Fast Welber asked: What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?

Fielding Vernal smiled and said: Nothing.

The night was late and long, and Fielding Vernal was not alone with Fast Welbur by his side, but Fast Welber would occasionally say one or two words of departure. Fielding Vernal did not force Fast Welber to stay, but Fast Welber only talked about it and refused to leave.

The two of them chatted and fell asleep. It was a bit cold at the entrance of the village at night, and Fielding Vernal woke up from his sleep under the blow of the cold wind. After enduring hunger and cold all night, the sky finally turned white.

Rebana watched the two of them all night, but neither of them left. Rebana had a good impression of these two young men. However, how far these two young people can go depends on whether they can persist.

3 has already followed Rebanna's arrangements and made some preparations.

Fast Wilbur and Fielding Vernal were still waiting. What was waiting was not Rebana, but some surviving children. These children met Fast Wilbur and Fielding Vernal. Naal is still here and said: You are not still waiting, are you?

You are really stupid! How can you still wait here? That Rebana is a liar. You actually believed him. How stupid you must be!

You're really an idiot! Leave! What's the use of waiting? You're just being treated like a monkey.

The cynicism from these people made Fast Wilber feel a fire in his heart. He said to those people viciously: Is it over yet? I don't want to wait for you to leave. What's the point of having sex here?

Fast Wilbur was like a fierce tiger, and all the people present left in fear.

Fielding Vernal comforted him: Don't be angry. If you can't stand it, you can leave! I don't care if I'm alone!

Fast Wilbur shook his head and said, These people are so annoying. I won't leave. I'll stay with you if you need anything.

Fielding Vernal understood why Fast Wilbur stayed, but he just didn’t want to share the gossip with him. Some of the survivors were scolded and left, and some came back. Those who came back brought other people and kept persuading and talking. Fielding Vernal felt like flies were buzzing in his ears. The sound of shouting.

Thank you very much for your kindness! But the path I want to take is my own choice. Fielding Vernal's attitude is very clear. This is my business and not your business.

Everyone else present dispersed, but they were still talking about fools and idiots.

Fast Wilbur looked at Fielding Vernal and said, You may not be able to stay in the village anymore after doing this!

Fielding Vernal smiled and said: I know! You should leave quickly! Otherwise, you won't be able to stay in the future!

Fast Wilbur smiled and said: If I leave! You will really be alone!

Fast Wilbur did not leave, and Fielding Vernal also stood in place, until only the two of them were left at the entrance of Songless Village.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Rebanna walked towards the two of them.

Fast Wilbur was not happy about the appearance of Rebanna. It was this person who caused them so much suffering.

Books are meant to be turned page by page, and your appearance accelerated the story that should have been on the third page to the tenth page, resulting in the lack of stories in it. Shen Jiao may have lost something because of this!

The appearance of Sun Yu forced a change in Shen Jiao's experience, without the catalyst of the cafe incident. Coupled with Sun Yu's extremely high evaluation of her, Shen Jiao's heart became proud and she deviated from the path to becoming the God of Cooking.

Sun Yu only knew that Shen Jiao had become the God of Cooking in the Qin Kingdom and stood at the pinnacle of cooking skills, but he didn't know the hardships Shen Jiao had along the way, nor did he know Shen Jiao's reflections and summaries in the failures and tribulations. The foreshadowing of failure is that Shen Jiao is just a whimsical mediocre person.

He patted Sun Yu on the shoulder and gave him an encouraging look. Then he gave Sun Yu a small black box and said, It doesn't matter if you did something wrong, you can still make up for it now!

Today is Shen Jiao's birthday. You have been avoiding Shen Jiao these days, and you have never prepared a birthday gift for her! Go find her and have a good talk. Is there any conflict between young lovers?

Sun Yu took the small black box and held it very lightly in his hand: Brother Hao! Why are you urging me to get married! Isn't it too early for the wedding ring?

Although you have to choose your own wedding ring, Sun Yu will not refuse it if Brother Hao chooses it. Opening the small black box, I wanted to take a look at Chen Hao's eyes. When I opened it, I saw that it was not a wedding ring, but a swan necklace.

Chen Hao hit Sun Yu on the head with the book in his hand and said, If you want to give me a wedding ring, pick it out yourself. Don't use me as a cover!

Sun Yu put away the necklace and went to Class 6 to look for Shen Jiao, but he couldn't find Shen Jiao even after walking around Class 6. Sun Yu had a bad thought in his mind. Could someone have taken action against Shen Jiao? Who could it be? Zhao Bing? Ouyang Jun? Or Chu Feige?

Sun Yu's mind was thinking rapidly, and a familiar figure walked up to Sun Yu and patted Sun Yu in a daze. Sun Yu, why are you in a daze here?

This person is Shen Jiao's best friend, named Li Waner, Xiaojiabiyu, charming and charming. Today she dressed up carefully, looking like a fish.

If it was normal, Sun Yu would still praise him a few words, but now Sun Yu's mood was completely confused. Wan'er, where is Sister Jiao going?

Li Waner is Shen Jiao's best friend. Naturally, they know about Sun Yu and Shen Jiao's affairs when they live together outside the school. Especially during this time, Shen Jiao was in a very low mood. Li Waner guessed that Shen Jiao and Sun Yu had a conflict.

He frowned, snorted coldly, and said: Sun Yu, you still know how to come to Jiaojiao, do you know that Jiaojiao is heartbroken for you. Today is her birthday, and she doesn't even look happy.

Have you met Sister Jiao? When did you meet her? Where did you meet her?

Li Waner could see Sun Yu's anxiety, but for the sake of being a good best friend, she deliberately provoked Sun: You'd better stop looking for her! You'll never see her again!

What's going on? Why can't I see you? Sun Yu's thoughts were completely confused.

What's going on? I didn't think you were the one! Jiaojiao said that she had no love in life, so she ran to Xiangshan! Sun Yu, if Jiaojiao has any shortcomings, I will make you pay with your life! Li Waner seemed to be into the drama, and she actually still She said in a crying tone: Why does Jiaojiao fall in love with such a stinky man like you and die for you! Is it worth it?

Sun Yu turned around and ran away. There were many loopholes in Li Waner's words, but at this time, Sun Yu's thoughts were completely confused and he still couldn't care about so many things. He only remembered that Shen Jiao once said that Xiangshan was beautiful, and if possible, he would be buried on the top of Xiangshan.

Sun Yu ran towards Xiangshan Mountain like a mad dog. Shen Jiao sat on the top of Xiangshan Mountain, watching the maple forest burning like fire, blowing in the breeze, and the fiery red waves undulating layer by layer.

The wind carried the unique freshness of nature, and a wonderful concert was held for Shen Jiao. The wind rustled, the birds chirped, and suddenly the howling wind and thunder surged.

A natural concert, with no repeated movement. Every time I come here on my birthday, I will have a different perception, hear different elegant music, and see different landscape paintings.

Shen Jiao stood up and opened her hands, as if she wanted to blend into the wind and fly to the sky.

Followed by: No!

Shen Jiao turned around and saw Sun Yu, who was sweating profusely, not far away. Shen Jiao frowned, Sun Yu trampled to death a flower she found today - Xiaohong.

What are you doing here? Shen Jiao was very dissatisfied. How could Sun Yu destroy every plant and tree here? It is not easy for plants to grow on the bare mountain tops, and they have to be persecuted by Sun Yu.

Jiaojiao! I was wrong! Don't think too hard. It's all my fault if you make any mistakes! You can hit or scold me, Jiaojiao! Let's first... Sun Yu said as he approached Shen Jiao , but the short-sighted Sun Yu once again stepped on the grass named by Shen Jiao - Xiaolu.

That's enough! Stand there and don't move!

Sun Yu felt the dissatisfaction and anger in Shen Jiao's words and did not dare to get close to Shen Jiao anymore for fear of irritating Shen Jiao and jumping off the cliff.

Okay! I won't move! Jiaojiao, I won't move! Don't move either! Sun Yu said in a consultative manner.

Jiaojiao, I'm sorry for you. It's all my fault. As long as you don't jump off the cliff, whatever you say is what you say!

Shen Jiao was stunned for a moment, and she guessed it in her heart, so she said: Really, as long as I don't jump off the cliff, you will promise me anything?

As long as you don't jump off the cliff, whatever you say is what you say!

Shen Jiao has really been angry with Sun Yu for a while now, mostly dissatisfied with her poor cooking skills. Today is her birthday, and she originally wanted to come to Xiangshan to relax, but who would have thought that she would get something unexpected.

Okay! I won't jump off the cliff! Come here, be careful, don't step on flowers and plants! When Sun Yu approached, Shen Jiao patted her side and said, Come and sit!

Sun Yu sat carefully next to Shen Jiao. As soon as Shen Jiao had the slightest possibility of jumping off the cliff, he would knock her down, not giving Shen Jiao a chance to jump off the cliff.

What are you worried about? Are you worried that I will jump? Don't worry! I won't jump!

Sun Yu saw Shen Jiao enjoying the scenery happily without any hint of unhappiness. He was confused and asked in a low voice: Jiaojiao, what are you doing here?

Enjoy the beautiful scenery! Every year on my birthday, when the maple trees are the most beautiful, my grandma always said that the maple trees are red all over the mountains and fields because of me.

Today is Shen Jiao's birthday. Sun Yu didn't want to mention Shen Jiao's deceased mother and make her sad, so he changed the subject and said, You scared me to death! I thought...

Think I'm going to commit suicide? Shen Jiao smiled like a wind chime. How could it be! If you are not afraid of living, why should you die?

This Li Waner, I remember her!

You are not allowed to bully Wan'er, she is my good friend! Shen Jiaoshuang warned, patting Sun Yu's face.

Your good friend and best friend said that you were going to commit suicide. I was so scared that I lost all my soul and all my soul. Sun Yu continued: You too, standing on the top of the mountain, opening your arms, I thought you were I’m going to jump off a cliff!”

If you don't jump off the cliff, you won't jump off the cliff. You don't even smile when you see me? Do you know how scary it is?

Shen Jiao pointed behind her and said, You trampled Xiaohong and Xiaolu to death! The top of the mountain is full of rocks. Do you know that every flower and plant on the top of the mountain is a miracle of life? If you step on it like this, They will die soon!

Sun Yu really wanted to beat up the girl in front of him, and almost scared him to death for the sake of two flowers and plants.

Sun Yu held Shen Jiao in his arms. When he learned that Shen Jiao was going to commit suicide, he was really scared, as if he had lost his closest relative. Lost and found, Sun Yu gave up his last trace of wariness against Shen Jiao.

At this moment, he realized that Shen Jiao was already so important in his heart.

Promise me? Don't leave me!


I will spend every birthday with you from now on, see the maple forest with you, name the flowers and plants with you, and party in the wind with you!

You know how to say nice things! Did you even forget my birthday?

The embarrassment on Sun Yu's face disappeared in just a moment. How could it be! I've prepared gifts for you!

Sun Yu took out the small black box and took out the Tianhe necklace. Shen Jiao couldn't wait to let Sun Yu put it on her.

The happy time is always short, the sun sets in the west, and if you don’t go down the mountain, it will be difficult to walk on the mountain road when it gets dark.

Carry me! Shen Jiao spread her arms coquettishly.

No! Go alone!

You listen to me no matter what you say! It's only been a while now, but you still don't admit it!

That's what you lied to me about. Besides, the mountain wind is so strong, the words would have been blown away long ago! Sun Yu deliberately teased Shen Jiao.

Shen Jiao beat Sun Yu angrily and refused to let him go. Shen Jiao was no match for Sun Yu. She could only catch up with Sun Yu, panting and sulking.

Suddenly Shen Jiao fell to the ground, rubbing her ankles. Sun Yu hurried over and checked and found that the bones were fine, but the ankle was a little red.

Sun Yu quickly picked up Shen Jiao and headed to the hospital.

Naturally, Shen Jiao didn't dare to go to the hospital. After all, the sprained ankle was just a fake, and it would be exposed when she went to the hospital. You don't need to go to the hospital. I have some medicine for bruises at home. Just go back and rub it! No bones have been injured, so everything will be fine!

Sun Yu couldn't resist Shen Jiao, so he could only carry Shen Jiao to her rental house.

Sun Yu was walking on the road, feeling very angry. Why did Li Waner come back? When the dry wood rubbed with medicinal wine met the fierce fire, Li Waner suddenly came back.

Chen Hao had a pen on his ear and a book called Introduction to Psychic Power in his hand. When he saw Sun Yu coming back, he was stunned and said, Why are you back? I thought you wouldn't come back today!

Sun Yu was lying on the bed and said depressedly: What bad luck! Li Waner suddenly came back! She is still in love, and she yelled at me to get out of here!

He also said: 'It's annoying to see you stinky men!' In order to appease Li Waner, I had no choice but to be kicked out!

Chen Hao chuckled and said, It's really unlucky!

Sun Yu turned over and placed a fiery red maple leaf under his pillow. Ignoring Chen Hao's different eyes, he held the quilt and met Shen Jiao in his dream.

It's just that King Xiang has thoughts and the goddess has no dreams. Sun Yu and Shen Jiao couldn't meet each other in their dreams all night, but all this is impossible!

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