171 It’s a little trouble at most, come in here (please subscribe)

When Zhao Wu showed that sneer, Yue Qingyi could see it clearly, and she couldn’t help showing a strange color in her neck.

However, this disparity quickly disappeared without revealing the slightest abnormality.

Although Hua Minghan was quite sighed when he mentioned the Zixia Mountains in front of him, he seemed to know nothing about it.

For the various forbidden ancient formations, there is no way to do anything.

But Yue Qingyi knew that Hua Minghan must have known about this long ago. After all, the servant before him, who was reborn after five hundred years, must know many things about the Zixia Mountains.

Huang Minghan killed the servant, and naturally he would not let go of these memories from the future.

This means that foresight, compared to ordinary people, has an absolute innate advantage.

So how could Dong Minghan not know about the cracking method of the forbidden ancient formation?

He said that, it was nothing more than acting, pretending to be seen by everyone here.

If it is really stupid to believe it, then Rao will be reduced to a chess piece by him who has been lazy in the dark.

And Zhao Hao actually thought that Huang Minghan didn’t know about this place, so he sneered sarcastically?

In this regard, she can only say that Zhao Wu is an idiot and stupid.

Yue Qingyi was well aware of Huang Minghan’s horror. In his eyes, the ancient prohibition formation here could only be said to be walking on the ground, and it was impossible to stop him.

She will appear here, naturally not for the inheritance of the Zixia Mountains.

Yue Qingyi had another purpose, and she knew that Hua Minghan possessed some kind of mysterious means, and could clearly judge the richness of Qi Luck carried by a person.

Therefore, in order to prevent Hua Minghan’s attention, when she came here, she tried to cover up the luck that she carried.

Luck itself is illusory and invisible to the naked eye.

Even if he opened the Immortal Dao Heavenly Eye, or possessed some kind of innate pupil technique, he would not be able to see it clearly.

Yue Qingyi understands what Qi Luck is, so it is naturally much simpler to cover up his own Qi Luck.

Since she dared to choose to be reborn back to five hundred years ago, she must have strong confidence.

At this moment, in the front, Huang Minghan planned to separate from Yue Zhangkong and his group.

Regarding the matter of the Zixia Mountains, the more Zhangkong revealed that the rhyme has come enough.

This and the part of the rebirth memory that Huang Minghan had learned were basically overlapped with each other.

He knows the so-called method of breaking the formation, and he also knows that there are other tests within the Zixia Mountains.

However, what Hua Minghan was more concerned about was the matter related to Zhao Smelling. In his eyes, the inheritance of Immortal Zixia was far less important than that piece of space-time origin.

He believes that Zhao Wu will definitely not let go of the opportunity at hand, and will find a way to go to the Zixia Mountains in the past few days to seize the inheritance.

And for Hua Minghan, this is also an opportunity to ask questions.

At the moment, he smiled and said to Yue Changkong, “If that’s the case, why don’t brother Changkong go with me three days later. According to this statement, the test outside the Zixia Mountains should not only be as simple as the ancient formation. .”

“We have one more person, but also one more chance, and we can also take care of it. What do you think? 99

Hearing this, Yue Zhangkong was stunned at first, and then he reacted, and he was naturally ecstatic. If there were Hua Minghan and others accompanying him, the chance of breaking the formation would indeed be much higher.

He couldn’t help it.

“If that’s the case, that’s the best” gas. “Yue Zhangkong’s face showed joy, and he readily agreed.

The several princes and princesses behind him were also quite excited.

In their opinion, if they go with Huang Minghan, no one will dare to fight with them, and the chance of encountering danger on the way will be much smaller.

However, Yue Qingyi was a little surprised, guessing that Huaming wanted to do this, it should be directed at Zhao Hao.

He should also know that Zhao Wu has another fragment of the origin of time and space.

Just by looking at the sky, it is possible to judge and understand Zhao Wu’s whereabouts and actions.

Zhao Hao himself didn’t know anything about this, and he didn’t even know that Huang Minghan had another piece of space-time origin in his hands.

And soon, three days passed in a flash, and things about the Zixia Mountains were already spreading around.

The emerging purple fog drowned all directions, causing many monks who wanted to go deep into the Zixia Mountains to stop.

In the end, I can only wait outside, and it is difficult to enter.

They are quite regretful that external forces cannot destroy the ancient formation at all.

There is a holy realm loose cultivator who has tried it, but was sent to the ancient rhythm array by the shock force, and was seriously injured because of it.

“Zixia Master left the inheritance, only for those who have fate. If there is no fate, you can only watch it outside.

Many people are sighing inwardly, but they are still very unwilling in their hearts.

Huang Minghan, Yaochi Saintess Xiyan, Yue Zhangkong and others are also standing outside the Zixia Mountains at this moment.

From a distance, you can see that the fog is wafting, it is very dense, and the front is directly covered by the tumbling, so it is impossible to see clearly.

Only faint outlines of mountains and ancient forests can be seen.

Of course, only when you really walk in will you discover the mystery of this ancient formation.

No matter what, it will be sent to the original place in the end.

“In the past three days, I have checked a lot of ancient books, but I haven’t found any relevant records. If you want to break the formation, I am afraid you can only start from the formation.”

“From the current point of view, I haven’t seen any monk who really cracked this ancient formation.

Standing outside the mountain range, Huang Minghan shook his head and sighed.

After separating from Yue Zhangkong and the others, he went to find the Yaochi saintdess Xiyan and mentioned the matter to her.

Although she didn’t really want to go with Yue Zhangkong and others, she still couldn’t defeat Hua Minghan in the end.

Facing the temptation of clues from the wordless scriptures, it is difficult for her to remain indifferent.

So he came with Hua Minghan, but he was just by his side, he didn’t speak too much, and he was very peaceful.

Yue Zhangkong was also quite surprised when he saw Yaochi Saintess Xiyan following Hua Minghan.

Then I couldn’t help but think of the embarrassment on her face when Saintess Yaochi refused to go with him.

Fortunately, no one mentioned this kind of thing much, and he naturally didn’t say much.

“I asked people to go to Jingyang’s bookstore to check, but I learned a little about the records of the Immortal Lost Formation, 99

“However, only a few words were mentioned. This formation is said to have no solution, and it is impossible to really break it. It can only be said to find the correct route in it…

“Finding the correct route is very difficult, and every step needs to be deduced thousands of times…

Yue Zhangkong restrained his mind and said.

Rough Wan times is only a conservative estimate, and it is not something that ordinary people can deduce when it comes to the Immortal Fascinating Formation.

Every deduction consumes a terrifying amount of mental power.

Even a master with deep attainments would suddenly vomit blood, and even die of mental exhaustion.

Of course, this ancient formation is definitely not comparable to the real Immortal Fascinating Formation, but it is no trivial matter.

Hearing this, Yaochi Saintess Xiyan also nodded and nodded slightly, “This is similar to the ancient records I have consulted. There is no way to crack the Immortal Immortal Array, only to find the correct rhyme. 33

“But if you want to find a way, you can only step into it and deduce the number of azimuth steps…”

Hearing this, Hua Minghan glanced at her in surprise.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi instantly understood what he meant. She was surprised. Did she really check it out? Or did she know it originally?

She didn’t explain much about it.

The Lost Immortal Formation itself is based on the change of the lost track in the Wordless Heavenly Book. She knows the rubbing, so she naturally knows how to deal with the change of the lost track.

Zhao Hao, who followed the crowd, listened to these words quietly from the back, but his heart was a little smirking.

He knew that in order to crack this ancient formation, there was a formation master who died in it.

The complete method of leaving the formation was also deduced in the following decades.

If you really want to leave the formation, you can only rely on fate and forcibly deduce the route, which will only make your mind exhausted and die alive.

Ordinary masters of the formation can’t do it at all, let alone Hua Minghan, the Saintess of Yaochi and others, who are not good at this.

Of course, as a rebirth, he naturally knows how to leave the formation.

In the past three days, Zhao Wu also thought about separating from the crowd and going alone, but this way, it was too obvious, and it might be noticed by interested people.

Maybe the other two rebirths in the dark have also been paying attention to this side.

So to be on the safe side, he still chose to follow the crowd, and then he would find a way to get separated from the crowd and seize the opportunity alone.

Soon, Dong Minghan, the Saintess of Yaochi, Yue Zhangkong and the others walked towards the range of the ancient formation in front.

Many cultivators noticed it, excited and wanted to follow.

However, on the way, he was submerged by the purple fog, and he lost his way in an instant.

Yue Zhangkong held an ancient lantern, glowing with halo, dispelling the surrounding purple fog, and carefully exploring the path.

Because of this ancient lantern, they were not drowned by the fog in the first place.

However, the range covered by the halo is not large, and it can only accommodate five or six people.

If you continue to go deeper, as the purple fog thickens, the area covered by the ancient lantern will only get smaller.

“, “Jiuhuangmei, you will follow me for a while. Once you are scattered here, it is very likely that you will not be able to find each other.

Yue Zhangkong was exploring the way ahead, and he did not forget to instruct Yue Qingyi and the others who followed behind.

On this trip, he brought fewer people, and Yue Qingyi’s identity was more special.

If the hook happened here, after returning to Jingyang Xian Dynasty, he would not be able to explain to his father.

Before he came, he had explained to Yue Qingyi and let her stay in Zi (Li Wanghao) Xia Ancient City, it was really dangerous here.

But Yue Qingyi didn’t agree, and wanted to come here on the grounds of curiosity and Yun Gong’s experience.

There is no way for the more sky to do this, but to let her follow.

Her cultivation base and talent are mediocre, and her strength is really low compared to her peers.

On weekdays, there are strong people around to follow and protect, but when they came to the Zixia Mountains, no one followed.

“Brother Three Emperors, you don’t have to worry, I have the life-saving jade talisman given by my father.

After Yue Qingyi heard the words, she still replied calmly.

There was a light emotion on her beautiful and delicate face.

The more Zhangkong shook his head helplessly, this imperial sister really relied on the love of her father and the emperor, and she was not afraid of the grave.

After all, he had been in the palace for too long, and he had never encountered anything from the outside world, so he did not understand how terrifying these dangers were.

Do you really think that with the life-saving jade talisman, you will be safe and sound?

“Third prince, rest assured, as long as I am here, Senior Sister Qingyi will not be hurt.”

Zhao Hao, who was following a little later, could not help but smile a little when he heard this, and said, “This time I leave the palace, Senior Sister’s safety is under my full protection, and I will not let her suffer any harm.

When he said this, there was a sincere expression on his face, and he almost didn’t pat his chest to assure Xiao.

At this time, he naturally wouldn’t miss the opportunity to brush his favorability in front of Yue Qingyi.

Moreover, he does have this confidence, and feels that there can be no crisis in this place, at most it is just a little trouble,

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