136 is just a group of black pavilions, there seems to be a big pit? (Subscription required)

King your Lord, before the words were finished, a deafening terrifying sound came from outside the great formation.


Several terrifying beams of light pierced through the sky, as if connecting the sky and the ground, where the endless brilliance of the thin hook was sprayed, extremely impressive, and powerful.

They smashed down one after another, and the Meteor Immortal Taniguchi, which was originally dim and blurred, was reflected as if it were daylight.

It was even more like a major earthquake had occurred here. The aftershocks isolated the great formation and passed in. The ground cracked open and the mountain peaks collapsed.

Many monks were pale, terrified, their feet were weak, and their standing was unsteady.

If it weren’t for this great formation, the outside of the Immortal Meteorite Shell would probably have been razed to the ground and removed from this world.

“If it weren’t for the great formation left by the true immortal ancestor to play a role…”

“At this moment, this place no longer exists, but unfortunately the prohibition pattern left by the true immortal ancestor is only a few corners, and it is not complete.

Many people looked terrified and had lingering fears. Although such an attack was shocking and terrifying, it was finally resisted.

Otherwise, they really can’t imagine how to resist such a terrifying foreign enemy without a corner of the great formation left by the true immortals?

“Why do you invite such a terrifying enemy?”

“I am the Immortal Meteor Shell – detached, I don’t cause trouble, I have never set foot outside the shell…”

At this time, there were still many residents who did not understand the reason, and their hearts trembled, worried that the great formation would be broken, and those ancient warships outside would come, bringing disaster.

“It may be related to the person who rushed into the valley hundreds of years ago, and then took my treasure from the Falling Immortal Valley…”

“Isn’t there an old man surnamed Huang behind him who was caught?”

Although the Shu, Wang, Liu, and Sun families are interested in controlling the news, the incident that happened hundreds of years ago is still the most sensational event in the Meteorite Valley in recent years.

Basically there is no monk who does not know.

Now that they learned that the foreign enemy had committed the crime, perhaps it was related to the incident hundreds of years ago, which made them even more trembling and a little scared.

There is no need to “worry, the ancestors of our clan have already woken up and are sacrificing ancient treasures of rhyme. If foreign enemies come, they will regret it in an instant…” The Shu family’s clan’s opinion is that the situation is a little chaotic, and many monks are already fearful and can’t help it. He spoke in a low voice.

His words were transmitted with mana, as vast as a bell, and when they came here, it made many people feel at ease.

No matter what, when the sky fell, there were tall people on the back, and the Shuxiang, Sun Xiang and other clans all participated in the great battlefield hundreds of years ago.

Moreover, as the descendants of true immortals, they have a strong background. Once they join forces to fight against foreign enemies, it should not be a problem.

What’s more, even the group of wicked people in the wicked gorge appeared at this moment.

“It seems that I am right. These ancient battlefields accumulate energy, and it takes time and resources to launch a single blow, and it is impossible to bombard them all the time. 99

The king wiped the sweat on his forehead, and when he saw that the outside world had returned to quiet, he couldn’t help saying with a long sigh of relief.

However, everyone did not relax their vigilance. Holding various instruments, they were staring at Taniguchi, worried that the formation was prohibited and could not be resisted.

“The formation pattern here is left by the characters of Immortal Dao. Although it is not drawn deliberately, it is not comparable to the real Immortal Dao formation pattern, but its power should not be underestimated.”

“However, as the years have passed, these patterns have been damaged a lot, only a few corners are left, and there is also a lot of wear and tear. 99

“If you continue to attack, you can still tear it apart…

Outside the Immortal Meteorite shell, the ancient warship hangs high above the sky, breaking through the clouds and mist, and the whole body is surrounded by rune haze, dazzling, accumulating energy, ready to bombard down again at any time.

A clan elder frowned, studied the pattern below, and finally came to the conclusion that it was left by the immortal people.

However, it is very scribbled and simple, without spending too much thought on it, and it cannot be compared with the immortal formation patterns outside the portrait family.

But this kind of formation pattern, it is quite easy to block the other immortal Dao lineages and supreme teachings who have not been born immortal Dao characters.

“It doesn’t look like a defensive pattern, but it looks like it’s used to cover up the secrets… Qi.”

“If that immortal figure really fell here in the end, why was this pattern created? According to Luo Xiaofan’s words, several major families in the Meteorite Valley have all suffered from that. The curse of a true immortal, he had to guard the tomb for him and was unable to kill.

“Since you are worried that your seated place will be found, why don’t you just lay out a defensive pattern?”

“This kind of hastily laid pattern, no matter how you look at it, there seems to be a problem…”

Huang Minghan was also frowning at the moment, carefully looking at the patterns on the outside of the Immortal Meteorite’s shell, feeling that there seemed to be some big pits in them.

It’s not that he is too cautious, but just when he was circling the pattern of attacking this place.

The Emperor Fire, the so-called Fairy Flame, who had fallen asleep again in the past few days, woke up again, obviously disturbed by the aura of this place.

Huang Minghan felt that her origin was not simple, that she was not an ordinary Emperor Huo, and that she might have really been a peerless fairy before her death.

In addition to the rare treasures of heaven and earth, it was the fluctuating fairy jade that she had encountered in the State Treasury of the Painting Country, which attracted her attention.

Could there be something unusual about Meteorite Killing?


At the same time as Manming Hansi Village, several ancient warships were once again sold by divine light, like a peerless heavenly saber, piercing through and tearing down, slamming down the Falling Immortal Valley, trying to make a great formation. to break.

“Want me to kill?”

He frowned, feeling a rush of thoughts in his mind.

Fairy Flame let him kill?

“Senior, what is there in this valley?” he asked.

However, Fairy Yan did not answer him, she was still urging, but at this time it seemed extremely urgent.

“Could it be that he sensed that there is some genius in the valley?” Lei Minghan could only guess.

Underneath, the ocean of laws boiled, and several beams of light that surpassed the mountains slammed into the sky.

There are countless divine chains of rules boiling, and then finally a corner of the formation pattern is torn apart, and there is a hole in the hook, which cannot be completely closed.


This scene made everyone in Meteor Immortal Valley terrified and horrified, and they stood in place.

At this time, there is no way to make up for the gap through other means, and his face is pale and fearful.

They did not expect that the formation pattern left by the true immortal ancestor would be wiped away a lot, causing it to crack.

“How is it possible that a gap was really torn open…”

The Lord of the King’s face was also pale. He didn’t expect that not long after he finished speaking, a beam of light shot out from the outside again and slammed down.

“The ancestors are sacrificing and cutting ancestors, so there is no need to panic. The rest will follow me to kill and block foreign enemies. 11

“They can only tear open a gap, and cannot completely break through the formation.

The special master opened his mouth, his face remained calm, and he led many strong men to rush to that area.

When many monks saw this, they also roared and killed the past, Shenguang, one after another, to defend against foreign enemies and protect their homeland.

“I thought this great formation could last a while longer, but I didn’t expect it to be destroyed so quickly…

“Could this portrait be the one in the legend? Wouldn’t it be so clever to ask?”

The commander of the evil gorge has a gloomy expression on his face, how vast the territory of this world is, and there are many surnames. He also suspected the origin of the old man surnamed Huang before, but for so many years, no news has come.

He also gradually gave up this idea, but when he saw those ancient warships that descended outside the shell of the Immortal Meteor today, it was horrifying.

Especially when I saw these Immortal Dao formation patterns, they were all erased and torn open.

If it wasn’t for that portrait, what other force in this world could break through the prohibition pattern outside the Meteorite Immortal’s shell so easily?

“It’s definitely the power of Immortal Dao.

“We can’t continue to send Heshu and Wang Xiang to death, they kicked into the iron ring, and they have to find a way to survive in a while.

“It’s terrifying, if this Yunxianyi can’t handle it properly, it will really be destroyed, and it will provoke the immortal forces…

The strategist’s eyes flickered, and he had noticed that the Falling Immortal Valley was in a state of panic and anxiety, and many people were afraid of it.

He was killed by the Meteor Immortal who came a few years ago. He still understands many things in the outside world. Naturally, he knows that there is an ancient immortal force called the portrait of the hidden immortal clan.


In the gap outside the Immortal Meteorite’s shell, the divine light rushed into the sky, and many portrait knights rushed in, riding wild beasts, with a roaring sound that was astonishing, like Hanhai hitting the shore.

Some ancient chariots followed, and Wakuya crushed the sky, galloping like thunder.

In fact, the gap was only a few people tall, and it couldn’t accommodate too many knights, but it was still astonishing when a cavalry rushed in.

Many savage beasts breathed divine fire, and a monk who was about to be killed was burnt to ashes. The knight sitting above, holding a long spear, swept across, with arc light, extremely powerful, and had the potential to kill the Quartet.

These are the elites of the portraits. They have fought in various places. They have extremely rich fighting experience, and their suffocation is soaring. They are not comparable to these rare cultivators in Meteorite Valley.

Just the moment of touch, it formed a tendency to collapse, unable to compete.

Many people felt this terrifying oppressive force, and immediately lost their hostility and trembled.

The powerful figures of Shu, Wang, Sun, and Liu are also losing ground.

“.”too strong……”

“What the hell are these people?”

The image owner of Sun Xiang, with a pale complexion, was offering a fishing tool, and quickly escaped, even his hair seemed to be on fire.

He was injured and was targeted by a strong man. After a few fights, he fell below and had to escape.

They have overestimated their own strength, and even they, who are the masters, have also spoken of the rest of the clan.

Many people couldn’t even resist, and they exploded in the first place, destroying both body and spirit.

“It’s almost like a mantis arm is a chariot, and, on the ancient warships outside, there are more knights coming…”

Liu Xiang’s image master couldn’t help but despair. He didn’t expect to provoke such a terrifying enemy.

“Why is this so?”

The Patriarchs of Shu Family gritted their teeth, and could not help but feel regret in their hearts. They were reckless and did not understand the reality of the enemy, so they rushed over.

“It’s just a group of Wu Wen people, but they are just using the power of an immortal figure to pretend to be a fox and a tiger, and they really take themselves as the orthodox of the immortal way?

“How dare you provoke me to draw you?”

An ancient golden chariot rushed in, and a portrait clan elder snorted coldly, standing on it, with a terrifying majesty on his old face, with divine light flowing in his eyes, and flashing between pictures. The electricity splits down, and it is extremely fascinating.

He carried his hands on his back, as if an ancient supreme being was patrolling the world, there were various divine beasts phantoms appearing around him, surrounding him.

Behind it, there is a Chinese car coming, the crystal light is dazzling, Dong Mingxian and Huang Mingzhuan are now on the top, following the portrait of the clan elder, stepping into the site of the meteorite shell.

Huang Minghan did not stay with them, but walked in the air, there seemed to be an invisible staircase (Li Li’s) under his feet, the Tsing Yi fluttered in the room, the robes were fluttering, and it was extraordinary.


The patriarchs and others who were retreating into the depths of the valley were all shocked when they heard this, and in their minds, they quickly contacted, wanting to know where this portrait came from.

They have been exposed to the immortal shell since their ancestors, and it is too long ago.

There are many things that need to be read through ancient books, and then can learn.

These people in front of them are menacing, too tyrannical, and they must invite the older generation in the family to hook hands, and the ancestors may contend.

“It seems that this is indeed a small world. Judging from the breath, it has a very long and ancient existence.”

Hua Minghan walked over the ancient trees in the mountains and rivers, followed behind the many knights in the portrait, and went deep into the shell of the meteorite.

From here, you can roughly see the scene of the hook here, except for Taniguchi, there is almost no hook mouth.

The ancient trees here are tall, the mountains are towering, and there is a continuous ancient mountain range. In the distance is the outline of the city. The monks who have just circled the fisherman are all desperate to escape there at this moment.

There were many figures standing above the city, watching the battle here from afar, and now some people are starting to flee.

“Is this asking me to go somewhere else?”

Huang Minghan withdrew his gaze, shook his head slightly, and seemed to be asking himself.

In fact, he was communicating with Fairy Yan’s thoughts in his mind. From the very beginning, she was urging him to enter the valley.

Now it even made him rush to another sparsely populated place.

“I’m afraid it won’t work. At present, it is important to save the hook and scare her grandfather to sew.”

Huang Minghan ignored her urging,

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