158 Saved her life again, this jade pendant is too dreamy (please subscribe)

Wang Yu actually didn’t know why Tang Mei asked about Hua Minghan at this time, and also wanted to know her relationship with him.

But these things, in fact, there is nothing to hide, picked some key points and told Tang Mei.

It’s just that she didn’t say that she and Zhao Shaoyue were visitors from another world.

This matter is related to the safety of her and Zhao Shaoyue’s life, and like the dragon egg she swallowed, it cannot be known to outsiders.

“You’re so grateful – that guy…”

After listening to Wang Yu’s explanation, Tang Mei was also a little speechless. She really didn’t expect that in Wang Yu’s heart, Dong Minghan was so magnificent, and it was not the god sent by the heavens to rescue her.

However, she could only admit that Xu Minghan was really concerned about packaging her own image.

If it wasn’t for the fact that she happened to encounter Hua Minghan’s robbing of the God of Years Gold and the Cut Hu Banxianhua, she would have thought that Hua Minghan was as flawless as rumored.

It turned out to be darker than her heart, and indifferent.

“Could it be that Fairy knows Young Master Hua?”

Wang Yu didn’t know what Tang Mei said, but judging from her reaction, she seemed to know Hua Minghan?

“Know, but don’t know each other very well.

“Also, I was miserable by him.

When he mentioned this matter, Qi Mei was very angry, and he didn’t talk about it at all, and continued to go to the depths of the corridor with Wang Yu.

Although she has Hua Minghan’s handle in her hand, why doesn’t she have her handle in Hua Minghan’s hand?

Wang Yu nodded, and followed Tingmei without asking more questions.

This corridor is very long, but it is very quiet, and there are almost no traces of monks stepping on it, but both of them are still very careful.

“In this place, I can feel the breath of that ancient god…”

Wang Yu said in a low voice, feeling that his physique had become more active, and because of the breath here, a warm current of rhyme was surging.

Qi Mei was not careless either, she had come all the way here, she was naturally worried about an accident.

The two went all the way to the depths. After being here, the crisis seems to be much less, but Wang Yu can still feel that at the end of the corridor, there seems to be a beating heart, like an ancient god drum. Ringing, the voice spread Yun Tianyu out.

And there seems to be a voice calling her, let her hurry over.

“But why is the energy in that dragon egg surging…”

“Before, it was only when I was in danger that it would go around like this. Could it be that there is some danger waiting for me in the depths?”

In fact, Wang Yu was still a little uneasy in his heart, and he was not careless, thinking that the voice must be a kind person.

Compared to Wang Yu’s worry, Qi Mei was now attracted by the many mural reliefs on both sides of the corridor, her eyes glowing purple, and she was seriously looking at these pictures.

These pictures seem to record something, which is related to this ancient god’s cemetery.


“It’s not quite right, if it’s really an ancient god’s cemetery, why is there a city, and who spread the news here? 19

Tang Mei suddenly woke up and was very calm.

She began to stop and study these murals, trying to decipher the secrets here. Of course, she is indeed well-informed, familiar with various ancient characters, and constantly deciphering the meaning of these murals.

Wait a minute, “there’s something wrong, do not go in.”

Sugar charm pulled Wang Yu, her first, and so, if anything, the police let people go to test, otherwise she and Wang Yu would be disastrous.

After coming here, Wang Yu in front of what sounds more and more feeling, urging her fast, very peaceful.

But the more so, the more uneasy and vigilant she became, and she didn’t fully believe it.

At this moment, the two of them heard another sound, and the sound of footsteps was heard. There was an obvious fork in the front of this corridor, which could be connected with both sides. Qi Mei guessed that it was someone from the other forces. After hitting the wall, she turned her head. Come this way.

Immediately, she pulled Wang Yu and ducked to the side. At the same time, she hooked a hidden magic weapon, covering the two of them like a gauze, and instantly their figures were blurred.

Unless it is carefully sensed, it is difficult to detect their traces.

“That place turned out to be a dead end of the collapse, but I didn’t expect it to be connected to the other side, which is not bad.

A young man’s voice sounded, tall, with a golden neck and a cross crack, and the dragon horn on his forehead was particularly obvious.

It was the Tianjiao Longsheng of Wanlongling, and he was accompanied by many elders who walked along this corridor.

“If this place is really the existence that failed to fight for the name of the first ancient god, even if only one-tenth of the inheritance, it is enough for the son and Long Huang to compete.”

An elder from Wanlongling said that none of them are outsiders here, and even when it comes to mentioning Long Huang, there is not much respect.

After all, there are many Wanlongling tribes, and Long Huang is only one of them, and cannot really convince the crowd.

Especially some time ago, Long Huang was defeated by Man, which damaged the reputation of Wanlongling, and there were many criticisms of Long Huang in the clan.

And Longteng is a powerful candidate for the descendants of Wanlongling. As long as he gets the chance here, even Long Huang is not afraid.

Hearing this, Long Sheng Mimami swept across the surrounding murals for a while, not caring.

He then said indifferently, “Find the heart first, and let’s talk about things that have been stained with the deadly qi, you need a lot of anger to neutralize them, or forcibly fuse it, it will damage your own origin. 99

“These guys really thought that this place was an opportunity, and they all wanted to join in the fun, but they didn’t know that this was a cemetery that had been designed for them.

“Just died in the right place, and solved a lot of trouble for me.”

His words were very cold, and after coming here, he made no secret of his purpose.

When he was in the outside world before, he had deliberately said a lot of words to hide people’s eyes and ears, just to hide his true purpose.

From the very beginning, Longteng knew that there was an ancient god’s inheritance here, and even his heart was left behind.

It contains vast power, as well as the imprint of the ancient gods, which records the innate magical powers of various ancient gods, tyrannical and mysterious.

It must be known that the ancient gods are the strongest ethnic group known as one of the innate races, carrying the stars and walking. In the ancient times, the masters of the ancient gods were also known as the masters of the universe.

This place even buried the existence that could compete for the name of the first ancient god.

The strength of the heyday is absolutely incredible, perhaps not necessarily compared to the true immortal.

“Speaking of which, it is thanks to Long that this matter is due, if it hadn’t been for him to learn that this place is secret, I wouldn’t be able to set up this game.

“It’s even more impossible to spread the news that when all the three regions know the tomb of the ancient gods, it is indeed a pleasant surprise to be able to attract so many people.

Referring to this, Long Teng showed a faint smile on his face, and the Long Ran in his mouth was a clan behind him.

Accidentally entered this place by accident, learned the secret of this place, and then the Hui people reported to him.

Only then did the birth of the tomb of the ancient gods alarm all parties, and behind this incident was actually the handwriting of Wanlongling.

However, apart from the tribesmen of Wanlongling, no one knew about it.

“It is an honor to be able to help the young master. 99

One of the tribesmen behind the Wanlongling team, heard the words showing a diligent and excited expression, hurried forward, knelt down in front of Longteng, and had a very respectful and fanatical attitude.

He looked like a middle-aged man, and he was exactly the Long Ran in Long Teng’s mouth.

“Don’t worry, as long as I can get the opportunity here, the benefits are indispensable to you, when I become a descendant of the clan, you will follow me, and the tide will rise.

“As long as you are loyal to me, I can give you more of what the clan can give you.”

Long Teng smiled lightly, and at this time he did not forget to buy people’s hearts, and he seemed extremely confident.

However, Qi Mei and Wang Yu, who were hiding in the dark, were shocked by these words. They didn’t expect to know Wanlongling’s plan at this time.

Wang Yu himself has been chased by Wanlongling all the time, and he has no good feelings towards Wanlongling. At this moment, he is even more disgusted when he learns of his conspiracy.

It’s just that at this time, it is impossible for them to expose this conspiracy.

Soon, the Wanlongling people went all the way along the corridor and disappeared at the end, Tang Mei and Wang Yuji showed their figures.

“I didn’t expect to be calculated again…”

Qi Mei felt unhappy for a while, and felt that if she continued to follow her, she might have a part-time job for the people in Wanlongling.

After all, they had already made plans, and they must have been arranged properly. If this time passes, it is not stupid or what?

In fact, Wang Yu was also retreating, but the voice of the call made her hesitate, not knowing whether the kindness in it was true or not.

“What’s up?”

Chi Mei looked at her and asked.

“There is a voice calling me.

At this time, Wang Yu did not hide any more, and directly informed Tang Mei of the voices he heard at the beginning.

Tang Mei frowned when she heard the words, and it was hard to say, after all, she was not sure about the danger of this kind of thing.

“It’s up to you to judge this matter, I can’t help you,” she said.

Wang Yu gritted her silver teeth, and was very entangled in her heart, worried that the voice was just a bait, deceiving her.

But what if it is really her chance?

If she just relies on her current self, how can she let Hua Minghan know in the future, in front of the world, that his vision is right.

The ancient divine body will reappear in her splendor.

“I’m going to find out.” Then, Wang Yu said firmly.

Seeing her like this, Qi Mei had a headache, and then thought about it, and said, “Then I will help you once, as a way to repay the favor of robbing your treasures.

Wang Yu was very stunned. She didn’t expect Tang Mei to choose to help her. She felt a burst of warmth in her heart, and silently kept this kindness in her heart. If there is a chance in the future, she will repay her.

…. ask for flowers…..

At the end of the corridor, Wang Yu and Tang Mei saw a fork in the road again.

After arriving here, the calling voice in her mind became clearer and clearer, making Wang Yu feel that her soul was a little floating, and the corridor on the right seemed to be the source of the calling voice.

She couldn’t even control her footsteps, her whole person became confused, and she was attracted by this voice and couldn’t help but walk towards that direction.

“One side is the side hall, and the other is the main hall.” Tang Mei didn’t know Wang Yu’s changes at the moment, and was still thinking about these two corridors.

Seeing that Wang Yu was about to head towards the main hall, she didn’t think much about it, she just followed.


But at this moment, Wang Yu’s brow suddenly had a strange rune lit up.

At the same time, the jade pendant that she had been hiding in her arms and placed close to her body also emitted a fiery aura.

This fiery breath rushed straight into her mind, causing the voice to dissipate abruptly.

“Can’t go there…”

Because of this, Wang Yu’s consciousness suddenly ushered in, his face was extremely pale, and his back was full of cold sweat.

She was extremely frightened, and quickly took out the jade pendant that Hua Minghan had given, and saw tiny cracks appearing on it.

Gang Ji seems to be in this crack, an inexplicable aura rushed out, making her spiritual platform empty, Ji Ji recovered from the state of confusion.

“The jade pendant that Young Master Gai gave me was the one that saved me…”

Wang Yu stared at this jade pendant in amazement, wondering why this jade pendant, which had nothing unusual, could actually save her life at this time.

At that time, Hua Minghan said that this was his personal jade pendant, and it reminded Zhao Shaoyue for a while.

“What’s wrong?” Tang Mei was still a little unclear about what happened, but seeing Wang Yu’s pale face, she knew that it was not easy.

We “go to the side hall.”

Wang Yu came back to his senses, his eyes were bright, and he said, “Just around, the jade pendant gifted by Master Hua saved my life again.”

She explained what happened just now to Tang Mei very briefly, which was very strange and made her feel a little weird.

And after listening to Tang Mei, she couldn’t help but stare at her beautiful eyes in surprise, thinking that this is a dream, or is this jade pendant weird?

She took it from Wang Yu’s hand at once, looked at it carefully, and found that it seemed to be of good quality, and then engraved a picture.

Other than that, there is nothing special, not even runes.

To know how unique her vision is, it is almost impossible to make mistakes, and in the end, she can only come to the conclusion that this seems to be a piece of jade pendant that is close to the body, and the police have no special features.

But why suddenly saved Wang Yu’s life?

“what is this?”

At this moment, in the main hall, the people in Wanlongling, including Long Sheng, were looking at the scene in front of them in shock.

It was like a chaotic river flowing through the universe on both sides.

A terrifying air permeates the air, with jet-black waves on both sides, like the Taiyin river water, filled with chaotic energy, and it seems to lead to the depths of the starry sky.

Ancient coffins floated in the rivers on both sides, ups and downs and tumbling in it, the traces revealed by the hooks were extremely ancient and vicissitudes of life.

It has surpassed many epochs, and it is even difficult to trace its source.

In this underground palace, there is such a vast scene?

It’s almost like stepping into the depths of the universe.

In an instant, he seemed to be outside the starry sky.

One after another, the ancient and majestic stars rise and fall above the head, the bright stars are bright, and the Tianhe is magnificent, spreading to the other side of the world.

In the front, Long Teng also saw the blood gathered on the ground, nine colors intertwined, it was amazing and dazzling, and the fairy brilliance was bright.

The terrifying aura made his skin crack, like a knife of the avenue cutting his bones.

Even if there were wisps of chaotic energy hanging down around it, it was like a smashing sound yesterday, and it was difficult to get close to half a step.

Ancient blood!

Moreover, the number is very large, forming a pool of small lakes.

Long Teng was so shocked that he didn’t even dare to take another half step forward.

He understands the horror of those ancient gods’ blood, even after countless years have passed, and even dissipated the divinity in them.

But just the remaining energy is enough to kill any living being.

And at the high platform in the front, the vast chaotic energy can be seen hanging down. Among them, a heart the size of a human head is beating shatteringly.

It seemed to contain infinite power, which immediately attracted Long Sheng’s attention.

In the depths of this ancient tomb, innumerable rays of brilliance are all converging here, and Long Sheng can even sense the vitality of those monks who have fallen before, and they are also rushing towards a heart hook.

“Sure enough, there is only the anger here, and I can suppress the deadly yin that has been contaminated…”

Long Teng’s eyes were burning, staring at the heart in front of him, he could feel the vast vitality contained in it.

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