186 The object of the marriage is the one in the portrait, it has become too fast (please subscribe)

Although Jingyang Immortal Dynasty is a generation of Immortal Dynasty, but there are not many children of Emperor Jingyang, and among them, there are only a few who are highly valued by him.

At present, in his opinion, the most suitable candidate is the clearer the fourth princess and the clearer the seventh princess.

As for Yue Tsing Yi, Emperor Jing Yang didn’t even think about it.

Behind the fourth princess is the lineage of the Taifu. Her mother is the daughter of the Taifu, so it can be said that she has a high position.

In the territory of Jingyang Xianchao, there is a very terrifying energy.

Up and down the court, the ministers are actually divided into two relatively large factions, one of which is the Taifu.

Taifu is the former teacher of Emperor Jingyang, and his disciples are widely distributed, and peaches and plums are all over the world.

The other lineage is the General Zhenguo Mansion, the current general of Zhenguo, who holds the power of troops and horses.

In order to balance the two factions, Emperor Jingyang married a concubine each.

One is the daughter of the Taifu, the other is the daughter of the Great General of Zhen Guo, the mother of the fourth princess Yue Qingshuang and the seventh princess more clear.

“I already know what the national teacher said, so Qingshuang and Qingzhi are allowed to enter the palace to inform them of the matter.

Emperor Jingyang nodded slightly, thinking about it, intending to let people order this matter.

At the same time, on the portrait side, he will also let people go to discuss matters related to marriage, and the portrait will probably pay attention to it.

Of course, if Hua Minghan was asked to cancel the engagement with his fiancee, Jingyang Xianchao might have to pay some price for it.

“The fourth princess and the seventh princess are indeed very suitable candidates. The two women are both beautiful and talented.”

“During this period of time, the Taoist family who came to ask for marriage can be described as a city like a city.”

“Fourth princess, born with seven orifices of swordsmanship, and a gifted swordsmanship with unparalleled formidable power. She is valued by a hidden senior in the sword pavilion. She will definitely have a place in the world of great competition in the future.”

“Although the seventh princess does not appear to be leaking, but at such an age, she can create and inquire three ancient heavenly arts by herself, and her love is as high as that of any emperor in all dynasties.

“It’s a pity that the two princesses are daughters, otherwise the battle for the throne in the future will probably be more intense.

Hearing the words of Emperor Jingyang, Zhuge Xingchen also recognized it.

In his opinion, these two princesses are indeed the most suitable candidates.

In terms of identity or talent, it is worthy of the successor of the portrait.

Now, the former saint of the Heaven-Mending Divine Sect, who had lost her cultivation base, would only appear bleak in front of them.

Soon, the news about the Emperor Jingyang’s plan to select a suitable candidate and marry the hidden immortal paintings was spread within a small area of ​​the palace.

The eldest prince Yue Changyang, the third prince Yue Zhangkong and others who were waiting outside also got the news, and they were all shocked.

“Why did the royal father think of marrying the portrait at this time?

Yue Changyang frowned, speculating on the intentions of Emperor Jingyang.

They still don’t know who the King Jingyang intends to marry with someone from the portrait generation.

However, in addition to the most dazzling and dazzling painting Minghan, the portraits of the immortals in the hidden world did indeed contain many splendid and splendid heroes of the sky.

Yue Zhangkong had a strange feeling in his heart, and couldn’t help but guess, “I don’t have a marriage contract on my body yet, is the royal father planning to arrange a marriage contract for me?

Although he admires Saintess of Yaochi, he also knows that Saintess of Yaochi doesn’t like him much.

In the group of Zixia Mountains, the Holy Maiden of Yaochi didn’t even look at him directly.

“Could it be that cold and immortal girl?”

Yue Zhangkong was really surprised when he thought of the Hua Mingxian Lu met in the Zixia Mountains.

Thinking about it like this, Zhang Kong couldn’t help but look forward to it.

But then, the Fourth Princess and the Seventh Princess were summoned to the palace, which interrupted Yue Zhangkong’s fantasy at once.

“Is the father planning to arrange a marriage for the two imperial sisters?” Long?”

The more sky is a little disappointed.

Although he was the emperor’s brother, he couldn’t raise his head in front of these two brilliant imperial sisters.

Not because he was bent, but simply because he was not the opponent of the two.

Even if the cultivation base is slightly higher than them, when they fight, they are still suppressed.

“I have seen my father.”

“I have seen the teacher.

In the palace, the fourth princess, Yue Qingshuang, was dressed in a long light green dress, with bright eyes and white teeth, hair like clouds, and a charming appearance, with a touch of luxury.

However, it is difficult to associate her with a Kendo Tianzhuo, but she looks a little delicate.

The Seventh Princess beside her became clearer that her figure was slightly thinner, but her facial features were extremely beautiful and bright, with a sense of self-confidence and pride.

The two princesses can be said to be alluring in terms of beauty alone, with few flaws and many suitors.

Zhuge Xingchen, the national teacher on the side, nodded slightly, looking at the current situation of the two princesses, very satisfied.

“Do you know what is the so-called imperial father calling you to enter the palace today?”

Emperor Jingyang looked at his two daughters with a gratified and satisfied smile on his face, motioning them to sit next to them.

The fourth princess, Yue Qingshuang, showed a trace of confusion on her face, shook her head honestly, and said, “My daughter doesn’t know, but I hope my father will clarify the confusion.

She was practicing swordsmanship in the mansion, when she suddenly learned that her father had summoned her, she rushed over quickly, not even knowing what was going on.

The Seventh Princess on the side knew better, and she was in a similar situation to her. She was confused and didn’t know what was going on.

On the way, I saw a few imperial brothers talking, but in a hurry, I didn’t have time to ask.

“Royal father asked you to come here because he has something important to discuss with you. You have grown so big in a blink of an eye… So the royal father is thinking about arranging a marriage for you, it depends on the two of you, who is willing .”

Emperor Jingyang smiled.

When they heard the first half of this sentence, the Fourth Princess and the Seventh Princess actually understood, and felt a little sad in their hearts.

However, this is also their obligation as royal children, which has been doomed from the beginning.

Whether it is them, or the curved prince and princess, they cannot escape the fate of such a marriage.

Even if their talents are strong and their future achievements are limitless, what is it in the face of the interests of the entire immortal dynasty?

Therefore, the two women were reluctant in their hearts, and they did not show any strange emotions. They respectfully sat on a plate and waited for the next sentence of Emperor Jingyang.

“Royal father knows you guys and definitely doesn’t want to get married so soon, so I will find you guys and see who is willing.

Emperor Jingyang continued to smile, knowing that the two daughters would definitely be reluctant.

But this is the fate of the royal family’s children, and everyone is the same.

Hearing this, the fourth princess Yue Qingshuang showed a hint of hesitation on her face, knowing that this is the emperor Jingyang asking them to choose, who will marry?

The clearer the Seventh Princess is, the more she understands this.

So she hesitated for a while, then took the initiative to say, “Father, my daughter feels that she is still young and it’s too early to talk about marriage, so… I want to wait for a while.

As long as you can drag it, keep dragging it.

She is younger than the fourth princess, so there is nothing embarrassing about taking the initiative to say this.

Seeing this, Yue Qingshuang, the fourth princess, was also a little unwilling, and took the initiative to say, “Father, since it is a major marriage, it must be about the right match. My sister and I are about the same age, so why should we talk about the priority issue? I think we should consider it. Yes, who is more appropriate to ask. 9

Yueqing was unwilling to hear the words, and continued to shirk, saying that the fourth princess was better than herself.

Seeing that the two daughters are pushing each other away, neither of them wants to marry.

The Emperor Jingyang was not surprised, and continued to smile, “You don’t know who the marriage partner is yet, so just shirk it like this, and don’t regret it for a while.” 11

Hearing this, the two princesses also became curious, and looked at them together, waiting for the next paragraph.

“Then father, you can just say it directly, why sell it like this?”

The seventh princess pouted and said that she was young and liked to act like a spoiled child in front of Emperor Jingyang on weekdays.

“This time, the object of the marriage that the father intends to marry is the portrait of the hidden immortal clan.” Emperor Jingyang smiled lightly.

Painted in the Sanda domain, it is considered to be one of the top Immortal Dao forces. It has an ancient and long-standing heritage, and it is rare to be a side-by-side Dao lineage force, and its background is unfathomable.

As for the surname of painting, it can be said to be one of the oldest human surnames in the Sancan region, and it is said to be related to the emperor.


When hearing this, whether it was the fourth princess or the seventh princess, they were all slightly startled, their mouths opened slightly, and they reacted in a half-sounding manner.

“There are quite a few famous young heroes of this generation except for that one…”

The fourth princess Yue Qingshuang frowned and pondered, thinking about who the King Jingyang planned to marry them to the portrait.

At least in terms of identity and strength, they must also be matched with them, and their peers must be able to rank in the top five or even the top three.

“Royal father, you’re just betraying the police. Who the hell are you marrying with the portrait?”

The clearer the Seventh Princess, the less thought to guess, and she asked directly.

66. “The portrait of the young master, the painting of Minghan. 9 The king of Jingyang smiled.


Hearing this, the fourth princess Yue Qingshuang, who was still guessing, was stunned for a moment, her beautiful eyes slightly, and she almost doubted her ears, whether she heard it wrong.

The seven princesses on the side became clearer, but they were also dumbfounded, unable to believe it.

“How is it possible, Royal Father, don’t you lie to us? I remember that the person in the portrait has a marriage contract on him.

The fourth princess, Yue Qingshuang, suddenly reacted, her breathing was a little unnatural, and her speech speed was much faster.

“There is indeed a marriage contract on the portrait of the young master, but the marriage contract is not something that cannot be destroyed.”

“What’s more, he’s not married yet.”

Emperor Jingyang smiled and said, not surprised at the reaction of the two daughters.

“Father, Sister Qihuang is still young. I don’t think it’s uncomfortable to ask her about marriage. I can ask her to wait for a while and grow up…”

The daughter “is not too young, and she should really consider a marriage break, and hope that the father and emperor will be fulfilled.”

After receiving the exact answer from the Emperor Jingyang, the fourth princess Yue Qingshuang’s expression was slightly shocked, and she immediately opened her mouth and said that she felt that the seventh princess was uncomfortable.

Hearing this, the Seventh Princess became unhappy all of a sudden, and hurriedly said, “Father, my daughter is not too young, so it’s time to think about marriage, even if I just fell in love with the Fourth Emperor, I think it’s more appropriate to ask.

“Don’t listen to the nonsense of the Fourth Emperor.

“I just said it around, so you don’t regret it, why are you turning your face so fast now?”

Emperor Jingyang smiled and said authentically.

“After all, the object of marriage is the one in the portrait, I think in this world, there should be no woman who would refuse.

Hearing this, the fourth princess, Yue Qingshuang, didn’t blush at all (Li Qian’s), and was very straightforward.

The clearer the Seventh Princess, she nodded in agreement, not feeling embarrassed at the change she just followed.

“You have to think about it, the object of marriage can only be one person, how to choose depends on the two of you.” Emperor Jingyang smiled.

The news that Emperor Jingyang planned to marry one of the two princesses to the young master portrait quickly spread in the palace.

The rest of the princes who got the news were deeply shocked and incredible.

“How is that possible? It’s Young Master He Minghan?”

Yue Zhangkong’s eyes widened in surprise, almost wondering if he heard it wrong.

However, after learning the news, several princesses were very unwilling, and felt that why they could not become marriage objects.

Then, they all ran to the Emperor Jingyang to complain, and even the family behind them were involved in Qin.

For a time, there was a lot of turmoil and sensation in the Imperial Capital of Jingyang because of this incident.

And the painting Minghan, who is far away, did not expect that a letter would be transmitted from Jingyang Xian Dynasty, across many Taoist realms, to the portrait.

The messenger of the Jingyang Xian Dynasty is an elegant middle-aged man with a holy cultivation base and a heavy gift.

At this moment, with a smile on his face, he is in the painting hall, discussing this matter with several clan elders and other high-level officials.

“This is what my Majesty Jingyang Xianchao means, and I hope all seniors can take a look.

This elegant middle-aged man presented the letter with a smile and stood aside.

“Marriage? 99

The current owner of the portrait, the father Huang Minghan has always called, has deep eyes, swept the contents of the letter, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

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