145 Fairy’s words are true? I am willing to serve the son (please subscribe)

“It turns out that there are such effects, but this is the first time this junior has seen it. Speaking of which, this is a sacred object that is not even recorded in my painter’s books.”

“But since the fairy is useful, it is for the fairy. 93

Huang Minghan was also very happy, and without hesitation, he gave the Phoenix Perimeter Stone to Fairy Yan.

To be honest, he didn’t even know what this thing could do to him.

If it is given to Fairy Yan, then she should also accept her favor.

When the time comes, let her hook her hand, condense the piece of fluctuating fairy jade for herself, and remove the impurities, she should also be embarrassed to refuse.

What’s more, if she starts to snatch it, she has no way to stop it.

Fairy Yan was stunned, but she didn’t expect Hua Minghan to give it to her directly after hearing that it was related to her condensed body.

Without hesitation at all?

Is this still the Hua Minghan she knew?

This is completely different from what she expected.

According to her understanding of Dong Minghan, a stingy and diverse junior.

Shouldn’t he first bargain with himself, then put forward many conditions, and then give her Huang Qishi with a reluctant look.

Or in other words, directly occupying the Huangqi Stone, and just giving it to yourself?

Fairy Yan was a little suspicious, but she didn’t expect that Hua Minghan would suddenly become so good, and she wasn’t used to it a little bit.

However, she still looked arrogant and arrogant, without showing the eagerness in her heart, the elders were full of airs.

“I won’t take your things for nothing.

She opened her mouth and said, the sound was like a crisp jade falling down, clear and pleasant.

With a faint smile on his face, Proving Han said, “Fairy said what you said, why should you and me be so clear about it?

“How can the juniors be those who are sitting on the ground and raising prices?”

“What’s more, this is a major event related to the recasting and condensing of the body of the fairy, how can we be negligent. 9)

Fairy Yan squinted at him and wanted to ask him, are we two familiar? Don’t come close.

But for the sake of this phoenix rock, she reluctantly did not care about him.

Moreover, what Hua Minghan 17 said made her very comfortable.

“Even if you put forward conditions, as long as I can do it, I can help you. 99

She opened her mouth and said, without communicating with Huang Minghan with her thoughts, she spoke directly, with pride in her tone, as if there was nothing she could not do in this world.

Huang Minghan had originally planned for her with Bai.

But I didn’t expect that this upright guy actually planned to ask himself to make conditions?

“Is what the fairy said true?”

Huang Minghan asked with a strange look in his eyes.

“How could I lie to you?”

Fairy Yan was a little dissatisfied, this guy dared to question her, she was so beautiful and unparalleled in the world, would she be the kind of liar and deceiver?

However, she noticed that Hua Minghan’s expression was a little strange, as if she was thinking about something wrong.

She immediately cast a secret technique, shrouded Hua Minghan’s mind, and then captured the scene he imagined.

Fairy Yan was instantly embarrassed, wishing she could turn into a human figure, and slashed Lei Minghan fiercely, this guy was so daring, he was actually thinking about her face, and then she was dancing for him with long sleeves, her toes like saucers, extremely beautiful .

“this is not OK.

Fairy Yan’s voice suddenly rose a lot, and she lost her composure.

Hua Minghan was stunned. He just thought about it for a while in his mind, but he didn’t really take it seriously. In the end, did she still know?

However, seeing this pretentious old guy’s gaffe and defensive side, it immediately made him feel very interesting.

Huang Minghan couldn’t help laughing, “Why not, didn’t the fairy say that as long as you can do anything, you can do it?”

“That’s not it.

Fairy Yan was so annoyed that she thought that this guy was getting better, but he didn’t expect that he was thinking about those things that were not right.

However, she also quickly noticed her gaffe. She didn’t have the cold air of her elders. She quickly recovered and threatened fiercely, “If you dare to think about this again, this is your end. 99

As her voice fell, with a sound, the void in front of her was ignited, and it was burnt to ashes at once, and there was nothing left.

Huang Minghan also knew the principle of accepting it when he saw it, and his expression was slightly restrained, and he said calmly, “In this case, there is something I want to trouble the fairy.

As he spoke, he calmed down and briefly explained the matter of the Yaoguang Immortal Jade.

Fairy Yan naturally agreed directly, this was a trivial matter for her.

But she is not stupid. Thinking that Dong Minghan must want to ask her for help with this matter, he has already dug a hole and waited for her to jump.

It’s a pity that she felt that he had changed sex just after the stitch, but she was still as stingy as ever.

His benefits are cheap and not so easy to take.

Afterwards, Fairy Yan who got the Huangqi Stone turned into a wisp of blue smoke and disappeared at once. Hua Minghan guessed that she should go to refine this stone.

At the same time, her threatening voice sounded in his mind, “Don’t visualize me again.

Huang Minghan sighed in his heart, but on the surface he agreed directly.

He has nothing to do in his spare time. What is she doing? This guy is too narcissistic.

Except for this phoenix perched stone, Huang Minghan did not find other treasures near this bamboo house.

He also swept the area around Liuli Island with his immortal consciousness, but he didn’t find anything good.

After leaving Liuli Island, he went straight to the Black Water Heaven Prison in the mountain behind the Falling Immortal Shell. After he sacrificed the Jidao Emperor Artifact, the situation in the Falling Immortal Valley has become a foregone conclusion.

There are several clan elders who are in charge of this matter, and Hua Minghan naturally does not need to intervene.

In the follow-up, the clan is responsible for many things, whether he is a fisher or not, it is the same.

There are cliffs on both sides of Heishuitian Prison, which are naturally dangerous places.

Every mountain range was as black as ink, with a deadly aura that dyed the surrounding pools and lakes black.

If you want to enter the Black Water Prison, if you don’t have a key, you will have to blast away the cliffs on both sides.

However, in this way, the prisoners who were detained in the Heavenly Prison would be crushed to death by rocks.

Even a strong person who has successfully refined his body has been imprisoned for hundreds of years or even longer, and his blood has already been exhausted and decayed, and it is impossible to stop these rolling rocks.

Therefore, the portrait decided to gather the keys and open the Heishuitian Prison after slaughtering the big families of Shusun Wangliu.

But now, in front of the Black Water Heaven Prison, there are many figures, males and females, some races and some other races, all of them are fierce and unusual, revealing a vicious aura, and their cultivation is strong.

It was the people in the wicked gorge, headed by the military advisor dressed in a Confucian shirt, and beside him, the Heifeng Demon King of Heifengya was standing.

At this moment, they have dealt with many jailers guarding in front of the Black Sky Prison, and are discussing how to enter.

The Meteor Immortals were in chaos. If they wanted to survive, they had to find a way to save the old man Bao Lei at this time, so as to sell the portrait a favor.

Otherwise, they may be implicated and solved by the portrait together.

“You guys are smart enough to choose to come here at this time?”

At this moment, an unhurried voice of laughter came from between the cliffs.

A young man dressed in white came from there, with rhythmic ripples under his feet, and he landed in front of the Black Water Heavenly Prison in a few steps.

Originally, he was discussing matters with the Heifeng Demon King, his brows were wrinkled, and there was a dignified military advisor and others.

Hearing this, his complexion immediately changed, and he looked at the painting Minghan in unison.

Many people even showed extremely vigilant expressions, and they didn’t even perceive the arrival of this young man at all, but the next moment he appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

It’s almost like a hook out of thin air.

“who are you?”

Many people in the Wicked Gorge stared at Hua Minghan with fear. They had never seen this unfamiliar face before, and at such a young age, their cultivation was unfathomable.

Many people have speculated that he should be the younger generation of the portrait.

Huang Minghan glanced at them and said indifferently, “What? Do you guys want to take this opportunity to break through this place, and then bring me to paint family members and threaten me with portraits?

Hearing this, everyone’s expressions changed.

Especially when he was looking at Hua Minghan’s Heifeng Demon King, his complexion changed greatly, and he didn’t dare to carry this name on his back.

He is not stupid, he knows that Lei is an orthodox immortal power, and is definitely not comparable to the big families in Meteor Immortal Valley.

Wanting to kill them is as simple as squeezing the ants.

“This son is joking, how dare we?”

The Demon King Heifeng couldn’t help but laughed dryly, and explained, “We are here, in fact, to rescue the senior painter, and the portrait is handed over to send his name.

“I saw this young master in Xia Xia Renxia military division.

The military advisor on the side, who was still a little suspicious at first, suddenly changed his expression, and bowed his hands with a respectful expression.

He had seen the army of portraits coming from a distance before, very close, and witnessed the scene of Young Master Wang being photographed casually by a young man.

As soon as he walked around, he felt a little familiar, but now he realized that the young man who killed Young Master Wang was Hua Minghan in front of him.

At Hua Minghan’s side at that time, there were still many painting masters, as well as several terrifying beings in the Supreme Realm.

You can see that he is painting your status, absolutely extraordinary.

From the attitude of the strategist, the people in the Wicked Gorge could also see that Hua Minghan had an unusual position in the portrait, and their expressions also became respectful.

They are all human beings, and naturally they do not want to be destroyed with the Falling Immortal Valley, they all want to live.

“Oh? Submit your name?” Lei Minghan raised her eyebrows lightly.

“I also hope that the young master Mingjian, I am different from the forces like Nei Shuxiang in the Meteorite Immortal Valley. They are all forced to stay here, and I don’t want to be with them…”

“We would like to show our loyalty, serve the son, and hope that the son can keep us alive.

The military division and others hurriedly explained, for fear of being misunderstood by Hua Minghan.

In fact, Dong Minghan knew this for a long time, and he could also guess the purpose of these people.

But now that he’s all here, he can just use it for him to go to Heishuitian Prison to save Huang Mingzhuan’s grandfather.

“My portrait is not indiscriminately killing innocent people. Since you are not in the same group as Mei and others, naturally there is no need to worry. 33

Huang Minghan smiled lightly.

Hearing this, everyone here showed joy, sighed with relief, and thanked Dade for a while.

Immediately, the Demon King Heifeng showed his loyalty, and even took the lead in leading the way, using his own body to give Xin a little wider that narrow secret passage, so that Hua Minghan could easily enter.

Now, in the depths of the Black Water Heaven Prison, in a dungeon that is half the height of a person.

An old man with disheveled hair, his pipa bones pierced by chains, was hanging on the wall, his body was covered with scars, his eyes were cloudy, and he could hardly open.

Among this dungeon, filled with a strong foul odor, in some corner, there are a lot of dead rats floating, already stink.

If the average person is soaked in this water, already rotting dead.

But in front of the old man, apparently a successful cultivation of strong, although the repair was closed, but the flesh is not weak, fight over.

In the adjoining several dungeons, death row have hung on the wall, had no interest, only a pile of bones.

This place cold darkness and damp, normally there is no man on patrol, some of the people who committed a crime, being held here, is to open a number of years, there is simply no attention.

“I heard outside was completely chaos, ah, meteorite Paradise Valley this place has become a dangerous place, we’ve got to find a way, to see when can not keep a life.

“Special 550, like the Sun, Wang, Liu, like several of the most powerful families, it has been the destruction ……

“Foreign enemies menacing, said to be from the mystical forces ……”

Dungeon outside came the faint sound of conversation disturbed, so that would have eyes Weng asked the old man, between suddenly opened.

Originally authored some muddy eyes, he may also wish to reveal a glimmer Ching Ming.

Chaos “up?”

He muttered like, his voice was very weak and hoarse, like a candle in the wind, at any time off in general.

“It seems to be a portrait, looking over ……

Old man mouth glow wry smile, “I never thought in the end, or rely on ginger, father, I am afraid filial son, not in accordance with your instruction.

His words from the dungeon those outside the jailer also guess that this meteorite cents shell lead to disaster, for fear that drew portraits.

In any case, he considered the direct descendant descendants cover, the original is the main vein, monstrous power.

Although his father had bloom from the family, and thus cut off from family, but anyway, who they blood flowing portraits.

If you draw that their situation can not be indifferent.

And before him, he has been in accordance with his father’s instruction, and not the slightest contamination portrait relationship.

Even if it is for the parent to find drugs, kill meteorite Paradise Valley, nor been informed of the portrait soon.

Killed all these years, he thought, if against his father had entrusted, will inform the portrait, the results will not be different?

In fact, he also some regret, why so impulsive?

Without them asylum, his daughter and granddaughter, how to draw a foothold in the country?

Puff puff……

And the old man in ten thousand thoughts, hearts extremely complex time.

Menheng out came the voice of the jailer who guarded the place, – fell to the ground, apparently being resolved out.

“In the coming dark and stormy cliff cliff main dark and stormy, seen painting predecessors.

Ray of the blanket of darkness out of the dungeon manifest out, turned into a man dressed in black, it was a dark and stormy demon king.

He smiled kindly smile, he is said to the old man opening.

The old man suddenly opened his Zheng Yanjing, a bit of shock, I did not expect this time, the main dark and stormy cliff cliff, which is a dark and stormy demon king will show up here.

Although he was here for many years, but the situation for killing meteorite cents, or quite understand.

The black wind demon king, but the name of the brutal cold, so special, Wang, Liu, Sun endless fear these large family.


He was a bit surprised to open, want to ask why, but the academics behind a dark and stormy demon king, came the sound of many footsteps.

Many of the powerful wicked gorge, at the moment are all coming to this, the jailer have been resolved in the dungeon gave out.

In front of them, a young man came, Zhongxinggongyue general, a crowd followed the lead of its appearance,

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