123 How many big families in Meteor Immortal Valley took away things they shouldn’t have? (Subscription required)

The cave of Tianyuan Dongtian is now high in the sky, dressed in purple robes, and his whole body is glowing, like a powerful god.

He looked ugly, looking at the destroyed sect formation, blood dripping in his heart.

This is the strong foundation of Tianyuan Dongtian’s ability to stand in Yanyun Prefecture. It cost a lot of money at the beginning, and then it can be laid down.

Now that it has been destroyed like this, half of Yuandongtian’s heritage will be lost that day.

Of course, the cave owner of Tianyuan Dongtian is not stupid either, seeing that the animation Minghan and others have extraordinary origins.

Otherwise, it is impossible to destroy their mountain protection formation with just one knight.

But so what?

The origins of those monks who are guests in Tianyuan Cave today can be described as earth-shattering, and it is only a matter of words to decide the destruction of Yanyun Prefecture.

The cave master of Tianyuan Cave can also see that Huang Minghan and others are here for the matter of Lei Guo~.

“If Tianyuan Dongtian has offended you, I hope you will forgive me. It’s fine if you have something to say. Why bother?”

He glanced at Hua Minghan and the others, and finally his eyes fell on Hua Mingzhuan again, and said with a slight hand.

As the princess of the painting country, Dong Mingliao’s status is not outstanding in Tianyuan Dongtian.

But his son Wang Yilin was obsessed with it.

Therefore, as a father, he is also familiar with Huaming and recognizes it.

Moreover, the group of monks who were visiting Tianyuan Cave had come here to inquire about Huang Mingzhuan and Huaguo.

This made the cave owner of Tianyuan Cave Heaven have a lot of guesses.

The founder of the painting country was a very powerful cultivator, and there might be some Taoist forces behind him.

“Big fight?”

“You don’t deserve it.”

The knight who just followed the shot sneered at the cave master who swept across Tianyuan Cave, and his words were full of disdain.

All the elders and disciples in Tianyuan Dongtian were very terrified at the moment, even if the cave master appeared, they were very terrified.

Even the mountain protection formation was easily destroyed by the opponent. This strength is far from what they could imagine.

“Are you the cave owner of Tianyuan Cave?” Dong Minghan glanced at this person and asked casually.

Wang Yilin, who was on the side, said hurriedly, “Master Hua, my father has no malicious intentions…”

“It’s the cave owner of Tianyuan Cave, and I have seen this young man. Since you and the dog are friends, you might as well go in and talk about it. If there is any problem, I will wait for it to be resolved peacefully. What do you think?”

The cave owner of Tianyuan Dongtian said with a cup of hands, his eyes swept over Wang Yilin, and he seemed to hate him a little bit.


Dong Minghan smiled lightly, but his tone was not polite at all, “Do you think he is worthy?”

As soon as these words came out, the face of the cave master of Tianyuan Dongtian suddenly changed.

“You guys are aggressive, and without saying a word, you directly destroyed the great formation of the mountain gate in Tianyuan Cave. What kind of police do you have to do with the robbers?

He said in a low voice.

“It seems that you don’t shed tears without seeing the coffin, let the people who are hiding in Tianyuan Cave come out, or Tianyuan Cave will be removed from this world today.

Huang Minghan’s tone was understated, but it contained an unquestionable taste.

While speaking, the group of knights behind them all rushed over, with divine light flowing from their bodies, and the terrifying aura was like a mountain torrent bursting from a dyke, crushing and pouring out.

This is a terrifying force that makes the sky tremble, and all the savage beasts breathe out divine light, or thunder and lightning, or skyfire…

All the disciples and elders of Tianyuan Dongtian turned pale and panicked.

The cave master of Tianyuan Dongtian had an unusually ugly expression. Although he had the strength of a half-step god, he also knew that he was not the opponent of this group of knights.

The police even said that there was an unfathomable Hua Minghan in front of him.

Although he looked young, his appearance and expression seemed to be like a ruler who was born aloof. All kinds of things in this world were like ants.

“I…I’m going to tell them…”

The cave master of Tianyuan Dongtian was extremely aggrieved in his heart, and was persecuted by such a young man in front of a group of elders and disciples.

He had no choice but to compromise.

Otherwise, Tianyuandongtian would really be destroyed today, and he would be removed from this world.

Now what he is looking forward to is that the group of distinguished guests will show up and make Hua Minghan regret what he has just said and done.

Afterwards, he turned into a ray of divine light and went into the depths of the mountain range to inform the group of monks who came.

“Master, why do you have to choose this way?”

Seeing Tianyuan Cave Lord leaving, Huang Mingzhuan looked at the middle-aged beautiful woman with a slightly complicated expression and asked.

“I’m sorry Ming…

The middle-aged beautiful woman had some guilt in her eyes, and said, “They promised to give me a Divine Essence Pill to help me ignite the Divine Fire. You also know that Master, my feet have been in the False God realm for many years, and this is the only one I have. opportunity.”

“Master is not like you, his talent is powerful, and his future achievements are definitely not only true gods.

“Now, there is such a mysterious and powerful son to help…”

Speaking of the latter, she felt a little guilt and remorse, and her eyes fell on Hua Minghan.

Although she didn’t know where Hua Minghan came from, she also knew that he was here to support the proof.

If she could resist the temptation at that time and remain unmoved, perhaps the result today would be different…

“Shen Yuandan?

A hint of confusion crossed Huang Ming’s face, she hadn’t touched the threshold of the divine realm, and she didn’t know what it meant.

But when Master makes a choice, he naturally has to bear the price that this choice needs to bear.

“Shen Yuan Dan can indeed help people ignite the fire, but it’s limited to that.”

Hua Minghan looked at the painting and said with a faint smile, “In the future, when you break through the divine realm and need to ignite the divine fire, the family will find the best treasures of heaven and earth for you, and even all kinds of real fires. Different.

“As for Shen Yuandan, in the family, even servants don’t look down on it.”

These words made Hua Ming feel a little stunned, and he was shocked and shocked, but he was silent again soon.

If Hua Minghan didn’t come to look for him, would he be able to get in touch with them?

She will still be like many ordinary Tianyuan Dongtian disciples, and she will even pay a great price for a Shenyuan Pill in the future.

Many elders of Tianyuan Dongtian, as well as middle-aged beautiful women, also fell into deep shock and shock because of Hua Minghan’s words, and then their hearts were full of bitterness.

In the eyes of the other party, the Shen Yuan Dan, which they were so extravagantly hoped for, was something that even the servants could not despise.

Is this something terrible?

The gap in this world really corresponds to that sentence, people are really different.

The middle-aged beautiful woman’s eyes were already filled with regret and regret at this moment.

“You don’t have to worry about gains and losses, you are destined to be a true phoenix soaring in the nine heavens. 99

“Even if you don’t need to rely on your family, your bloodline is destined to be extraordinary. 39

Huang Minghan looked at Hua Mingzhuan with a dazed expression and seemed a little lost. He couldn’t help laughing and poured her a mouthful of soup at the right time.

In addition, she has a huge fortune in her body, and now staying in Tianyuan Cave is only a small excess.

……. ask for flowers….

“Then cousin Minghan, what is your identity?

Huang Mingzhuan’s mood calmed down, and he couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“My identity?”

“You will know later.” Dong Minghan laughed.

At this time, in the depths of Tianyuan Cave, several divine rainbows flew over and fell towards the mountain gate.

The headed person is an old man with white hair and beard, his face is clear, but his neck is indifferent, white robes and wide sleeves, and his cultivation is strong.

The rest of the monks around him, both male and female, were all middle-aged in terms of age.

But the real age is definitely more than that.

The cave master of Tianyuan Dongtian followed them with a little humility and flattery, a few steps behind.

“It seems that you are relying on the painting country? Fortunately, you have tested the truth and did not go rashly, otherwise you will suffer. 33

The white-haired old man stared at Hua Minghan as soon as he appeared, trying to see through him.

And the many cultivators behind him also looked at Hua Mingzhuan, Huang Mingxian and the others, with malicious intent.

The cave master, who had just fallen in love with Tianyuan Cave, had already explained the situation to them, so they knew Dong Minghan’s intention.


“I’m curious, who are you under orders to come here to deal with the painting country?”

Huang Minghan opened his mouth at will, his eyes swept across the old man, the strength of the peak of the god king realm was not far from the holy realm.

No wonder the cave owner of Yuandongtian is so charming.

In such a desolate place, encountering a half-step sacred existence, the meaning is naturally completely different.

Except for this old man who was in the half-step holy realm, the rest of the cultivators were also in the god realm and the god king realm, which was enough to sweep this area of ​​Yanyun Prefecture.

“Hehe, but the old man wants to know, where did you come from?”

“This painting country has taken things that should not have been taken, and if it is returned the same way, then things can be said. 99

“If the painting country has no eyes and insists on taking it forcibly, then I blame the old man and others for being rude.

The white-bearded old man said with a sneer, although in the eyes of Tianyuan Dongtian and others, the group of knights was amazing and powerful, but in their eyes, it was nothing more than that.

A group of knights in the realm of gods, the most powerful ones are not in the realm of gods, although the number is large, it is not a cause for concern.

What he can’t see right now is this young man, who is obviously not very old, and his cultivation base should not be very advanced.

But why does it give him a dangerous feeling of palpitations?

“Sure enough, it’s the people of the big families in Meteor Immortal Valley.”

Luo Xiaofan, who has been following behind the team, has already determined the origins of these people at this moment.

The big families in Meteor Immortal Valley all have the ancestors of the Supreme Realm behind them, and the background is terrifying.

When the ancestor of the country Gai entered by mistake, he was unstoppable from the beginning.

The ancestors of the following major families were disturbed and had to do it, but they also grabbed the Yaoguang Immortal Jade powerfully, and finally rushed out of the Meteorite Immortal Shell.

It is because he is afraid of such a strong man and worried about what he will leave behind, so the Meteor Immortal killed these big families and continued to test so carefully.

After all, that is a character who can fight with the existence of the Supreme Realm and finally retreat.

How could the country he established be reduced to a small mortal country? Who is it?

“Take something that shouldn’t be taken?”

Huang Minghan smiled lightly, ignoring the threat in his mouth, and said, “When I draw you, that thing belongs to me to draw you. If you want to grab it, you can try it. 29

He guessed that this should be the relic left by the seventh master.

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