125 I’m so angry, do you have a crush on your cousin? (Subscribe)

In fact, it is not only Hua Mingzhuo who is curious about Longju, but Huaguo’s offerings are also shocking in his heart.

In their cognition, the existence of the Holy Land is the unreachable existence in the legend.

The white-bearded old man who was in Tianyuan Cave before was a half-step holy cultivator.

But such an existence is not the opponent of the mount at Hua Minghan’s feet.

Doesn’t that mean that the real strength of this dragon horse is comparable to that of a cultivator in the holy realm?

Using the wild aliens of the Holy Land as mounts, they can’t even imagine such a thing.

If there is a chance to see the existence of the Holy Land, then they will definitely be respectful, treat the ancestors with respect, and dare not go beyond.

But at the moment, he saw a strange beast in the holy realm, reduced to Hua Minghan’s mount, and looked like he was trying to please Sahuan.

It seems like it’s an honor to be Hua Minghan’s mount?

This made the worshipers in the painting country feel a little numb, what a shocking origin this is.


“Dragon foal is almost extinct now, only I draw you to cultivate a lot of bloodlines, this guy is still a minor, and when he becomes an adult, he should have the most holy strength.

Huang Minghan smiled lightly and explained, “But if cousin Mingzhuo likes it, say it’s just a dragon horse, even if it’s a policeman’s wild alien species, or even a Taikoo ethnic group, the family can find it for you.

“Value is never something you need to consider.”

“When you return to the Xiang family, I will show you the painting family, and then you will understand this and be proud of your surname.

Huang Mingliao was extremely surprised, although he did not see how huge and ancient the painting family was.

But from the understated tone of Hua Minghan’s journey, a majestic and ancient aura appeared faintly in his mind.

She nodded like a goose pecking at rice, her eyes hard to hide her fascination.

Soon, under the leadership of several worshipers from the painting country, everyone came to the capital of the Knee Kingdom. The city was built among the mountains that stretched for 17 years.

Along the way, many gods and savage beasts came from the clouds and mist, which caused a great sensation.

Many people in the capital city of Huaguo came running in surprise, watching all this in shock.

The matter about Yan Kingdom and Tianyuan Dongtian has not been spread here, so many generals of Hua Kingdom, and even Mother Jiang, are still not aware of it.


Mother Jiang, who got the news, immediately noticed the scene in the sky. She came out of the palace and looked there in shock.


“How is this going?!

“Who is the young man beside her who smiles so close to her?”

Mother Jiang was astonished, and at first glance she saw Hua Mingzhuan sitting on a spotless savage beast.

In addition, she was next to a handsome young man.

Judging from his expression, he did not reject him at all, but in the eyes of Mother Jiang, how close he was?

She knew how much she knew about her daughter, and knew that her character was cold and taciturn.

For men, it is extremely repulsive, at least in the range of five steps in front of him, he does not want to see any man.

“What is the origin of these knights and monks?”

However, at this time, Mother Jiang didn’t have time to think about it, and her eyes were attracted by those handsome beasts and powerful knights.

And soon, above the sky, the portraits of many knights landed and descended toward the square outside the palace.

Hua Mingzhuan led Hua Minghan and Hua Mingxian to the hall.

The rest were waiting outside the hall.

Seeing this, Luo Xiaofan originally wanted to follow him, but when he saw several knights beside him, he hurriedly stopped, and then he touched the back of his head a little honestly and smiled.


At the gate of the palace, Mother Jiang was still a little unclear, but she saw Dong Mingzhuan bring the two over.

“I’ve seen Seventh Sister.”

Huang Minghan followed Hua Mingzhuan, and when he saw Jiang’s mother at the moment, he first looked at it, then showed a polite smile, and bowed his hands.

“Mingxian has seen Seventh Sister. 19

Huang Mingxian also showed a full smile, opened his mouth to greet him, with a very favorable smile.


Rao is Jiang’s mother who has many guesses in her heart, even guessing whether Huang Minghan is the son of the police force known by Hua Mingzhuan.

But I didn’t expect that Dong Minghan would call himself that.

She was so surprised that she almost didn’t react.


Seeing his mother like this, Hua Mingzhuan couldn’t help but think of how surprised and unable to react at the time.

She couldn’t help showing a slight smile on her face, and then began to explain, explaining all the words that Hua Minghan had said before.

Including the origin of Dong Minghan’s identity, and the purpose of coming here to find the surname Gai, etc.

After listening to it, Mother Jiang also spent a long time, and after reacting, she did not expect that there is such a great background behind the painting country.

She didn’t even listen to what her husband, Hua Mingzhuan’s father, Hua Wuchen mentioned.

“I didn’t expect that the two of you came from a long distance, and you are tired by boat and car, so it must be Zheng Xiao. I will instruct the imperial pantry to prepare the banquet.

Mother Jiang’s eyes were a little red, both bitter and touching.

However, even though Huang Minghan called her the seventh sister, she was still a little uneasy, and it would be difficult for her to adapt for a while.

“Seventh sister doesn’t have to be like this, it’s enough to see you all safe and sound when you come here this time.

“Over the years, the Xiang clan has owed you a lot. When the seventh grandfather was angry, he took the seventh grandfather, seventh uncle and others to leave the family, and has no longer contacted the family since then.

Huang Minghan sighed, as if thinking of the secrets in the past, he was quite emotional.

Mother Jiang and Huang Mingliao didn’t know anything about it. Before that, they didn’t know that their grandfather’s generation had these things.

As for what it was, Hua Minghan didn’t tell them in detail, and they didn’t ask any more questions.

Afterwards, Mother Jiang discussed some things with Huang Minghan, and understood that he came here this time because he wanted to bring Dong Mingliao, Fu Hua and others back to the family.

At the same time, it is also for the purpose of welcoming the remains of the Seventh Master, the ancestor of the painting country, to the Hui people.

However, she did not know anything about this, because at that time, after the ancestors of the painting country sat down, the remains and other things were placed by the grandfather of Hua Mingzhuan.

As women, they are not very good at dealing with this.

So she didn’t know where the bones of the ancestors of the Yellow Kingdom were now.

“It’s not urgent.”

“The most urgent task now is to find the seventh uncle and the seventh grandfather first, and the matter of the seventh grandfather’s remains will be discussed later.

“It’s good for cousin Mingzhuan to feel at ease.” Dong Minghan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Jiang’s mother was quite moved.

Although Rao met for the first time, Hua Minghan put the matter of helping Hua Mingzhuan find his father and grandfather in the first place.

She was so thoughtful that she didn’t know what to say to thank her.

Afterwards, Mother Jiang arranged to bring the most spacious and magnificent palace in the country to Sheng, for Hua Minghan and others to rest.

Huang Ming wanted to know about their mother and daughter, and there were still some things to say.

He is really in no hurry about the remains of the Seventh Master.

Now, I really want to know what that treasure that Hua Mingxian is thinking about and never forgets.

The old man with white beard also mentioned that this is something that does not belong to the painting country.

In other words, this object may have been brought back to the painting country by the Seventh Taiye for some unknown reason.

After a lapse of hundreds of years, the other party found traces of the painting country, but he did not know the background of the country, so he continued to send people to investigate, and by the way, to investigate the truth.

Therefore, in Hua Minghan’s view, Hua Mingyuan’s father and grandfather may be imprisoned or somewhere, and it will be difficult for them to rhyme for a while.

“What do you think of Mingzhuan cousin?”

However, just when Hua Minghan was thinking about something.

Hua Mingxian, who was on the side, asked indifferently, the Yingying smile that was tied up on the way has disappeared completely at this moment, with a cold face, a look of being left out.

“Very good.” Dong Minghan gave her a warning glance, not knowing what the madness of this girl was going on, he said casually.


Huang Mingxian raised her slender eyebrows and emphasized it again, as if to confirm.

Huang Minghan nodded and said, “Compared to you, it’s really good, obedient and well-behaved.

“What do you mean compared to me? Am I asking you to compare me with her?” Hua Mingxian was a little annoyed and looked irritated.

“Then you’re fine, why are you asking these questions? Mingzhan is your cousin anyway. Can’t you be more polite and nice to people?”

“I don’t know, I thought you were raising intestines?” Dong Minghan glanced at her and said casually.

“My little belly raises intestines?”

Hearing this, Dong Mingxian was so angry that he wanted to bite him, and said, “”Can’t you feel your conscience before you say this? If I had a small stomach, would I still be nice to her along the way? Just find someone and throw her away in some wilderness to solve it. ”

“Why do you say that I have a small belly to raise intestines?”

“You don’t even look at yourself. Along the way, the left sentence is clearly earned, the right sentence is clearly earned, you haven’t even looked at me, don’t even ask me, don’t care about me…”

The more she talked, the more aggrieved she felt, and she wished to barb all the hardships along the way.

Huang Minghan suddenly had a headache and wanted to plug the girl’s mouth.

This look of grievance, people who don’t know, think they are bullying her.

“If I knew it would be so troublesome, I would have thrown you into the clan…”

Hearing Dong Minghan’s words, Huang Mingxian’s beauty burst into flames and directly bit him 550 times, “You bastard who likes the new and hates the old…”

She was just pissed off.

On the other hand, after seeing Hua Minghan’s departure, Jiang’s mother also began to chat with Hua Ming about this matter.

It’s not that she has doubts about Hua Minghan, but there are some words that are hard to say in front of him.

Her face was full of sighs and sighs.

“I really didn’t expect A Mingxian, my painting country still has such a big origin, your father never mentioned it to me before.”

“So did your grandpa. 99

“If it weren’t for today, I’m afraid I would have been kept in the dark, and I wouldn’t know it for the rest of my life…”

“It’s all like a dream.

Huang Mingzhuan nodded. When she first learned about this, her reaction was not much better than that of Mother Jiang.

After all, it is too shocking and unbelievable.

“Although I don’t know what the surname Huang represents, from your cousin Minghan’s etiquette, it is not an ordinary force that can be cultivated.

“There is dignity and detachment in every gesture, as if it was innate.

“Before that Wang Yilin, although he was the young master of Tianyuan Cave, he didn’t hide his arrogant expression at all, as if he wanted everyone to know his identity.

“That’s the difference…

Jiang mother sighed.

Hearing this, Huang Ming was frightened and nodded in agreement, and then said, “Mother, Tianyuan Dongtian has now been disbanded.”

She hadn’t had time to talk to Mother Jiang about the matter of Yan Guo and Tianyuan Dongtian.

Now explain it again.

“It’s amazing, I can’t imagine the origin of this…” After hearing this, Mother Jiang was even more shocked. She didn’t expect these things to happen.

Later, she looked at Hua Minglai again, with a smile on her face,

“Ming Zhuo, tell your mother honestly, do you have a good impression of this cousin who you have known for a while?


Rao is proof that earns a cold personality and does not show his emotions on his face.

At this moment, I was also stunned by the question of my mother, and then I reacted, and the rosy color climbed up my cheeks and quickly disappeared.

“Cousin is very kind to me. He takes good care of me along the way, and when I was in Heiyun Town, I didn’t care about the identity gap and helped those townspeople…”


However, the following words, she shook her head and did not say it,

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