Margery walked in the dark corridor for a long time, and finally saw Cronin Donna and asked, Are you okay? Are there any survivors?

Cronin. Donna nodded, opened the way in front, and said: There are more than a dozen people alive just in front.

Margery, what are you going to do? Take these people out, or go find Ouyang Jun hiding down there alone?

Our hospital's plan is to go down below to find Ouyang Jun, but the current situation is a bit troublesome. Ouyang Jun is resurrecting a mammoth elephant. We don't know what abilities this mammoth elephant has. The information I know is this A mammoth eating human blood.

Margery said, looking at the frightened girls, and said: Let's leave as soon as possible! We can save as many people as possible.

Cronin. Donna nodded and followed Margaery's choice. The rescue work was carried out smoothly, and all the trapped people were rescued in just a short time.

After Cronin and Donna saw that everyone had been rescued, she asked: Are you going down or should I go down?

Margery smiled and said nothing. She took a step forward and told Cronin and Donna what she was doing without words but with actions.

You'll die!

Margaery waved her hand and walked into the secret base.

Ouyang Jun listened to the explosions one after another in the passage and understood that a very powerful person was coming. The trap he set could only provide a little hindrance.

Who could be coming? Rebana? It should be Ray Banner! Only Rebanna can have this kind of technique, ignoring the traps and rushing directly underground.

It's a pity that Rebana, when you came, you could only find corpses all over the ground. Do these mummies make you feel desperate?

Ouyang Jun thought this way, he was also making a very important decision. After drawing blood these days, he discovered a problem. The mammoth was more like a tank than a living thing, but it was a biological tank.

A biological tank that uses blood as fuel, but no matter what, it is a dead thing and has no consciousness of its own. The injection of blood has reached a bottleneck, and the mammoth elephant is still unable to move. This shows that the mammoth elephant still lacks a controller.

Ouyang Jun walked up to the mammoth elephant and wanted to insert the mammoth elephant's trunk into his body.

Previously, Ouyang Jun inserted the trunk of a mammoth elephant into a person's body. As the person struggled, the mammoth elephant actually started to move. It only took a short time before the mammoth elephant sucked the man into a mummy.

As the man mummified, the mammoth calmed down.

Ouyang Jun was not sure whether he should do this, because the mammoth's blood-sucking speed was too fast. Once it was inserted into the body, it would probably be sucked into a mummy. And after merging with the mammoth elephant, what will happen next?

Ouyang Jun didn't know that he was struggling now whether he should do such a crazy period. But Rebanna is coming, and the mammoth elephant as a weapon cannot move yet.

Ouyang Jun's confusion didn't last long, Margaery had already walked not far from him.

Margery came to the underground room where the mammoth elephants were stored. The underground space was very large and the surroundings were still dark. At first glance, there was not much field of vision, but all the mummies could be seen were all mummies. Margery didn’t know how many there were. , she really couldn’t count them.

With a gloomy face, Margery walked not far from Ouyang Jun. Looking at the bandaged man not far away, Margaery drew out her long knife.

Without saying a word, the sword flashed, leaving a long wound on Ouyang Jun's body. Any ordinary person would be dead if attacked like this, but this was Ouyang Jun.

With the protection of Amumu's bandage, Ouyang Jun was seriously injured but still alive. So Margaret attacked again, and Ouyang Jun finally fell to the ground, motionless.

Margaery snorted coldly and walked out. In her opinion, Ouyang Jun was already dead. Just after Margaery took a few steps back, Ouyang Jun suddenly stood up. Walk toward the mammoth elephant's trunk.

When Margaery discovered that Ouyang Jun was still alive, Ouyang Jun had already inserted his long nose into his body.

At this moment, Ouyang Jun discovered all the secrets of the mammoth elephant. The mammoth elephant is a biological weapon. When the trunk of the mammoth elephant is inserted into the human body, the nervous system of the mammoth elephant will interact with Ouyang Jun. nervous system united.

Operating a mammoth elephant is like operating your own arms. The movement of the mammoth elephant was just as he thought. Movement consumes blood. In Ouyang Jun's field of vision, the body of the mammoth elephant was all red, and this was the ability of the mammoth elephant to move.

Ouyang Jun laughed loudly: Haha! So that's it! That's it! What a powerful weapon! You bastards! Just die! Let me turn into this monster!

The mammoth elephant opened its mouth wide and roared loudly at Margaery. As the mammoth elephant roared, ice mist was sprayed out from the mammoth elephant's mouth, and the mist went straight to Margaery. Under the ice, Margaery was shivering from the cold.

After just a moment, Margery felt a little numb in her limbs. Movements become sluggish. After the ice mist, something like a missile appeared in the mammoth's mouth.

The cannonball was fired and Margaery was blown away.

After Cronin, Donna and Margaery separated, they returned to the tank repair shop. When they returned to the tank repair shop, they saw Cliff and Rebana chatting.

Cronin. Donna saw Rebanna waking up and said: Rebanna, it's great that you're awake. Margery went to the secret base alone, and Ouyang Jun and his monsters are down there. I I’m very worried, Margery may have an accident.”

Rebanna put on his equipment, Cliff was also fully armed, and the three of them rushed out in a chariot. Chariots roamed the streets like wild horses.

Rebanna drove a Tiger tank at the front, Cliff drove a heavy tank at the back, and Cronin Donna followed at the end in a nurse tank, ready to rescue her teammates at any time.

There were no obstacles along the way, and Rebana soon arrived outside the secret base. Once outside, it only took a while for the secret base to gradually collapse.

And among the ruins, a figure rushed out. Margaery rushed out covered in blood and fell in front of the Tiger chariot. Cronin and Donna rushed over, took Margery away, and sent her to the ambulance for treatment.

Rebanna asked through the earphone: Is Margaret okay?

Cronin. Donna replied: There is no problem for the time being. I just lost a lot of blood and was temporarily comatose. The overall condition is good!

That's good! You take Margaery and go back, and leave this to me! Rebana said, setting the Tiger tank to automatic driving.

Cliff moved the heavy tank back a little, leaving enough space for the Tiger tank.

Among the ruins, a huge figure appeared, and the mammoth elephant walked out step by step. Mammoths were huge, at least three times the size of a Tiger tank. And on the head of the mammoth elephant, there is a human figure.

Taking a closer look, Lei Banner discovered that the person was Ouyang Jun.

After Ouyang Jun connected to the nervous system of the mammoth elephant, his vision and perception abilities increased significantly.

Leibana, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you! Ouyang Jun was very happy. He could kill his enemies as soon as he came out and get revenge happily. It was really good.

Lei Banner looked at Ouyang Jun and replied: You should really look at yourself. You are a complete monster now. Is there any meaning for people like you to exist?

Ouyang Jun laughed, and his smile turned into anger: I became a monster because of you! Lei Banner, I am today because of you!

Rebanna is stupid! He wanted to become a monster, but why did he end up being harmed by Rebana? You are really good at deflecting blame! You wanted to be a monster yourself, but you think it was me who harmed you?

Ouyang Jun said angrily: When we were in Odo Town, it was you who made Mr. Cames angry, which caused me to be severely beaten. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be hurt, and I wouldn't be the monster I am now. It’s all you, Rebanna, it’s all you!”

Because of you, I put on Amumu's bandage and became a monster in everyone's eyes. Okay! Be a monster! Then I will truly be a monster for once. I want to tell you all what kind of person I am. Monster. Don’t even think about leaving alive, everyone must die!”

Everyone must die! Ouyang Jun roared crazily. Venting his anger. Of course he knew that he was called a monster behind his back, but it was all true. He had no way to refute it. He was indeed a monster.

To become a monster, do what a monster should do, make everyone fear you, make everyone afraid, and make the world tremble.

Ouyang Jun controlled the Mammoth, preparing to launch artillery fire at Rebanna's Tiger tank. However, before the Mammoth could take action, the heavy tank controlled by Cliff launched an artillery attack on the Mammoth.

The mammoth has a reinforced skin, and heavy tank shells hitting the mammoth can only leave faint marks.

Rebana's Tiger tank also launched an attack. Under the bombardment, the mammoth elephant's skin was only broken, leaving a little bright red blood.

Rebana and the two were not feeling well either. The mammoth elephants were also attacking. The shells exploded, sending out waves of coldness. The surrounding ground was covered in a layer of frost.

The control systems of the Tiger tanks went into a state of panic due to overcooling. Rebanna had to control the movement of the chariot himself.

The mammoth elephants chased them all the way and kept hitting them. The surrounding houses collapsed and gravel kept falling, hitting the Tiger chariot.

The Mammoth is slower than the Tiger, but the Tiger needs to walk along the streets, and the Tiger cannot move in many places. But the mammoths had no such scruples. The mammoths ran rampant, knocking down all the houses, and crashed into Rebanna's Tiger Chariot for the fastest path.

The Tiger Chariot was eventually hit by a mammoth elephant, and the Tiger Chariot flew out and mounted on the wall. Rebanna was in the station car, feeling that the world was spinning, his chest felt heavy, and his tongue was sweet.

Margaery slowly woke up in the ambulance and asked about the battle.

Cronin Donna replied: The situation is very bad. Tiger tanks and heavy tanks cannot do any harm to the mammoths. Now Rebanna has lured the mammoths away, but the situation is not optimistic.

Margery tried hard to stand up, but Cronin and Donna quickly pressed her shoulders and said, Don't think about it! You can't help even if you go! Just stay here honestly!

Margaery sighed helplessly, and then said: The weakness of the mammoth elephant is that Ouyang Jun is on the elephant's trunk. As long as Ouyang Jun is killed, the mammoth elephant will stop moving. If the mammoth elephant is allowed to continue, Freetown will It will be gone!”

Cronin. Donna quickly told Rebana and Cliff the news. After Cliff heard this, he controlled the heavy tank and aimed at the mammoth's trunk.

A shell flew out, but Ouyang Jun reacted early and dodged the shell.

Turn your head and look in the direction of whoever the cannonball came from. Facing that direction is a cannonball. The shell hit the heavy tank. Fortunately, the heavy tank's defense was amazing and it was not destroyed.

Ordinary artillery shells fired too slowly and could not hit Ouyang Jun on the elephant's trunk. Cliff climbed out of the tank, took aim at Ouyang Jun with a laser sniper rifle, pointed at Ouyang Jun's head, and pulled the trigger.

The speed of the laser was very fast. Although Ouyang Jun sensed the danger, he had no choice but to dodge and was shot in the chest.

Cliff originally aimed at Ouyang Jun's head, but due to Ouyang Jun's avoidance, he only hit the chest.

Ouyang Jun, who was protected by an Amumu cloth bandage, could not die at all. Although he was seriously injured, he was not dead and was slowly recovering.

It's just that the mammoth elephant stopped while Ouyang Jun was replying. Rebanna also seized this opportunity to get out of the Tiger tank.

After the Tiger tank was hit by a mammoth elephant, there was a crack in the tank, making movement a problem.

Rebanna rushed out with two swords, Smiling and Crying, and climbed up to the tall building next to them. They used the tall building to jump onto the back of the mammoth elephant.

When Rebana got on the back of the mammoth elephant, Ouyang Jun had already recovered. At this time, the mammoth elephant started to move randomly, trying to throw Rebana from its back.

Rebanna slipped and almost fell down, but luckily he caught the mammoth elephant's fur in time. Using his right hand, he climbed up.

Before Ouyang Jun could get down, he controlled the mammoth elephant to hit the building, hoping to throw him down.

Rebana was like a piece of plaster that couldn't be shaken off, but Rebana couldn't move on.

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