The cave is large, but only large enough for chariots to move in a straight line. Rebana's Tiger tank is at the front, so he can react in time if there is danger. Behind the Rebanna Tiger is the Mosquito.

The Mosquito was controlled by Cronin Donna, while Margery drove the off-road tank in third place. Cliff sat in the ambulance and adjusted the ambulance to automatically follow in order to prevent the system from malfunctioning. A hook was also specially used to hang it on the off-road vehicle.

Cliff is seizing every minute and every second of research, hoping to understand what Marshall's research is like earlier. Only after studying and understanding these things can he further conduct experiments on Rebana.

If Rebana died during the experiment because of a problem he was researching, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life. Moreover, Rebanna also needs Marshall's research as strength. We still don’t know what needs to be faced in Freetown. With a little more strength in our hands, we can better face the difficulties in the future.

Cliff was focused on research, and he believed that Rebanna would handle other things well. He kept himself busy just to prevent himself from having time to think about other things.

Once he remembers the evil deeds of Octopus Cannon, he is likely to do something bad. Because his impulse puts everyone in danger, he never wants to be like this.

Rebanna stared at the screen of the Tiger tank non-stop, always on guard against monster attacks. Once a monster attacked, the monster must be eliminated as soon as possible. The length of the cave is not very long. If a person walks there, it only takes twenty minutes to reach a safe place.

But the chariot is different. Due to its size, the chariot travels very slowly in the cave. Moreover, due to the roar of the chariot's movement, it will attract monsters, so the driving speed of the chariot is much faster than that of a single person walking. Much slower.

The slow speed of movement will lead to death. The fastest time of high tide is more than 20 minutes, and the slowest time is more than 40 minutes. This period of time is only the data measured by Lei Banner within seven days. Is there any more time? Rebana doesn't know if it will be a short period of time, nor does Rebana know if it will be a longer period of time.

Rebanna knew that the tide was taking longer and longer to flood the cave entrance, and he had no time to wait any longer. The situation in Free Town was still unknown. The longer it took, the more dangerous it was in Free Town.

Rebana's plan has only a 70% chance of success, but the 70% success rate is already very high! Nothing in this world is perfect, and you must be prepared to take risks when doing anything.

After appeasing Cliff, the success rate of this matter has increased to 80%. The only two percent, one is from the octopus tank in the cave, and the other is from the time of high tide.

The roar of the chariot will inevitably usher in the octopus tank, and the octopus tank is located at the lowest position of the cave. There is a large pool there. When seawater pours in, the cave is filled with a large amount of seawater. Octopus cannons and octopus tanks can go out to forage from the cave.

As the tide goes down, these octopus tanks and octopus cannons will return to the pool to rest, waiting for the sea water to fill up and come out. Over the past few days, Xiao Yu has observed the Octopus Cannon and the Octopus Tank. After the water recedes, these two monsters will only appear when encountering larger movements, and they are stuck in the position very well. The ultimate road to the cave.

This is a very troublesome thing, and there is no way around it. The only countermeasure Rebanna can think of is to kill the octopus cannon and octopus tank before they appear.

The main gun of the Tiger tank is very powerful. It is not a problem to kill the octopus cannon in seconds. Even if it faces the octopus tank with stronger regeneration ability, it is still very lethal. Just firing a cannon in a cave. Can this cave, which is soaked in seawater all year round, withstand it?

Rebana This is the only thing that worries Rebana. Looking at the time I set, until now, it is exactly as expected in the plan, and there is no difference in time.

Rebanna's heart was in his throat. Why didn't the octopus appear? He had made noise to attract them back then. Now that the sound of the chariot was so loud, how could they not react at all?

There must be something weird about this.

Rebanna sensed that something was not good and said to everyone through the earphone: Please pay attention. Logically speaking, the octopus monster should have appeared a long time ago, but it has not appeared yet. There must be something wrong here.

Cronin. Donna's voice came over. She was not too nervous, but said very relaxedly: What's the problem? Maybe you were frightened by the sound of our chariot! After all, there are so many of us! We were frightened. It’s quite normal, isn’t it?”

Rebana did not answer, because he didn't know if it was the reason. Judging from the current situation, it was still necessary to maintain a high morale.

In the dark cave, the light of the chariot was like the huge eyes of a wild beast. The searchlight shone through, and many creatures in the cave fled in fear.

Most of the monsters living in caves have no eyes, are extremely sensitive to the stimulation of light, and tremble in fear at the slightest sound.

The sounds of the four chariots were like the whispers of the ancient gods.

Water dripped down from the wet cave, hitting the chariot with a crisp sound. And with a crisp sound, Rebanna had a bad premonition. There were no traces of monsters around, and there was no reality on the Tiger tank's radar.

But Rebanna's perception told him that it was very dangerous, very dangerous. If it wasn't an attack from a monster, then it could only be from the sea. The sea water was about to pour in, and they still had less than half of the journey to complete.

Everyone, speed up, speed up immediately, and rush out!

Cronin and Donna were stunned for a moment, but she quickly reacted and quickly followed Rebana at full speed. Cronin and Donna didn't know what she would encounter, but Rebana actually said that she had to rush out immediately, so he must have a reason.

Although the plan is to move forward slowly and pay attention to the movements of the octopus monsters, the current situation must not allow this.

Margery's reaction speed was also very fast, and everyone's speed increased in an instant. The roar of the chariot echoed in the cave, and the sound was huge, playing a hymn of doomsday.

Cronin and Donna also realized at this time that this was not the roar of a chariot, but the roar of seawater pouring into the cave.

Everyone raised the speed of the chariots to the extreme. Rebanna arranged the positions of the chariots according to the speed of the chariots, because he was worried about crashing due to speed problems when escaping.

The ambulance at the end was also moving at full speed. The chariots came rolling in, and the water rushed behind them. Waves chased everyone, occasionally landing on the roof of the ambulance.

Cliff had no time to study anymore. His mind was entirely on driving, just to rush out as quickly as possible. The ambulance cannot be destroyed. It contains Marshall's life-long efforts. This ambulance was built with the lives of countless people. Especially the information inside, there can be no problems at all.

The chariot charged very quickly, and the waves were even faster. When a wave hit, the ambulance obviously lost its balance. Even the engine was having problems. Fortunately, with the pull of the off-road vehicle, he rushed out quickly.

The moment he reached the high ground, Cliff's heart dropped. It was too dangerous just now. He was almost swallowed by the sea water. If the information in the ambulance was destroyed because of himself, Cliff would never be able to forgive himself for the rest of his life.

Just when everyone was sweating for Cliff, a red tentacle suddenly stretched out from the sea water and rolled up the ambulance.

Cliff instantly lost his balance in the ambulance and hit his head on the car. Blood suddenly stained his forehead, and his consciousness began to blur. I finally recovered a little, but was knocked off balance by the violent shock.

As soon as Rebana was surrounded, he activated the automatic attack system of the Tiger tank. The Tiger tank's artificial intelligence controlled the secondary gun, and used the bullets from the secondary gun machine gun to destroy the tank gun. tentacle.

The tentacles of the tank gun were very tough, and the bullets from the secondary battery machine gun hit them, leaving only faint traces of blood. Fortunately, the bites of the ants were painful, so the tank gun was so painful that the ambulance was put down.

Rebanna said quickly: Margaery pulled the ambulance and escaped! Leave it to me to break up the rear!

As soon as Rebana finished speaking, Margaery pulled the stalled ambulance and ran forward. The speed was not very fast. The ambulance had stalled and could only be towed by the off-road vehicle driven by Margaery.

At this time, Cliff was still unconscious in the car.

When Cronin and Donna saw this situation, it was also Rico who drove the mosquito tank to join the battle. The mosquito tank's secondary gun kept spitting out tongues of fire. Mosquito tanks and Tiger tanks played a symphony.

All the tentacles of the octopus cannon were knocked off. The octopus cannon without its tentacles dived into the water, and the water turned blood red. Before everyone could be happy about defeating the octopus tank, the bright red water surface continued to fluctuate. The water surface suddenly surged, the sea water flew up, and a huge light blue octopus appeared.

This octopus is the octopus tank. Its power is much greater than that of the octopus cannon, and its damage is also much greater than that of the octopus cannon.

Its tentacles are twice the size of the Octopus Cannon, and the speed of waving the tentacles is much faster than the Octopus Cannon.

The terrain here is narrow and it's difficult to fight. You go quickly! I'll hold off the rear!

No objections allowed! Leave immediately!

At this dangerous time, Rebanna didn't want to hear any objections from them. Any other voice would give Octopus Tank a chance. Taking advantage of the relatively open terrain here, Rebanna asked the others to leave quickly.

Rebanna's Tiger tank performs very well, and there is no need to worry about other problems. After taking two whips from the Octopus tank, the body is still strong, and only part of the armor is damaged.

The Tiger tank's machine gun fired continuously and finally broke off one of the tentacles of the Octopus tank. However, as one tentacle was broken, another tentacle soon appeared on the Octopus tank. The tentacle attacks are like crazy, slapping continuously.

Under such an intensive attack, even a Tiger tank would not be able to resist for long.

Thinking that everyone was slowly escaping, Rebanna also gradually backed away. But the octopus tank kept chasing after him. Even though the passage in front was already very narrow, it still pushed forward to kill Rebana.

Octopus is a mollusk, and he can still get through the originally narrow passage. Just when it was about to get into the narrow place, Rebanna drove the Tiger tank and strafed the Octopus tank. As the bullets poured out, the Octopus Tank advanced instead of retreating, and quickly arrived in front of the Tiger Tank, as if it was going to devour the Tiger Tank.

Rebanna had no choice but to fire cannonballs. The cave was originally a narrow space, but with the Octopus Tank's thick body blocking the cave, it became not only a narrow space, but also a semi-enclosed space.

When an explosion occurs in such a space, the power can be imagined. The Octopus tank was blown to pieces and the Tiger tank was also uncomfortable. This shot did great damage to the Tiger tank.

It was this cave that had been in disrepair that suffered the most damage. As the sound of the explosion dissipated, rocks continued to fall. Pieces of gravel fell and hit the Octopus tank, and the Tiger tank was also hit. Banging.

Rebanna didn't dare to stay and left with all his strength. On the way out, a line of words popped up on the computer screen.

Damnable humans, Master Noah will not let you go. You are all waiting to die!

Noah? Who is Noah?

Rebanna didn't have time to think about who Noah was. The cave was about to collapse. If he couldn't run out, he would be buried here.

Cronin. Donna had already rushed out with Margery and Cliff. Outside the cave was a Ksitigarbha temple.

Not long after they arrived outside the cave, they heard an explosion from inside the cave. Cronin and Donna didn't need to think too much to know that this was the sound of Rebana firing. The situation must be critical, otherwise, Rebanna would fire.

Rebanna's firing meant he was fighting tooth and nail. Cronin and Donna looked at Margaery. If Margaery rushed in impulsively to save people, she would definitely knock her out immediately.

Margery did not rush in, but just watched the situation in the cave nervously. She wanted to rush in, but her rationality told her that it was useless. Even if she rushed in, she would just die there. Rebanna can only wait until the chaos is over.

Margaery turned around and didn't look at the situation inside the cave. She was afraid that she couldn't help it.

Cronin and Donna turned Margery back and felt relieved. She quickly used the medical equipment in the ambulance for Cliff to use. If it were a little later, Cliff's life would probably be in danger.

While everyone was taking care of Cliff, Rebana rushed out in a Tiger tank.

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