139 Incredible Monster

The blood mist drifted away, corpses exploded here, and some people used the strongest means to burn life and blood, trying to escape.

But he still beats Hua Minghan with his sword finger, and before he could run a few steps, he was completely destroyed.

Wang Xiang, all the powerhouses were terrified and terrified. I didn’t expect that this young man who looked immortal and smiling would be so terrifying.

Their young master owns a duplication, and once shot a god to death, but under the hands of this young man, he did not hold a palm, and even the duplication was shattered.

This is simply an incredible monster.

On the contrary, many of Gai’s strong men were not surprised by this. Before, they felt that this young master Wang was simply seeking death on his own. He felt that Hua Minghan looked young, and he thought he was a soft persimmon.

As a result, the head was broken, and he died tragically on the spot. It can only be said that he was courting death, no wonder people.

This is only the case when Meteor Immortal Killing Ji can encounter such a thing. If it is in the outside world and hears Dong Minghan’s name, which younger generation still has the courage to do it?

“Don’t let the rest of the people go, catch if you can, kill if you can’t.

Huang Minghan instructed that the robes were spotless, not like he was killing the enemy, but rather like walking in a leisurely courtyard, unhurried and unhurried.

However, as he walked, the heavens and the earth were rumbling, and the mountains in all directions were trembling.

A hazy brilliance flowed from his body, with the meaning of five colors, and then spread like ripples.

The void collapsed silently at this moment, and the moment the mountains touched this layer of continuous drops, it became even more powder.

Puff puff………

Many strong kings were desperate, feeling that they were imprisoned and unable to move.

Then it was swept by the “Five Five Zeros” Zhejiang, and it exploded in an instant, and the soul roll was wrapped in flesh and blood, turning into a blood mist.

Wang Liaozhu, who was imprisoned in the distance, saw his son’s tragic death with his own eyes.

However, his cultivation base was sealed, and he could only roar there, which was of no use at all.


There was a tragic scene here, and there were screams and inquiries everywhere.

There was chaos in the city, and many monks were terrified and began to flee for their lives.

The Great Sacred Realm of the King Statue exists, but now his face is pale, with a bit of fear, and he is not a supreme opponent at all.

He never expected that the portrait would send the Inquiry Supreme to come, and the number may be quite large.

This level of existence, only the ancestors in his family can continue to compete.

“Do you think you can escape?

“Ignorance and fearlessness.

The painting family said indifferently, and patted it with big hands, like a black cloud, covering the sky and the sun. fall to the ground.

The brilliance of the ancient treasures of his sacrificial rhyme has dimmed, and the runes on it have been wiped out in large areas, losing their divinity.

It’s just that at this time, he didn’t have time to feel distressed, and there was only despair in his heart. Knowing the portrait, he didn’t kill him, he did it just for torture.

For a Great Sacred Realm cultivator, such humiliating torture was more uncomfortable than killing him.

Puff puff……

Huang Minghan walked calmly, like an exiled immortal, stepping into the city.

The sword light lingered around him, there were hundreds of mouths, condensed by runes, dazzling and dazzling, the sound of scissors and clanging sounds, constantly piercing the sky, killing many kings who were fleeing for their lives.

Behind him, Hua Mingzhuan and Hua Mingxian followed, neither of the two women did anything, and there was a strong person with a portrait to protect them.

There was a tendency to collapse all along the way. Many monks in the city fled, and some people did not have time to escape and could only hide in their respective houses, shivering.

However, the portrait is not to kill innocent people. After learning that many people here have nothing to do with the big families in the Meteorite Shell, they did not trouble them.

Of those who rushed to Wang Qiang, only a few were able to escape. In the end, even the Great Holy Land was captured, his hands and feet were bound by chains, and he was dragged humiliatingly. Life was worse than death.

The news here caused a sensation in the entire Meteorite Killing. Those families who escaped at the beginning immediately returned to the clan, started the great formation, and then tried to find a way to sacrifice their heritage and wait for it.

Many people felt uneasy and fearful, and did not know how strong the foreign enemy who came this time was.

They knew that even the existence of the Great Holy Land was easily captured.

All kinds of rumors spread quickly, causing a big sensation. Some of the events of the war hundreds of years ago were also dug up and caught.

The army of the portrait, mighty, went all the way to the king’s clan to kill, the ancient warships could not come, but the number of ancient chariots was quite large, and the rumbling rumbled over the sky, with an amazing momentum.

Of course, there are also painters who have long spoken, and Daoming came here to destroy the four families of Wang, Sun, Lin, and Liu, and avenge one of the family members in the portrait.

At the same time, I rescued the portrait tribesmen who were footed here.

The painting is clear from right and wrong, and it will not kill innocent people. Of course, if it insists on obstructing it, it will be destroyed together with these big families.

This word spread, causing a sensation again, and some monks who were still guessing the reason, instantly understood.

It can only be said that these big families really deserve it, but they are connected to many residents of Zheng Xiao.

They are all innocent. They never participated in this matter at first. Now they are implicated, and their peaceful life has been completely broken.

Soon, some residents in the Falling Immortal Valley said that they would not obstruct them, and only hoped that the portrait would let them go.

Some people even took the initiative to tell them what happened hundreds of years ago to prove their innocence.

“They are really courting death.

“It caused my seventh brother to perish, and they will die.

The portraits of several clan elders were even more furious after learning of this more detailed process, with murderous intent in their eyes.

Hundreds of years ago, Huang Mingzhuan’s grandfather, the fanatic who was indignant and alienated from the family, strayed into the Falling Immortal Shell.

Later, when he wanted to leave this place, he was stopped by these big families, worried that he would reveal the existence of the Meteorite Shell, and asked him to stay in the valley and abide by the rules of this place.

In this regard, the seventh grandfather is naturally unwilling, and he still has relatives waiting outside.

The war started because of this, and the result was that the seventh grandfather was extremely fierce, and directly took away a treasure at that time, the ancient jade involved in dissolving the blood curse of Shu, Wang and other families, and fled Qin Yi.

Unfortunately, he was also seriously injured and poisoned, and he died in the incarnation not long after.

His son, Hua Mingzhuan’s grandfather, came to the Meteorite Valley in search of an antidote at that time, but he was besieged and killed, lost and captured.

As for Huang Mingzhuan’s father, he also embarked on this road of no return, in Huang Minghan’s opinion, the gourd baby to save his grandfather.

Fortunately, he escaped and went to Qin, but he was also severely injured, and now he does not know where he was swallowed.

The grandfather was arrested, the father was arrested, and both of them disappeared, leaving the orphans and widows, which can be said to be a very standard protagonist with a broad background.

At this moment, the entire Meteorite Valley is in chaos. Shu, Wang, Liu, and Sun are all trying to figure out a way, and they don’t have time to manage the police.

Huang Mingzhuan’s grandfather was detained in Heishuitian Prison. If he wanted to open it, he had to have a key.

Now that the keys are in the hands of several major families, it is not easy to obtain them. If the Black Water Heaven Prison is directly destroyed, it will inevitably hurt Grandpa Hua Mingzhuan.

Therefore, after discussing with several clan elders in the portrait, they all unanimously decided not to let go of these big clans, destroy them first, and then go to save people.

“It just so happens that the king’s lord, in our hands, will destroy the king’s statue first.

Draw your army, and immediately rush to the location of the royal palace.

From a distance, among the buildings that stretch there, a glorious aura is flowing, all kinds of rays of light are transpiring, and there is a kind of immortal atmosphere.

Wang was already dealing with this catastrophe, and many tribesmen showed up, watching the sky outside with vigilance and fear.

The mighty army of portraits is coming here, like a huge wave coming from the end of the sky, it can be described as covering the sky and the sun.

Anyone who sees it will be horrified and fearful, and will not have the idea of ​​​​combat.

Several ancestors of the Wang family have long been awakened, and at this moment they are all looking over there with heavy expressions, and their hearts are shrouded in twilight.

Behind the king’s ancestors, a group of high-ranking kings and their disciples knelt down, begging the ancestors to protect the clan.

“If expected, there are at least four supreme beings dispatched by this painting.

Among them, the strongest is only in this realm, and the other two have entered this realm with half a foot, and it is impossible to be a true opponent of the Supreme.

Moreover, they are not sure whether there are still strong people and means to hide the police among these large armies.

“What did the Zhu, Sun, and Liu family say?”

“If our king’s statue is slaughtered, then they will follow in our footsteps and be defeated by these foreign enemies. 11

“We are all grasshoppers on a rope now…

Their expressions were heavy, and they knew the urination of the other big families, and they wished that the king’s statue was overturned and destroyed.

However, at this time, if they continue to intrigue, none of them will be able to escape, and they will be buried with you for the king.

“Ancestor, Shuxiang, let’s find a way to hold back the foreign enemy first. They are discussing countermeasures, and they plan to sacrifice and fish for the ancestors, and ask for power to kill them. Wang 93, a middle-aged man, replied respectfully.

“This one really doesn’t die from my king’s heart, and at this time, he still wants to plot against me.

Wang’s ancestors looked very cold, and they knew what Shuxiang had planned. They could only curse in their hearts, but it didn’t help, because the king’s head bore the brunt, and if he couldn’t stop him, he would be destroyed Flat land, removed from this world.

“The ancestral pattern of sacrifice and diligence, resist it with all your strength.”

The king opened his mouth like an old ancestor and instructed him to go on. The ancestral patterns in his mouth were actually immortal patterns, which were part of the immortal pattern that the king had allocated.


But at the moment he just ordered to go down, above the sky in the distance, there was a ray of light rushing into the snow, and the clouds were broken.

An ancient bronze mirror floated up and down there, reflecting a dazzling light.

The ancient bronze mirror is very simple and unpretentious, engraved with mysterious patterns, giving people a natural feeling of Taoism, interweaving “Tao” and “Reason” to generate chaos, ups and downs, and people’s hearts are terrified.


Wang Xiang’s ancestors, not without sight, were stunned for a while, and then recognized them, and their expressions changed drastically.

When the portrait came here, it was natural that preparations had already been made, and it was impossible not to prepare ancient artifacts, and this was a real imperial artifact, made by enlightened people.

Among them, the gods who are sleeping with the Ji Dao Emperor Artifact, as long as they wake up, a ray of divine might can sink the sky and the earth.

At this moment, in the portraits of several clan elders, Ge Li urged this imperial weapon to penetrate into the brilliance, where a chaotic light emerged, wisps hanging down, the void collapsed in an instant, and the surroundings were scorched black. .

Silently, the surrounding mountains suddenly turned into fly ash, like snowflakes melting, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

This terrifying scene shocked everyone in the royal land, and everyone felt a deep chill in their hearts and looked terrified.

“Zhaotian Mirror.”

Huang Minghan did not expect that the portrait brought out this treasure, which is said to be created by some kind of immortal twig growing in the fairy world, and later wandered to the Sanda domain.

This is the real Ji Dao emperor weapon, placed in many immortal Dao lineages and supreme sects, it can also be called the sect’s heritage tool.

Several clan elders did not say any nonsense, and directly sacrificed the emperor’s weapon, which also showed their ruthless determination to destroy the king.


The brilliance surged into the sky, the chaotic energy spread, the Zhaotian mirror trembled slightly, and a breath descended. Jian 2.3 was even heavier than the Primordial Demon Mountain. Runes were intertwined in the sky above the king statue, and various visions appeared.

The incomplete fairy pattern radiated dazzling brilliance, and was urged by several patriarchs of the Wang family, making the place become hazy.

As if to reenact the scene that opened up the world.

Huang Minghan stood on the ancient chariot watching all this with a calm expression.

He couldn’t even get involved in a battle of this level, and at this time, there were definitely a lot of tricks to draw a few clan elders in person.

He didn’t have to worry too much.

“In addition to these big families, there is also a police site in the Falling Immortal Valley, but you can go there with excuses…”

“By the way, let’s see what she’s urging. 99

Fairy Yan’s urging sounded in Huang Minghan’s mind again. He shook his head, but he had no choice but to think of an excuse to go over and investigate.

Afterwards, he brought some strong painters and planned to leave here first for the sake of cleaning. Hua Mingxian wanted to follow him, but he was driven back by him.

“There are many crises in the Falling Immortal Valley, and it is safer for you to stay here.

Huang Mingxian couldn’t beat him, so he could only follow the portrait of everyone.

“Cousin Minghan, please pay attention to safety.” Dong Ming said very thoughtfully, frightened, causing Hua Mingxian to give her a dissatisfied look.

“The exact opposite of the villain’s gorge…”

Huang Minghan separated from the portrait clan on the way, and did not let them follow him.

However, when he followed the direction urged by Fairy Yan, he found that something was not right.

“How come the position is getting more and more biased, but it is going to the deepest part of the Meteorite Valley…”

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