179 The accident is so sudden, I hope he has his own natural appearance (please subscribe)

Although the Saintess of Yaochi seems to be very aloof, she is not contaminated with the mundane, and it seems that she does not exist in the human world.

But simply bandaging these, she will be able to.

It’s just that the blue-eyed fire grey lion’s edge is corroded and hurts a lot.

On Yue Qingyi’s arm, some parts were burned by the high temperature, and it would be difficult to heal in a while.

If it were an ordinary woman, facing such an injury, I am afraid that she would have fainted long ago.

But she was calm and calm.

This calmness made the Saintess of Yaochi feel a bit of admiration.

If it was her, in such a situation, at most it would be the same as Yue Qingyi.

“There is Saintess of Laoyaochi.”

Hearing this, Yue Qingyi also opened her mouth and thanked Saintess of Yaochi, and then seemed to notice that there were policemen in both men and women, and staggered, wanting to stand up.

However, on the way to standing up, she seemed to have touched the injury again, which made her face pale in pain, and her brows suddenly raised.

Huang Minghan looked at her actions and shook his head gently.

Afterwards, he stretched out his hand, supported her shoulders, and said, “The nine princesses are injured, so it’s better not to move around.”

Seeing this, the third prince Yuezhangkong also said, “Yes, Jiuhuangmei, please stop moving, or else you will be injured again.”

“Your cultivation base is low, and it will take at least some time if you want to ask more questions. Even if you have an imperial doctor to heal you after returning to the palace, you will have to cultivate for a few days.”

“So at this time, you can just rest easy and recover from your injury. 97

“Indeed, the nine princesses might as well tell us what happened?

Hua Minghan nodded slightly and said the same thing.

Hearing this, Yue Qingyi seemed a little embarrassed to look at Hua Minghan and said in a low voice, “Then there is Young Master Lao Minghan.”

Afterwards, she didn’t hide it, and simply explained all the ins and outs that she and Zhao Wu were teleported here after accidentally touching the prohibition of the formation technique.

She was also a little uneasy at first, after all, she was suddenly teleported here inexplicably.

It was so unexpected that there was no response.

However, Zhao Hao acted very calm and natural, as if he was not surprised, as if he had expected it, and he also said that she should not worry, just follow him.

Then, Yue Qingyi calmed down slightly, followed behind Zhao Hao, and went all the way to the depths along the cave.

In the depths of this cave, she and Zhao Wu both saw a closed cave.

In front of the gate of the cave, there is a stone lion standing, as if guarding the place, strictly preventing all monks and souls who step into this place.

Yue Qingyi guessed that the cave house was the one of the Zixia Zhenren they had been looking for.

But Yun Yu was cautious, she didn’t go, but asked Zhao Wu if she wanted to wait here for Yue Zhangkong, Huang Minghan and others to come.

Zhao Wu, on the other hand, looked worried and didn’t pay much attention to her request.

Of course, he did not rush into the past rashly, but only said that there is only one inheritance of Zixia Zhenren.

If the rest of the people came at this time, then he and Yue Qingyi would not be able to distinguish anything in the end.

The fact that the two of them were able to live here by accident must have been related to Zixia Zhenren’s cave dwelling.

They are inlaid with real fate.

It’s just that the stone lion is more troublesome. Once it gets close to the cave, it will wake it up.

Yue Qingyi was curious as to why he knew this, but Zhao Hao didn’t answer her question directly, he was just thinking about something.

“Aah, I know that guy is uneasy and kind, and he has been thinking about the inheritance of Zixia Zhenren. He has been sceptical on the way, looking around…”

Hearing this, Yue Zhangkong couldn’t help but let out a sneer, as if he was very dissatisfied with that Zhao Smelling.

Huang Minghan has been paying attention to Yue Qingyi’s expression, trying to judge the truth of her words.

She didn’t look like she was innocent.

After all, saying the hook means that she doesn’t care about Zhao Wu’s thoughts, nor does she worry about what Zhao Wu will think after the event.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t say it myself.

He even deliberately led everyone to be disgusted with Zhao Wu.

At the beginning, he once thought that Yue Qingyi and Zhao Wu were in the same group.

However, from these words, it is difficult for Dong Minghan to judge the truth.

After all, what Yue Qingyi said was basically the same as what he guessed Zhao Wu would do.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi and Dong Mingxian frowned when they heard it.

Judging from what Yue Qingyi said, Zhao Wu seemed to have many doubts.

“In the back, he did not know where to find a very strange incense stick, saying that as long as the incense stick was lit, he could lead away the stone lion guarding the gate of the cave.

“But you need to go alone, wake it up, and let it leave the door of the cave…”

Yue Qingyi continued to speak, with a calm expression on his face, and slowly told many things that followed.

“A scent?

With a puzzled look on his face, Yue Zhangkong asked, “Why did Zhao Wu prepare so well? Also, how did he know this?

Hearing this, Yue Qingyi shook his head and said, “I don’t know either. Because after the stone lion manifests, it will be distracted by the incense stick, so Junior Brother Zhao Wu suggested that the two of us work together, by He went to the cave to wake up the stone lion.”

“And let me go to the distance to light the incense, and then leave in another direction…

“How courageous, this guy dares to let you take the risk to lure that stone lion away.

Hearing this, Yue Zhangkong couldn’t hide his anger, his fists clenched tightly.

In his opinion, that blue-eyed fire lion is at least at the quasi-sanctuary level.

Even though Yue Qingyi has many magical weapons to protect her body, it is only a king-level cultivation. How can she lure away that ancient alien beast?

This Zhao Wu Mingming wanted her to lead the lion away, and then take the opportunity to open the cave of Zixia Zhenren and monopolize its inheritance.

He is really daring, isn’t he afraid of Emperor Jingyang’s blame later?

Huang Minghan also raised his eyebrows, feeling that things were a bit strange.

Then Zhao Wu has always been used to being cautious, so how dare he let Yue Qingyi take risks, and he monopolizes the inheritance?

This is not like what Zhao Wu dared to do.

Or is Yue Qingyi lying? What is it hiding?

“Brother Huang misunderstood Junior Brother Zhao Wu, he didn’t want me to lead the stone lion away by himself, he just asked me to light the incense stick in the distance, and then leave quickly.

“And he went to wake up the stone lion and lead it to the direction where the fragrance was ignited. It’s just that there was an accident behind…”

However, after hearing Yue Zhangkong’s words, Yue Qingyi waved his hand to explain, defending Zhao Wu.

“Junior Brother Zhao Wu did plan this way in the beginning, but after successfully attracting the blue-eyed fire grey lion, an accident happened. Junior brother Zhao Wu couldn’t escape the blue-eyed fire grey lion at all, and was quickly caught up with him. …”

“Can’t run?”

Yue Zhangkong was completely stunned, he didn’t expect it to be like this.

He couldn’t help but ask, “Where is Zhao Wu now?”

“I watched him being chased all the way by that blue-eyed fire lion, half of his arm was torn off, and he could only panic and flee towards the dark river…”

“But his injury is very serious, I guess he should be more fortunate.”

Having said that, a faint sadness appeared on Yue Qingyi’s face.

The Saintess of Yaochi, Hua Mingxian and the others were also extremely surprised, and did not expect such a thing to happen at all.

It was originally planned to lead away the blue-eyed fire greyhound? But because it couldn’t run away?

Is there anything so funny?

But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed difficult to determine the strength of its cultivation before the stone lion is hooked and revealed.

And Zhao Hao’s own cultivation level is no more than the False God realm, which is not known by how many big realms it is worse than the quasi-sacred realm.

Also inquisitively.

Huang Minghan frowned slightly.

There is indeed no problem with the statement of Yue Qingyi, no matter what aspect it is from.

Among the many news related to the inheritance of the Zixia real person, there is indeed no record of the cultivation base of the blue-eyed fire lion.

It’s not surprising that Zhao Xiu didn’t know about this matter.


As the son of luck, is Zhao Wu’s luck really that bad? Will he die in the mouth of the blue-eyed fire lion?

Just came across such an accident?

On the contrary, when Yue Qingyi talked about this, she deliberately asked everyone to follow her thoughts.

Whether it is Yue Zhangkong or Saintess of Yaochi, they are now thinking about the possibility of such a thing happening, and lamenting that Zhao Xiu’s luck is too bad.

None of them doubted, these words were skillfully tied together before and after, making them confident step by step.

“I underestimated this guy, just guiding everyone like this, thinking along with her words, and believing it, is an incredible means.

There is interest in Huang Minghan’s eyes.

But he didn’t say much at this time.

He is now basically certain that Zhao Wuyun is aware of the matter, and whether he is dead or not, it is still unclear.

Moreover, Yue Qingyi is not simple, obviously hiding a lot of things…

Huang Minghan even suspected that she had stabbed Zhao Xiu in the back.

After realizing that Zhao Wu seemed to have the means of foresight, he came up with the idea of ​​killing people and stealing treasures?

Of course, if it wasn’t for Hua Minghan’s suspicion of Yue Qingyi from the beginning, it would be impossible to speculate like this.

Zhao Hao was so cautious, how could he bring Yue Qingyi to touch the teleportation pattern here.

It is very likely that on the way, Zhao Wulubao was noticed by Yue Qingyi.

So I kept an eye on him, and after Zhao Hao “accidentally” touched the teleportation pattern, he teleported along with him.

Then at this place, the hook stabbed Zhao Wu on the back of his hand.

“However, there is another possibility…”

“But in that case, wouldn’t it be too coincidental?”

Hua Minghan’s eyes were different, and he didn’t make a sound, just kept his mind secretly.

Later, Yue Qingyi’s injury was slightly better and he was able to walk by himself, but Hua Minghan did not let Hua Minghan continue to help him.

For the blue-eyed fire lion, everyone was quite afraid, although Hua Minghan shot it back, but it did not mean that it had left.

This place is very dark, maybe it is hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity to attack and kill?

However, regarding the inheritance of Immortal Zixia in front of them, everyone still couldn’t give up, so they followed this cave and went all the way.

On the way, everyone did see the strange incense that was half burnt, but already extinguished.

Yue Zhangkong sent someone to pull it up, and after a while of exploration, it was indeed found that there seemed to be some kind of medicinal material in it, which seemed to make alien beasts violent.

However, the cinnamon has been extinguished, and there are still bloodstains around.

Yue Qingyi explained that she left it at that time, and the incense stick was also thrown here at that time.

Yue Zhangkong and the others did not suspect these, but took the incense stick with him, and after leaving, let someone check to see what kind of strange incense this is.

Later, Yue Qingyi led the way, and everyone came all the way to the cave where she and Zhao Hao came before.

Along the way, you can see the traces of the battle, and a lot of ores fell down.

Many places were scorched, and some broken instruments, stained with blood, were smashed by some kind of giant force, and scattered all over the place.

In a little distance, you can even see some severed limbs that were torn apart, and the blood was blurred.

“It is indeed Zhao Hao’s clothes. Judging from the blood stains, after he was seriously injured, he could only escape from this dark river…”

“But in this dark river, there should be a lot of beasts. If you follow the smell of blood to find him, it will be more fortunate than good.”

After coming here, Yue Zhangkong soon saw some broken clothes, stained with blood.

Obviously these were left behind by Zhao Wu, and one could even imagine the difficult battle between him and the blue-eyed fire grey lion at that time.

This place is still some distance away from the cave, but everyone can see it in 2.3. There is a mighty and tall stone lion standing there. It is the blue-eyed fire lion that chased and killed Yue Qingyi before.

After it returned here, it turned into a stone lion and guarded the entrance of the cave.

“Judging from these bloodstains, Zhao Wu is really bad luck…”

“What a pity.”

Huang Minghan also walked to the edge of the dark river at this moment, looking at the bloodstains spilled along the way, he couldn’t help shaking his head slightly.

Yue Qingyi stood behind him, raised his neck, looked at him, and then quietly withdrew his gaze.

She felt that Hua Minghan’s sentence was a pity, and she seemed to sigh with emotion. Before he started, Zhao Hao died, and he didn’t get the one-third of the space-time source fragment.

However, he also felt that his words seemed to have the meaning of police.

Yue Qingyi didn’t know whether he believed the words he said.

It is not an easy thing to hide from him.

As for whether Yue Zhangkong and Saintess Yaochi doubted her, she hadn’t thought about it at all, nor was she worried.

Zhao Wu’s one-third piece of the space-time source fragment is in her hands.

She used a secret technique to cover up the aura, and it was impossible for Hua Minghan to use another piece of space-time origin to determine the location of the other two pieces.

Therefore, what she was worried about was not this, but Hua Minghan noticed something wrong through some minor anomalies, and thus suspected her.

“I hope Zhao Wu brothers, Jiren will have their own good looks. 99

“I don’t think he looks like a short-lived person…”

And just when Yue Qingyi raised some concerns in her heart.

Hua Minghan had already left the dark river, and he seemed to no longer pay attention to Zhao Xiu’s life and death, and instead focused his attention on Zixia’s real man’s cave.

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