Hound robots crowded the streets, and the first and second teams on the second floor were all empty of bullets.

Margaery gave orders to the tanks in the tank position. Empty all the artillery shells, and the third team will throw out the remaining grenades to cover the retreat of the first and second teams.

Everyone in the third team threw grenades, temporarily blocking the attack of the hunting dog robot. During this time, the first and second teams walked down to the second floor, returned to the tank position, and prepared close weapons and hunting dogs. Robot close combat.

The three teams also ran out of bullets within a minute, and the hunting dog robots swarmed up.

Margery holds a remote control with a red button in her hand. This is the last resort to defend the street. As long as Margery presses the red button remote control in her hand, the houses on both sides of the street will be blown up. As the houses Collapse, and all hound robots on the street will be buried under falling rocks.

This can only delay it for a little longer, and other monsters will soon come up again.

Margaery was still waiting for this to be the last resort. Once used, she would really have to fight hand-to-hand with as many monsters as the tide. Margery is not afraid of death, nor is she afraid of fighting these monsters, but her mission is to hold on until the fireworks signal for retreat appears.

Looking at the sky for a while, and for a while at the hound robots coming towards her, Margery clenched the red button remote control in her hand without moving her thumb away from the red button.

The tank's artillery shells have been used up, the tank's machine gun bullets have also been used up, and all the weapons and ammunition of the three teams have also been used up.

The hunting dog robot had almost run out of the explosion range and could not wait any longer. Margery pressed the button in her hand, and there was another series of explosions. As this series of explosions passed, the houses on both sides fell down and shattered. House rubble poured down, burying all the hound robots on the streets.

However, the ocean of monsters has no edge yet, and Margaery knows that soon these rubbles will be filled with hound robots one after another.

Everyone prepare for hand-to-hand combat! Margery's voice reached the ears of each team through the headset. No one chose to retreat. They all understood what they were doing here, and they all understood that they were about to face What is.

They just stood in their respective positions with smiles on their faces, and some even made fun of the brothers around them.

Margery did not reprimand them for not obeying the rules. Everyone fighting here knew what they were going to do. Since they stayed here, no one thought about leaving alive.

There were no fireworks in the sky and no signal to retreat. They had been holding on for more than thirty minutes. According to the original plan, they could have retreated, but no one had set off the retreat signal, which meant that they were not ready yet.

Since they are not prepared, they have no intention of retreating. Once they retreat, the Bounty Hunter Guild is still arranging troops. If these monsters kill in, it will only be a massacre.

In order to give other brothers hope of survival, they need to fight for enough time here and fight with their lives.

On the rubble pile, a hunting dog robot appeared. This hunting dog robot ran rapidly down from the top of the rubble pile. It was very fast. One of its feet accidentally got stuck in the rubble and it stumbled.

He rolled and crawled in front of Margaery, but Margaery crushed the mechanical dog's head under his feet.

With the death of this hunting dog robot, one after another hunting dog robots appeared on the rubble, with scarlet eyes, like ghosts appearing in the night one after another.

Margery's machete sliced ​​open a hound robot, and the corpses of the hound robot piled up in a pile at Margaery's feet. In addition to the corpses of the hound robot, there were also comrades fighting alongside her.

There were only five people left who could still fight, including Margaery. Margaery was at the front. Yes, she was charging. Margaery led everyone in the countercharge and reached the top of the rubble in one fell swoop. at.

The blade of Margaery's machete was already full of gaps. Holding this broken knife was like holding her own life like a candle in the wind.

The hunting dog robot surrounded Margery and the others without any pause, like a machine that never rests.

Margery did not look back, and the sound of the killing dog robot could no longer be heard behind her. No need to think about it, everyone died in the battle, and now she was the only one left in the blocking team.

Her arms were covered in bloodstains, and the wounds were so deep that the bones were visible. Margaery had lost too much blood and could no longer see the hound robot in front of her clearly, but she was still standing, holding a broken machete in one hand.

She remembered Rebana's advice before, and now she really regretted it. Why didn't she follow Rebana's advice at that time? If we had not entered Odo Town, if we had left Odo Town earlier, if we had deployed defenses earlier, the result would not have been like this.

But there are no what-ifs in life. Margery understood that it was too late and that it was all over. She just wanted to see Rebana again, apologize to Rebanna, and say she was sorry.

Margery burst out with the last bit of strength in her life, pulled out the machete stuck in the rubble, and with the flying rubble, she swung the knife at the hound robot that rushed towards her.

The hunting dog robot fell to the ground, and the machete in Margery's hand was also knocked away. Margery, who had exhausted all her strength, fell on the rubble and looked at the sky. When she was confused, she seemed to see a retreat ignited in the sky. fireworks.

Margaery didn't know if it was her hallucination or if she really sent out a signal to retreat, with a smile on her face.

The hunting dog robots all ran past her, as if they couldn't bear to trample on the woman who had caused them trouble.

Inside the Bounty Hunter Guild, Flynn Crowder looked at the twelve team captains in front of him. Not counting Margaery who was blocking the attack, Flynn Crowder's thirteen teams were complete.

Following Flynn Cloud's inquiry, everyone in the thirteen teams was ready. Only the outer tank positions had no news.

Flynn Cloud really couldn't wait any longer. Margaery was under a lot of pressure. It was simply impossible for thirty people to stop the endless monsters. However, the Bounty Hunter Guild needed time to repair itself. Defenses had to be built and sacrifices had to be made.

Flynn Crowder really didn't want to sacrifice Margaery, but Margaery took the initiative to ask for help, and Flynn Crowder couldn't refuse directly and arranged for others to go.

Flynn Crowder knew what Margaery was thinking. Margaery was regretful, did not listen to Rebanna's advice, and made mistakes again and again, which created the current situation. Flynn Cloud was also regretting that if he had followed Rebanna's suggestion earlier and set up a defense line, he would not have been so passive.

I think back then, they had a complete defense line and held it for three full days and nights. If it hadn't been for the excessive civilian casualties and the forced surrender, Marshall's monster army might not have been able to capture Odo Town, but tonight, it couldn't even take half a day. Didn't hold on.

Flynn Crowder sometimes doesn’t know what he is insisting on? What can you do with the few people you have? Can people really destroy those monsters with this alone?

Flynn Crowder has no confidence in his heart, or in other words, he can't see the hope of Ying at all, but he is the commander, and even if he can't see hope, he still has to bring hope to everyone. If even he gives up, then what will happen to these people? People really just have to wait for death.

Flynn Cloud walked to the outside, and Hurst Sam's chariot position had not yet been arranged. Flynn Cloud's face was ugly, and he asked Hester Sam: What is going on? Why hasn't it been done yet!

Hester Sam woke up from his trance and said to Flynn Cloud: I also want to do it faster, but the terrain is too narrow and the chariot cannot change direction. The chariot can only move one by one. It’s very troublesome to get one car in and out, and up to now, more than half of it has not entered the designated position.”

What Hester Sam said was part of the situation, but more of it was that Hester Sam was lost in thought alone. The younger brothers around him refused to obey anyone and were all competing for position. They would not give up this time. This has also led to the current situation, which is slow in efficiency.

Coupled with the narrow terrain, it is impossible to mobilize the tanks well.

Flynn Cloud just gave Hester Sam an angry look, telling Hester Sam that he was very angry now. Flynn Cloud directly deprived Hurst Sam of his command authority and personally commanded the surrounding tanks. With Flynn Cloud's coordination, these tanks finally entered their designated combat positions.

The outermost open space was covered with mines. The correct route had already been told to Margery's blocking team. As long as the fireworks were released, Margaery's blocking team would retreat.

Flynn Cloud looked at the time and found that it had timed out. Margaery and the others had been blocking the monsters for more than thirty minutes, and the monster wave had not yet been used. This showed that Margaery and the others were still persisting.

Flynn Cloud didn't see the retreating blocking team and thought it wasn't time yet. Flynn Cloud took out the fireworks from his arms and prepared to release the retreat signal. Before he raised his hand, he saw a wave of hound robots rushing out. The fireworks in Flynn Cloud's hand fell to the ground.

There is no point anymore, everyone in the blocking team is dead. A stream of tears flowed from Flynn Cloud's eyes. Margaery was dead. Margaery, whom he regarded as his daughter, was dead.

You bunch of beasts! Flynn Cloud roared. Fuck them all!

Following Flynn Crowder's voice, the machine gun of the tank conquering the land was spitting flames, and the bullets were fired one by one for free. There were too many hunting dog robots, and they could easily shoot at will without aiming. Take out a Houndbot or two.

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