Cliff grabbed Rebana and asked: Rebana, who is coming back to rescue us? Do you have any plans? Didn't you tell us?

Rebana smiled, but frowned as his stomach hurt. Cliff, we have always been together, what is there that you don't know?

Cliff helped Rebanna sit up quickly. The injuries caused before were really serious. Rebanna, are you okay? With your current injury, you can't even move. What if a monster attacks you?

Don't worry! The monsters can't be defeated! Rebana said, pointing to Brian Joyce who was looking out from the small courtyard. This coward dared to stand up, which means that the danger is more than half over.

Only then did Cliff notice Brian Joyce in the small courtyard. He turned around and asked Rebanna: What is going on?

I don't know! Rebana said very directly. He really didn't know who was coming back, but he didn't feel dangerous in his heart, even though the outside was surrounded by water.

Cliff said: I really don't understand what you are saying. Are you playing riddles? I don't see any hope of survival at all.

Rebanna said: It's just a wonderful feeling, I'm not sure. But I never miss it.

Cliff held his head, looking helpless. It's exactly what Ray Banner said. His premonitions never failed. Okay! I hope it's as you said. Otherwise, all of us will die here.

The battle outside the small courtyard continued, and the bodies of the hunting dog robots once again covered the outside of the small courtyard. Another electromagnetic starter truck appeared outside the small courtyard. Cliff picked up the laser sniper gun and aimed at the console of the electromagnetic crane truck. A blue laser flashed past, and a shot was shot out of the console of the electromagnetic crane truck. Big hole. Another electromagnetic crane truck was destroyed.

As the electromagnetic crane collapsed, the monster in the distance became restless and began to retreat.

Cliff watched the tide of monsters turning around. He couldn't believe it for the first time. He just thought his eyes were dazzled. When the gunshots outside the small courtyard stopped and more and more people stood on the spot, Cliff finally Dare to believe everything is true.

Lebanner, everything you said is true, it's true. The monsters have retreated, they have retreated! Cliff was very excited and spoke awkwardly.

But Rebanna shook his head, looked deeply into the distance, and said, You are overthinking! These monsters haven't retreated yet.

Cliff was dumbfounded and said, What did you say? You haven't retreated yet? What's going on?

Rebanna's eyes can see far away. Although he was injured, his eyes can still see far away. In Odo Town, another group of monsters appeared, fighting against Marshall's monsters.

Rebana asked Cliff to look into the distance through the scope of the laser sniper rifle. Only then did Cliff discover that on a street, a red fire-breathing grasshopper was attacking the oil drum robot.

The red fire-breathing grasshopper sprayed out flames, and in just a moment, it ignited the oil drum robot. The oil drum robot sounded an alarm, and finally exploded under the burning flames.

Following the warning sound issued by the oil drum robot, the hunting dog robot quickly rushed towards the red fire-breathing grasshopper. The fire-breathing grasshopper was very flexible and jumped up and down, but the hunting dog robot was more flexible than the red fire-breathing grasshopper. And they are far more numerous than fire-breathing grasshoppers.

Under the siege of the hound robot, the fire-breathing grasshopper fired two fire bombs and was killed by the hound robot.

This kind of battle is not only happening on one street, but also on the street that Cliff can't see. Some other monsters in the wilderness are fighting with the monsters created by Marshall.

Cliff asked Ray Banner: What is going on? Why are those monsters attacking Marshall's monsters? Are they fighting for territory?

Rebana shook his head, saying that he didn't know either, and then said: Fortunately, our crisis is temporarily lifted! Unfortunately, we still can't leave here.

As the conductor, Morse Hamilton went up to the balcony. He also saw fire-breathing grasshoppers, but he didn't know where these monsters came from. Morse Hamilton's first reaction was that these monsters were Rebanna's reinforcements. He took three steps and two steps at a time, and wanted to ask Rebana: Is this his reinforcements?

Rebanna said: You are overthinking, I have no ability to find these monsters as reinforcements.

Morse Hamilton didn't believe what Rebanna said, so he asked again: Rebanna, stop joking, you must have arranged this!

If this was not arranged by Rebanna, then where did these monsters come from? Why did it help the bounty hunter guild in Odo Town when monsters attacked Odo Town?

Rebana said seriously: Morse Hamilton, this is indeed not arranged by me. I don't have the ability to control these monsters, but I know where these monsters come from.

Morse Hamilton nodded, as if that was the case: Rebana, you still said it was not under your control.

Rebana wanted to laugh, he told the truth, but no one believed him. Rebana shook his head and said: Morse Hamilton, this is indeed not under my control. I only know where they came from. That's all.

There is a small island between Bobu Town and Odo Town. There is a fort position at the bridge of the island. You should know it!

Morse Hamilton nodded and said: 'I do know this. This fort position was built by the president of the Bounty Hunter Union a long time ago. I don't know the specific circumstances and reasons, but that fort position has always been guarded. . ’

Later, the Kaiserlu Thieves Group appeared, and no one of us continued to change our defenses. It has been almost more than a year since we returned to our defenses!

Rebana frowned and said, Are you sure you haven't changed defenses in more than a year?

Morse Hamilton nodded and said: 'Of course! I was responsible for this area. At that time, the Bounty Hunter Guild had too much to take care of itself, and no one could change defense. ’

Rebana seemed to have thought of something, and then said: The function of that bridgehead is to suppress the monsters on the island and ensure that no monsters appear in Odo Mountain.

When Morse Hamilton heard this, he pointed at the monsters in the distance with one hand and said: You mean, these monsters are the monsters in Odo Mountain?

Rebanna nodded and said: Yes! When passing through Odo Mountain, I encountered these monsters and killed several of them.

Morse Hamilton's mind was even more confused. He really couldn't figure out why the monsters in Mount Odo would appear here to fight Marshall's monsters. But thankfully, with the intervention of these monsters, the crisis in Odo Town has been alleviated.

Anyway, at least we are saved! Morse Hamilton exhaled.

But Rebanna said: You are overthinking! We are only temporarily saved. Once the monsters in Odo Mountain are eliminated and the monsters in Living Marshall are eliminated, we will still be attacked.

Safety is only temporary. Rebana looked into the distance. The monsters in Odo Mountain were much stronger than Marshall's monsters. If this situation continues, all of Marshall's monsters will be wiped out, and the monsters in Odo Mountain will also be wiped out. The town of Odo will be razed to the ground.

Rebanna said to Morse Hamilton: We need to prepare now. Once Marshall's monster is eliminated, we will be finished.

Morse Hamilton looked at Rebanna and said, Rebanna, you mean we want to help Marshall's monsters destroy the monsters in Odo Mountain?

Rebanna shook his head and said: No, let the monsters of Odo Mountain and Marshall's monsters die together. No monsters from both sides can be left behind.

After Rebanna finished speaking, Morse Hamilton quickly understood! You have a good rest and leave this matter to me!

Morse Hamilton walked off the balcony, and a group of people stood beside him. The group was originally a death squad, and the task of luring the monsters into battle naturally fell on them.

Do you all understand what you are going to do? Morse Hamilton said to everyone.

The people in the first team nodded to show their understanding.

In that case! Let's go! After Morse Hamilton said this, the whole team rushed out. After sending away the people from the first team, Morse Hamilton called for the people from the second and third teams and said: The people from the first team have set off. They will attract monsters to kill each other, and your task is to kill the monsters. After the fight, hit the target in time, no matter it is the monster in Odo Mountain or the hungry monster created by Marshall, no one can be left alive, do you understand?

Understood! As the people from the second and third teams replied, the people from the second and third teams had already set off.

Cliff followed Rebana, and Rebana said to him: There is something I need to trouble you to do.

Cliff smiled and said to Rebana: Just tell me! It will be done!

Rebanna said to the stairs: Margery Morey and Billy Dennis, come here!

Margery Morey and Billy Dennis came over from the stairs at this time and stood beside Rebana. Rebanna said to the two of them: Margery Morey and Billy Dennis, you two will protect Cliff when he goes to the Bounty Hunters Guild in Odo Town.

Margery Morey and Billy Dennis looked at each other and nodded to indicate there was no problem.

Rebana said: Take care of Cliff, please!

Cliff looked at the two of them and said, I can do it alone!

But Rebana said: What are you thinking! Listen to my arrangements honestly, take Margery Morey and Billy Dennis to Flynn Crowder, tell him the current situation, and ask him to cooperate. Only then will we have the opportunity to eliminate all the monsters in Odo Town.

Cliff still wanted to speak, but Rebana didn't give him a chance and said directly: Let's go!

Cliff didn't want to contradict Rebana in front of outsiders, so he loaded his weapons and set off.


In the Bounty Hunters Guild in Aldo Town, Flynn Cloud led the remaining men to defend in the courtyard of the Bounty Hunters Guild. Marshall's monster is really too strong, especially the appearance of the electromagnetic crane, which combines the bodies of the broken hound robots to form a giant hound robot.

The giant hunting dog robot was still able to recover after being severely bombarded. The giant hunting dog robot attracted most of the firepower. The small hunting dog robot took the opportunity to pass through the blockade of the artillery shells and entered the tank position. The defense fell apart in an instant.

In desperation, Flynn Cloud could only lead everyone back and retreat into the defense line within the Bounty Hunter Guild.

Flynn Crowder's arm was bitten off by a group of hound robots while rescuing his younger brother. The wound was simply bandaged to stop the bleeding. Due to excessive blood loss, his face became very pale.

But he steeled himself and sat in the command position, waiting for his younger brother to report the situation to him.

A younger brother ran over. He was so excited that he was speechless for a long time.

Flynn Cloud said weakly: What's going on! Tell me! Do you want to kill me?

Where did the monsters hit? Tell me! I can withstand it!

The younger brother finally took a breath and said, Boss Flynn Cloud, the monster has retreated!

Flynn Cloud asked again and said: What are you talking about? Say it again!

The monster retreated! Boss Flynn Cloud, really, the monster retreated for some unknown reason!

Flynn Cloud felt his eyes darken and he fainted. The younger brother shouted in a daze: Boss Flynn Cloud, Boss Flynn Cloud!

Flynn Cloud was already seriously injured, but he managed to hold on. After hearing the news of the monster's retreat, he relaxed and fell into a coma.

In the chariot position outside the small courtyard, most of the tanks in Odo Town have been destroyed, and only a small part can still be used.

In front of a broken chariot, ten hound robots surrounded Hester Sam. Hester Sam's two arms were bitten by the hunting dog machine. The red hunting dog robot jumped on Hester Sam's chest and stared at Hester Sam's neck fiercely.

Not far away, Hester Sam's two younger brothers happened to see this scene, and they both chose to ignore it. Hester Sam is not a good boss, but because of his strength, all the people were afraid to say anything just now. Now, Hester Sam is about to be killed by the hound robot. My heart is full of joy, and even I want to transform into a hound robot to take revenge on Hester Sam.

Suddenly, the hound robot escaped, and the other hound robots that surrounded the bounty hunter guild all escaped.

Hester Sam's little brother watched dumbly as the hound robot escaped, unwilling to give in. Hester Sam almost died. Hester Sam's two younger brothers looked at each other and saw the anger in each other's eyes, and they both made a gesture of wiping their necks.

Seeing that the other party also had this intention, Hester Sam's two younger brothers walked towards Hester Sam.

When Hester Sam saw the two younger brothers walking towards him, he said angrily: You two damn bastards, why don't you hurry up and help me. Damn you two, why are you coming here now!

Hester Sam had always been arrogant, hitting and scolding his subordinates, and never looked back. In this crisis situation, he didn't know how to restrain himself and continued to stimulate the two younger brothers.

Hester Sam's two younger brothers were furious in their hearts, but respectful on the outside. Over the years, under the oppression of Hester Sam, they had already learned how to hide their true emotions.

Hester Sam was still cursing angrily, and the two younger brothers quickly walked to Hester Sam. They were worried that Hester Sam could resist, so they took sides.

Hester Sam thought that the two younger brothers were here to help him. Unexpectedly, the two men suddenly took action. One of them grabbed one of his hands, and the other hand covered his mouth. The other hand, A blow to his neck.

In pain, Hester Sam's eyes were bloodshot. He couldn't believe that these two men dared to kill him.

The faces of the two men became ferocious and terrifying. Hester Sam made his final resistance before he died, fiercely trying to push away the two younger brothers. The two younger brothers were cruel and wanted to kill Hester Sam. Naturally, Hester Sam will not be given any chance.

Unable to suppress it with one hand, they added their feet, and the two of them suppressed Hester Sam's hands. The other hand kept attacking Hester Sam's neck, and the other hand, Then he covered his mouth to prevent him from making any sound.

This process lasted for thirty seconds. At the tenth second, Hester Sam's cervical vertebra was broken and he died. However, the two of them were worried that Hester Sam would survive, so they kept attacking and attacking. Attacking like crazy will never let Hester Sam survive.

It wasn't until the two of them confirmed that Hester Sam was really dead that they were so frightened that they broke out into cold sweats. They looked at Hester Sam's body with fear in their hearts.

The two swallowed and hid aside, as if this matter had nothing to do with them. In fact, other people saw the actions of the two younger brothers, but everyone chose to ignore or turned their heads tacitly.

Hester Sam looked at the sky with round eyes, lying desolately next to the wreckage of the chariot.

Cliff brought Margery Morey and Billy Dennis to the Bounty Hunters Guild. The three of them looked a little embarrassed. On the way there, the three of them encountered retreating hunting dog robots. These hunting dog robots were retreating. At that time, without any sense, he had gone crazy.

Cliff was almost killed by the dog. If Billy Dennis hadn't helped him stop the hound robot in time, Cliff would have died on the road.

When Cliff arrived, he was interrogated by the bounty hunters. After knowing that he was sent by Morse Hamilton, he let them in. Cliff walked to Flynn Crowder's bedroom. At this time, Flynn Crowder had only one breath left.

Flynn Crowder said weakly: Are you the people photographed by Morse Hamilton?

Cliff said: Yes! I am here to tell you that the monster is only retreating temporarily and will come back at any time.

When Flynn Cloud heard this, he wanted to sit up, but the hold he held on loosened, and now he couldn't hold on at all.

He tried hard to get up and fell down again. What's going on? Didn't all the monsters retreat? Why did they come back immediately?

Cliff said: Don't get excited. The thing is like this. The monsters in Odo Mountain launched an attack on Odo Town for some unknown reason. The monsters in Odo Mountain and Marshall's monsters are at war. So, for the time being, we We can rest, but after the two sides decide the winner, we will be attacked immediately. When the time comes, it will be difficult to avoid the disaster of annihilation.

Flynn Cloud's breathing became rapid, he coughed several times, and then passed out. The person responsible for taking care of Flynn Cloud said: You guys go outside first and wait until boss Flynn Cloud wakes up.

Cliff grabbed the man's collar and said: Do you know what you are talking about? Wait until Flynn Cloud wakes up. If the monster attacks during this period, what should we do? Are everyone waiting to die? ?”

This! The man kept talking.

Cliff said angrily: Stop this, can you make up your mind? If you can't, just find someone who can make up your mind. Margaery is there, let her come out to see me.

Margaery died!

This sentence sounded like thunder in Cliff's ears. Soon he came to his senses, now was not the time to talk about these things, and said: Whoever can make the decision, let him come out and talk to me.

The man gritted his teeth and said, Tell me! In this critical moment, we can't delay it.

Cliff said: OK! In the current situation, whether the monsters from Odo Mountain win or the monsters from Marshall win, there is no possibility for us to survive. If we want to survive, we must let them die together.

Cliff talked about the plan made by Morse Hamilton and Rebanna. Soon this man understood it and immediately integrated the remaining people, arranged it, and formulated the plan.

Cliff had no part in the rest, it was not his business. Cliff found someone and asked Margery where she fought. Cliff took Margery Morey and Billy Dennis to the battlefield. The battlefield was full of corpses.

Cliff said to Margery Morey and Billy Dennis: Please, search carefully, even if you just find Margery's body, I'm begging you!

Margery Morey and Billy Dennis said: It's serious! We will try our best to find Margery.

The three of them searched for corpses one after another on the battlefield. No, not yet. Disappointment, countless disappointments. Cliff was wondering, had Margery been bitten to pieces by the hound robot?

Cliff walked onto the rubble and saw Margery on the rubble. He picked up Margery's body and shouted loudly: Margery! Wake up! Wake up!

Margery Morey walked up to Cliff and said, Cliff, stop shaking. Margery is still breathing a little. If you keep shaking her like this, she will really die.

Cliff then stopped and put Margery on his back, running towards the courtyard. In his heart, Cliff was simply grateful to Rebanna. The red recovery potion that Rebanna saved could save Margery's life.

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