194 Catch the wind and wash the dust feast, she is like a peacock with an open screen today (please subscribe)

As the eldest prince of Jingyang Xian Dynasty, Yue Changyang was in his twenties, and his appearance was similar to that of the special police officer when the emperor Jingyang was young.

“Royal father will hold a banquet in the court tonight, just waiting for brother Ming’s arrival.” He opened his mouth with a smile and gestured in front of him.

His bearing and self-cultivation are naturally beyond the reach of people, and he is very thoughtful with the proper etiquette, and he has brought people here to wait early.

The surrounding area of ​​the teleportation formation had already been emptied by the people of Jingyang Xianchao.

Otherwise, at this time, this place will definitely be blocked.

“Young Master Ming Han is here…”

But Rao is so, many monks in the distance still exclaimed, and many people are staring at this side.

Above the many pavilions on both sides, the seats were filled early, and many Tianjiao appeared by the window, looking at the teleportation array.

Almost everyone stared at Hua Minghan’s figure, seeing his true face for the first time.

In particular, many of the beautiful girls in the sky looked at them without blinking.

The Three Is the Domain is really too big, many people have only heard the rumors of Hua Minghan, but they have not had the chance to meet the real person.

Compared with hearing about its peerless demeanor, many monks are more inclined to see the deity here.

Therefore, in the past few days, many monks have come to this place, among them “five and eighty” including many older generation powerhouses.

Many young Supremes who have already appeared here, at this moment, have golden light in their eyes, constantly looking at Hua Minghan, trying to see the truth.

However, what shocked them was that at first glance, Hua Minghan seemed to have returned to its original form, blending with heaven and earth.

But if you look closely, you will find that he seems to have disappeared in front of you, disappeared in this world.

As if even their eyes were deceiving themselves.

“I am surrounded by Dao Yun all the time, this is really the bell of heaven and earth, and the luck is so huge that it is unimaginable.

“It’s incredible.”

A genius of the Immortal Dao force whispered in his heart, shocking and uneasy.

“Excuse the first prince to wait here. 99

Huang Minghan also said with a smile, starting from the clan and arriving at Jingyang Xianchao, it didn’t take too long on the way.

“Brother Ming Raceway is joking, you can come here not far from hundreds of millions of miles. We wait here for a while, what is it?”

We “talk as we walk.”

Yue Changyang smiled and led the way ahead. The teleportation formation here was only in the outer city of the imperial capital, not within the inner city.

If you go to the inner city, you have to go through many gates.

And this imperial capital is not located on the ground, but hangs high in the air. If a brilliant sun will cover the radius of the city, it will be almost difficult, and there will be other universes in the city.

The silver waterfall hangs high, the mountains and islands are continuous, the colorful clouds are flowing, and the fairy mist is intertwined, just like an eternal divine domain that never falls.

In a deeper place, it is even more visible that the weather is dense, and the chaotic air is shrouded. If the beginning of the opening of the world, it contains endless mysteries.

At the end of the long street, the chariots were already prepared, and the chariots were pulled by a strange beast that looked like a unicorn.


Soon, the chariot carried Dong Minghan and others away, and many followers behind also rode strange beasts towards the inner city.

As for many ministers, they all followed, as if they were foils.

However, such an interview specification is already the treatment of a big man of the Immortal Dao power, and it is rare for the creatures in the city to not see such a posture.

“Not only Jingyang Xianchao attaches great importance to it, it seems that the portrait side also attaches great importance to it. 11

“Otherwise, it is impossible for the portrait to come over overnight.

Many monks were talking in low voices.

The last time a headmaster from the Immortal Dao forces came here to discuss important matters with Emperor Jingyang, there were not necessarily so many ministers to greet him.

“Although Jingyang Xianchao’s marriage was rejected by the portrait during this period of time, he did not give up…”

“It can be seen that this faction may be negotiating something and secretly reached some kind of agreement.

“Maybe even the marriage is just a pretense.

The monks of the rest of the forces are also guessing at the moment, wanting to know the purpose of Jingyang Xianchao doing this.

“Anyway, it’s a worthwhile trip to see the true face of this portrait today.”

“It’s a pity, no one stepped forward to challenge it, otherwise they would still be able to see it in person.”

On the contrary, there are monks who feel regret and pity that no one has come forward to challenge.

Before, they had seen many descendants of the Immortal Dao forces, and they were now in the imperial capital.

But at this time, they were all well hidden, no one showed up, and even warned that they would go forward to challenge or something.

“Just kidding, didn’t you see the followers who followed the portrait?

“Any one of these, for their peers, is an insurmountable mountain. Even if they are the descendants of the immortal power, they must weigh themselves, whether they are the opponents of these followers…”

However, upon hearing this, someone sneered, disdainfully.

And just when Emperor Jingyang was talking about it.

Huang Minghan had already followed the eldest prince Yue Changyang to the palace arranged by the emperor Jingyang.

All of his followers were arranged in the side hall next door.

“There is indeed a problem with the national fortune of this Jingyang Xian Dynasty…”

“It seems that this jar is the marriage of Jingyang Xianchao. 99

After the eldest prince Yue Changyang and others left, it was proved that Han Rao had a strange look in his eyes and looked outside.

When he first arrived at Jingyang Imperial Capital, he noticed the strangeness of this place.

After all, he is well-known by the heavens, and some time ago he also possessed the personality of Tianxin, with qi around the body.

He was very sensitive to changes in his luck, so he carefully investigated the traces and found some clues and anomalies.

Jingyang Xianchao’s qi-fortune golden dragon lingering in the air, with dull scales and dull eyes, has lost the richness of its demeanor as a qi-fortune golden dragon.

Logically, as an immortal dynasty, it has a long history of luck and has been passed down for countless years, and it has been immortal.

As the land of the imperial capital, there are state apparatuses to suppress it, and the emperor’s way of luck is thriving, so how can it show signs of exhaustion?

Huang Minghan also did not know from the memories of the reborn that Jingyang Xianchao would undergo such a big change in the future.

Is this caused by anomalies?

Or human?

From a certain point of view, Jingyang Xianchao will find him to marry, most likely to use his luck to stabilize the country’s fortune.

Zhuge Xingchen, the national teacher of Jingyang Xianchao, is a character known as the Lord of the Stars.

Huang Minghan also guessed, could it be related to Yue Qingyi?

Or, was she the one who led it?

“If that’s the case, what is her purpose? Or is it just an anomaly?

Huang Minghan shook his head gently, the water of Jingyang Xianchao was deeper than he imagined.

Even the national fortunes of the Immortal Dao Dynasty could not suppress this variable, showing signs of failure, and the rest of the Immortal Dao forces may also encounter such disasters.

If it is man-made, then this method can only be said, and it is true.

In the blink of an eye, it was already night, and the Emperor Jingyang held a grand banquet and invited his ministers in the palace to wash away the wind and dust for the painting.

Almost all the ministers in the court came here.

Even if there is an important matter at hand, he takes time out. No one dares to disobey the Emperor Jingyang on such a major event.

In the magnificent palace, the clouds and mists are floating, the gold is brilliant, and many immortal jades are piled up.

During the banquet, many beautiful maids sewed up with wine and dishes, and there was a beautiful figure dancing in the distance, which was very moving.

Emperor Jingyang sat in the first place, and the queen and many concubines took their seats next to each other.

In addition, it is the princes and princesses.

The eldest prince Yue Changyang, the third prince Yue Changkong and others were the closest, which showed their status in the court.

The positions of the rest of the princes are slightly behind.

However, the Ninth Princess Yueqingyi, who was wearing a little powder, is now quite forward, and even closer to the Emperor Jingyang than the eldest prince.

On the contrary, the four princesses who are very favored on weekdays, the more Qingshuang, and the seventh princess, the more clear, are now in a more biased position.

Such details made many ministers notice, and their eyes moved slightly, guessing that this was the statement of Emperor Jingyang.

Or is it to be hung on this banquet to show attention, and it is specially made for Hua Minghan to see?

The faces of the Fourth Princess and the Seventh Princess were a little unsightly, and they seemed to have noticed the attitude of Emperor Jingyang towards them now.

For tonight’s banquet, they also dressed up specially, they were very beautiful, and they were careful with their makeup.

Because they actually have some fantasies in their hearts.

They don’t want to be concubines, that’s true.

But what if Dong Minghan noticed him at the banquet, and he changed his mind and ruined the marriage contract with the previous Saint Maiden 2.3?

In this way, they all still have the opportunity to become Zheng Han’s wife.

But this possibility is really slim.

However, what surprised the two princesses even more tonight was that Emperor Jingyang’s attitude towards Yue Qingyi had even unabashedly revealed that he attached great importance to him.

In their eyes, Yue Qingyi seemed to be doing it on purpose.

On the originally thin face, a little Fendai was applied, and the hair was pulled up, showing a swan-like neck, and the whole person showed a touch of luxury and coldness.

The delicate and flawless facial features are even more beautiful, as if the best artworks in the sky are unbearable to touch.

This completely different dress on normal days directly attracted everyone’s attention.

Even a few concubines looked pale.

The police said it was the two of them.

Many young sons brought by ministers are quietly looking at Yue Qingyi, with undisguised surprise and regret in their eyes.

It is absolutely impossible to say that in terms of appearance, they are not on the same level as the Nine Princesses Yue Qingyi.

This is not so obvious on weekdays.

But today’s Yue Qingyi looks to the two of them like a peacock with dazzling brilliance.

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