, looking at Yue Qingyi who was drinking by himself, a strange color appeared in his eyes.

“I have seen Young Master Minghan.”

Yue Qingyi guessed that Hua Minghan would be here tonight, so it was not surprising.

When she deliberately was at the banquet, she quietly paid attention to Hua Minghan, just to attract his attention.

Of course, before that, she had guessed that Huang Minghan would show up to Jingyang Xianchao, not to save Jingyang Xianchao’s face.

It was purely aimed at her.

So, either tonight or tomorrow night, Dong Minghan will definitely come.

In terms of Hua Minghan’s terrifying strength, isn’t this huge mansion free to come and go?

Moreover, even now that Yue Qingyi has arrived, it is not clear how strong Huang Minghan is now, because no one has really seen him work hard with all his strength.

Outside the Zixia Real People’s Cave, the blue-eyed fire lion, which was comparable to the holy realm, was almost killed by Huang Minghan’s palm.

This has already explained the problem.

Five hundred years ago, Hua Minghan had such a terrifying strength. After five hundred years, he naturally didn’t need to think about it, and it was enough to overlook the ups and downs of the Three Cans Domain.

“Tell me, why did you bring me here?”

Hua Minghan sat down beside Yue Qingyi very casually, as if in his own courtyard, and poured himself a cup of tea on his own.

“If you don’t give me a reasonable explanation, even if you and I have already made a marriage contract, I can kill you likewise.

He smiled lightly, raised the teacup, and blew the mist on it.

Since Yue Qingyi is also one of the reborn people.

It is bound to know many things in the past five hundred years, so Dong Minghan does not need to hide in front of him.

Hearing this, Yue Qingyi glanced at him with some complicated eyes, and said, “It wasn’t like this when you hooked your hand to rescue me outside Zixia’s real cave mansion.

Dong Minghan will naturally not be deceived by her acting skills.

This guy disguised as a plain little white flower, I am afraid that only one of the ten sentences is true.

As for the change in her expression, since she was able to deceive Emperor Jingyang, Zhuge Xingchen and the others, she would naturally have already mastered it.

He smiled lightly and said, “. “Do you think I’m so fooled? It’s nothing more than acting in front of people, do you really take it seriously? 19

“Or, what do you think, I don’t know that Zhao Wu died in your hands.

“But your acting skills at the time were really good, and even I was almost deceived.”

When Yue Qingyi heard the words, the complicated meaning on her face also disappeared, and she returned to calm.

“In terms of acting skills, compared to Young Master Ming Han, I’m still far behind. I still have this self-knowledge. 33 She also said lightly.

She just went around these words, and really wanted to test it to see if Hua Minghan already knew the truth.

Sure enough, this kind of thing is still impossible to hide from him.

“You don’t need to mock me.”

Hua Minghan still smiled faintly, his eyes fell on her pure and beautiful face, and he said, “I want to know the answer to that question Gangji.”

“You are wise and should know how to choose.

He didn’t care what means or backhand Yue Qingyi had.

Huang Minghan did not regard her as a person who could threaten him.

“I brought you here because I actually wanted to negotiate with you.”

Yue Qingyi knew that Dong Minghan would definitely not care about her too much, and it was impossible for her to have any mercy or kindness because of her status.

So, she didn’t plan to talk nonsense, just straight to the point.

“Oh? What kind of negotiation law? What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me?”

“With your status as the nine princesses, or my status as a concubine?” Dong Minghan looked at her with interest, but his words were merciless.

He appreciates it, but doesn’t like women who are more scheming.

He wouldn’t spend too much time on such a woman, and (Li Qian’s) didn’t want to speculate on her mind.

In contrast, he still prefers comfort.

For example, the saintess of Yaochi, Xiyan, although she seems to be very smart, in fact, in Hua Minghan’s view, her mind is so simple that she almost doesn’t write the change of mood on her face.

Even earning bright moon is smarter than Saintess of Yaochi.

As for Yue Qingyi in front of him, his thoughts would not be revealed on his face, and his emotional control was even more consummate.

When to reveal what emotions, when to say what to say, are all carefully considered and considered.

In Hua Minghan’s view, her intelligence was almost no longer under him.

Yue Qingyi didn’t care about Lei Minghan’s slightly mocking words.

She just said calmly, “I have two space-time origin fragments in my hand now, I can give them both to you, Qin.”

“I can get them without you giving them to me.”

“This negotiation of yours means nothing to me. 19 Huang Minghan just smiled and shook his head.

“I know.”

“That’s why I say this, just to tell you my sincerity.

Yue Qingyi didn’t talk nonsense, and seemed to know that Ming Han would say so.

When she lightly patted her hands, the radiance filled the air, and the two wrapped fragments of the space-time source emerged, floating in the void in front of her, containing all kinds of difficulties and mysteries.

In the next moment, Yue Qingyi stretched out his hand and pushed it, directly pushing this piece of space-time origin in front of Lei Minghan.

“I don’t have any requirements. I just think that in the future, we will not interfere with each other. You can treat me as non-existent, or you can treat me as air.”

“I won’t cause you any trouble, nor will I affect your plans or things.” She looked at the painting Minghan, and said calmly,

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