166 If you invite the saints to walk, are you not afraid of your legs being broken? (Subscribe)

The ancient city of Zixia caused a great sensation because of the appearance of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, and the long street was boiling.

Many young Tianjiao who admired his name rushed over, wanting to see his true face.

Even many older cultivators watched from a distance, spitting admiration in their mouths, feeling that the Saintess of Yaochi was worthy of the title of the first beauty in the Three Cans Region that many people praised.

Just standing there, attracted countless young heroes to think about Hui Wan, and the brilliance could not be concealed.

Even those beautiful female disciples of Yaochi were eclipsed in front of them, and it was difficult for people to notice them.

This is a woman who has gathered the wisdom of heaven and earth. Like a real fairy, she may ride the wind and go to the Guanghan Immortal Realm at any time.

She was talking to the female disciples of Yaochi Wonderland, wearing a veil, moving her lotus step gently, and walking on the street, many people deliberately made way for her, worried about disturbing the beauty.

Huang Minghan didn’t go downstairs, but just stood by the window, looking at the scene outside, his expression was extraordinarily calm.

“I just don’t know, will another rebirth who never showed up show up here?”

“The piece of space-time origin fragment I got has not moved up until now.”

“If that’s the case, then it’s just a matter of killing the two of them in one go, collecting all the fragments of the source of time and space, and I can also start preparing for the divine fire.

He thought to himself, thinking about the next plan.

As for Yaochi Saint Xiyan leaving with a bit of anger, he didn’t care much. After all, when she got into trouble, she would definitely find her back by herself.

Judging from the look on her face just now, Hua Minghan could also see that Yaochi Saintess Xiyan’s desire for the Wordless Book.

If there is no clue, she will definitely not come to the ancient city of Zixia.

“If I can witness the true face of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi once in this life, I will die without regrets.”

“It’s a pity, such a beautiful woman, I don’t know who to remove the veil for. 99

On the long street, it was still extremely lively, with young Tianjiao watching from a distance, his heart was full of surprise and admiration.

However, some people also noticed that the timing of the appearance of the Holy Maiden of Yaochi was just when the Zixia Mountain Cave Mansion was going to fish the world.

Is she also interested in this inheritance? So Jihui will appear in the ancient city of Zixia at this time.

This made many monks sigh and feel that this place is more and more lively, even if it was the birthday banquet of the Queen Mother of the West in Yaochi Wonderland before.

At that time, the Queen Mother of the West held a birthday banquet, and almost all ethnic groups in the Sanda region rushed to the past.

However, because Dong Minghan showed his means in front of the Kunlun Holy City, all kinds of rumors appeared, and many Tianjiao did not pass, worried that they would be hit to the heart of Taoism.

This is not a false statement. At that time, Tianjiao, who witnessed Huang Minghan and the Kunlun Holy City Lord, were deeply affected and left a great shadow.

Some old guys who brought their descendants to the banquet, even after a long time, kept scolding.

He felt that the city lord of the Holy City of Kunlun was very dark and bad-hearted, and deliberately tried to test Hua Minghan’s strength to deceive many people.

However, recently, the descendants of Tianjiao of various ethnic groups have begun to hook the world, and the ancient freaks who have been in the dust for a long time have also traveled the world.

There are astonishing record Chuanjun, shocking all parties.

During this period of time, many arrogances indeed appeared in the ancient city of Zixia, and even the heirs of the immortal Taoism appeared.

However, compared to the young Supremes of the Immortal Dao forces, they are still slightly inferior.

Just like the princes of Jingyang Xian Dynasty, they are nobles of Tianhuang, their status is indescribably precious, and they are accompanied by many masters.

Just yesterday, riding a dragon horse, he went deep into the Zixia Mountains, suspected to be inquiring about the terrain there.

In addition, there are also the people of the Dayu Immortal Palace, all of which have also appeared. Some people have seen that this generation of the descendant of the Dayu Immortal Palace is a very low-key and mysterious man, and they have never seen him make a move.

As for the other descendants of the Immortal Dao forces, such as Huang Xu Dao of Chihuang Mountain, they came to this place long ago.

“If the saintess are interested in the inheritance of this place, then you might as well go with her.”

“When the time comes, I will find Zixia Zhenren’s cave, and I will give it to the saint.

At this time, at the end of the long street, there was a sudden sound of laughter, like a thunderous thunder, causing the surrounding to vibrate.

Many monks were startled by the sound and couldn’t help but look towards that place.

Only a tall and handsome dragon steed came out, followed by many young talents and guards.

The figure sitting on the dragon horse, incomparably divine, with a handsome face, dressed in golden armor, like a god of war.

And behind him, there are other young men and women following, also dressed in armor and golden clothes, with extraordinary bearing.

“People from Jingyang Xianchao?”

“It’s the third prince of Jingyang Xian Dynasty, the more sky.

Many cultivators recognized this figure headed by him, and they were all extremely surprised, with awe in their eyes.

The rest of the figures are also the princes and princesses of the Jingyang Xian Dynasty, with extraordinary bearing and demeanor, with innate nobility.

The third prince in front of him is even more extraordinary, and he is one of the candidates most likely to compete for the crown prince position in Jingyang Xianchao.

It is said that on the day of his birth, the light of the emperor’s way reflected in the trilemma, and a golden dragon flew into the sky, carrying a majestic aura, and came to him.

In addition, there are all kinds of extraordinary, terrifying talents, which overwhelm the rest of the royal family, and are highly valued by the contemporary emperor Jingyang.

Someone had seen Jingyang Xianchao’s third prince go higher in the sky, with a lot of people and horses, to the Zixia Mountains. He didn’t expect him to come back at this time. He seemed to have gained something and was confident.

Yue Zhangkong sat on the dragon dog, handsome and handsome, coming towards the long street, his eyes fell on the Yaochi saintdess Xiyan, and she smiled.

He just continued to say this, and the meaning is already very obvious, this is to invite the Holy Maiden of Yaochi to go with him.

As the prince of the Xiandao Dynasty, he is expected to inherit the throne in the future. It can be said that he is one of the most powerful figures in the younger generation.

He was the only one who had the confidence to invite the Saintess of Yaochi, and the rest of the young supreme beings, in front of her, I am afraid they all had to gradually move.

“I heard that this prince once went to the outside of Yaochi Immortal and wanted to visit the Saintess of Yaochi, but was rejected because the Saintess of Yaochi was not there. 19

“I don’t know if this is true or not.

“But what is certain is that the third prince intends to pursue the Saintess of Yaochi, and even threatened to marry Saintess of Yaochi in this lifetime.

In the ancient city of Zixia, on this long street, many monks and creatures couldn’t help but whispered when they watched this scene.

Before this, many people had already gotten some rumors, so they were very surprised. Of course, most of them still had the idea of ​​watching the fun.

After all, a person like the Saintess of Yaochi is too far away from them, like the bright moon in the sky, it can only be seen from a distance, and it is impossible to reach them.

And Yue Zhangkong is one of the descendants of the Immortal Dao forces!

“It is inherited by chance, and those who are destined will get it, so there is no need to trouble the three princes. 39

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi spoke softly, standing with many female disciples of Yaochi, surrounded by the mist, her face was covered by a veil, and she could not see her true face.

She declined the request of Yue Zhangkong’s peers, although it would be much better to have someone help, but obviously, she is not optimistic about Yue Zhangkong.

From a certain point of view, except for Hua Minghan, she does not intend to travel with anyone, whether male or female.

Yue Zhangkong was not surprised that she would reject him, but said with some regret, “Some accidents happened on Zixia Mountain, I’m afraid this trip won’t be too easy, so Saintess won’t think about it? 59

“I have full confidence that I can get the inheritance of Zixia Zhenren, but if the saint wants to, I am willing to give it up.

His tone was very sincere, without the slightest falsehood.

And what he said made many cultivators in this place moved. Is this a direct intention to give up the opportunity?

The so-called throwing of rough gold is only for Bo Jiaren’s smile, that’s all.

“Don’t bother the third prince. If you don’t get the chance here, then Xiyan and Zixia are also missing.”

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi shook her head, still refusing.

Yue Zhangkong shook his head helplessly and said, “Since the saint insists on doing this, it can only be said that she has no chance to walk with you. It’s a pity. 99

He is also very free and easy, without too much entanglement, of course, the main reason is to leave a good impression on the Holy Maiden of Yaochi.

Of course, if it was an ordinary woman, he would definitely not be like this.

But the Holy Maiden of Yaochi is a fairyland of Yaochi, and she has a detached status in the Three Cans Domain, and Saintess of Yaochi is suspected of being born from a fairy fetus, which is the physique of a recent immortal.

Jingyang Xianchao also had an old uncle who asserted that the Saintess of Yaochi was carrying a huge fortune.

If he can get her help, his succession to the throne in the future will be as stable as Mount Tai, and no one can shake it.

In Yue Zhangkong’s eyes, the so-called Zixia real person’s inheritance, how could there be a Saintess of Yaochi as important.

“Hahaha, where did the mad toad come from, just because you want to invite the Holy Maiden to go with you, and you don’t take a picture of it without peeing? 99

But at this moment, in the other direction, there was suddenly a sound of undisguised laughter, with mockery.

A young man dressed in purple appeared, looking a little strange, his face was very pale, as if the sun hadn’t shone for many years.

Around him, there was a layer of faint blood-colored shadows, like blood-like light, which was very dazzling.

The moment many cultivators saw this young man in purple, their faces changed greatly, and then they retreated in all directions, as if they were very jealous of him.

66 “The Heir of the Underworld Blood Immortal Sect…

“No blood!”

Someone whispered, with an expression of incomparable fear and fear, knowing the horror of this person.

The Underworld Blood Immortal Sect is a well-known evil force in the Sanda domain. An evil immortal was born in the ancestors, and it once caused chaos in the Sandan domain.

The blood in front of him is innocent, and it is said that he has obtained the true blood left by the evil blood, which is very suitable for the Taoist inheritance of the Dark Underworld Blood Immortal Sect.

He has shot and killed many descendants of the immortal Dao Lineage. Anyone who is close to him will be corroded by that layer of blood, and it will melt into blood in a short time.

Previously, Xue Wu Bing had fought against a descendant of the Immortal Dao forces, and he was severely injured, and his record was passed on, shocking all parties.

This also makes him one of the most troublesome characters in the younger generation, and he is reluctant to provoke too much.

The moment he saw Xue Wushui, Yue Zhangkong’s face also changed slightly, a hint of fear flashed in his eyes, and then he snorted coldly, “It seems that your injury is not serious, you will be alive after a while.

When he was in the Zixia Mountains, he had played against Xue Wu before.

However, at that time, he relied on the large number of people on his side, and then he defeated the bloodless disease.

The longer the sky is thinking of the village, if he fights alone, his chances of defeating the blood disease are not great.

The opponent’s methods are very strange and tricky. They have integrated the Immortal Transformation Sutra of the Underworld Blood Immortal Sect, and they have mastered several ancient heavenly arts, which are extremely powerful.

This is an extremely difficult opponent, and it is very difficult to beat him until he has not trained Jingyang Xianchao’s Golden Body of Myriad Tribulations to the next level.

“Hehe, it’s just because of the number of people. The longer you are in the sky, you have this ability, and you don’t take pictures of yourself without peeing. Does the Holy Maiden of Yaochi like you?” (Li Wanghao)

Bloodless Immortal Sect’s descendant, Xu Xiaoxiao, was very disdainful of Yue Zhangkong and sneered.

When they heard the conversation between the two, everyone in the ancient city was extremely shocked. They didn’t expect that the two had already fought before this.

It seems that the third prince of Jingyang Xian Dynasty is still in the sky, because the number of people is dominant, and he won the blood without disease?

“There is no blood, do you think that in the ancient city, I would not dare to do anything to you?”

Being so humiliated by Xue Wu over and over again, Rao is Yue Zhangkong’s self-cultivation well, and his face sank.

“You can try.”

Xue Wu Bing was still mocking, wishing that Yue Zhangkong would be disgraced in front of everyone.

After all, he suffered a big loss in the Zixia Mountains before.

At the moment, he looked around and sneered,

“Now, in the Three Cans Domain, everyone knows that before the Holy Spirit Lake, the descendant of the Holy Spirit, was severely injured by the one who was pictured in the Holy City of Kunlun because of the matter of the Holy Maiden of the Jade Lake.

“And you and the guy in the ancient temple of the god of war are only at a tie, you actually plan to let the saintess of Yaochi fill with you?

“Aren’t you afraid that the person in the portrait will break your leg with a hook?”

The sarcasm of his words was undisguised, and he almost didn’t say that the longer the sky is not worthy.

Many cultivators knew that the descendants of the ancient temple of the God of War were defeated by the Holy Son of God in the Holy City of Kunlun, and there was a huge gap between the two.

And the Son of the Holy Spirit couldn’t go back and forth in the hand of the one who painted it.

The Holy Maiden of Yaochi has an unusual relationship with him. When she was in the fairyland of Yaochi, she personally invited him to talk about it.

So there are actually all kinds of rumors all over the place, and I think Saintess of Yaochi and Dong Minghan have a close relationship,

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