The electric field of the electromagnetic lifting truck disappears. Margery Morey had also recovered by this time. The moment he noticed that the electric field disappeared, he picked up the spear at his waist and attacked the electromagnetic crane truck.

The three thieves Collins, Brandon and Caesar also reacted and attacked the electromagnetic crane. The precise program components of the electromagnetic crane were paralyzed. The assembled giant hound robot was also paralyzed again. This time it was gone. The possibility of reorganization will eventually become a pile of waste.

Margery Morey ran to Rebana's side, and Rebana became a bloody man. The explosion of the grenade not only affected the electromagnetic lifting truck, but also Rebana.

Margery Morey helped Rebanna up. At this time, Rebanna was still breathing, but he fell into a coma. Margery Morey carried Rebana on his back, and carried the unconscious Billy Dennis on his back. Everyone quickly left the place and walked towards the small courtyard.

Cliff saw the seriously injured Rebanna in the sniper scope and notified Morse Hamilton immediately. After Morse Hamilton heard the news, he clenched his fists. He was worried about Ray Banner, and also blamed Margery Morey and Billy Dennis, the two people he carefully selected. , and repeatedly warned that Rebana must be protected, but Rebana was still seriously injured and fell into a coma.

Margery Morey took Rebanna into the campus. At the eleventh hour, someone came up, put Rebanna on a stretcher, and took him to the temporary infirmary for treatment.

Billy Dennis had already woken up on the way back. The resilience of his transformed body was not something normal people could understand. Margery Morey and Billy Dennis looked rather embarrassed in their clothes, but they were in good spirits.

In Morse Hamilton's temporary office, Margery Morey and Billy Dennis were kneeling inside, their heads lowered, with guilt on their faces.

Morse Hamilton already knows the specific things, but this does not mean that Morse Hamilton will forgive Margery Morey and Billy Dennis. Remember what I told you when we left?

Margery Morey and Billy Dennis nodded.

Since you all know, why do you do it like this? Morse Hamilton's voice was very calm, but under the calm appearance, Margery Morey and Billy Dennis could both feel Morse. .Hamilton's mood swings.

I'm sorry, Lord Morse Hamilton! Margery Morey said.

Morse Hamilton said: I'm sorry? You haven't sorry for me. What you're sorry for is Rebana. If Rebana dies, you don't have to live anymore! Morse Hamilton said in a tone of voice that didn't help me. Questioning, Margery Morey and Billy Dennis did not explain, which caused Mr. Rebana to be injured. The two really should atone for their sins.

In the past, Margery Morey and Billy Dennis were not afraid of death, but they were afraid of not having the motivation to live and not being able to find the goal in life. Now they finally find hope of living, but they are facing death.

The two of them didn't hate Rebana, they only hated themselves for not protecting Rebana and causing Rebana to be seriously injured.

The two people who decided to atone for their sins did not wait for the specific news from Rebana. They looked at each other, took out the dagger, and prepared to chop off the other party's head. This was the way to kill the other party. As best friends, the two smiled at each other.

At this time, the person who cuts slowly will endure more pain.

The door to Morse Hamilton's office was pushed open, and Cliff walked in. He heard everything clearly outside the door.

That's enough! What are you doing? Are you going to make Rebanna blame himself for your deaths after he wakes up? Cliff's voice was not loud, but it was clear enough in the ears of several people.

What do you think of Rebana? A butcher? Or a tyrant? Rebana helped you and never thought about asking you to repay him. He just did what he should do as a bounty hunter.

Morse Hamilton looked at Cliff and asked, How is Rebana's current situation?

Cliff said: We are out of danger and need a period of rest. We won't be able to fight in a short time!

Morse Hamilton said: Isn't there a red recovery potion? Why not use it?

Cliff said: This is the last one. It needs to be used at a critical moment. Rebana's current injury can be treated with ordinary recovery medicine. It will take a little longer, but nothing will happen.

Rebanna is our main combat force. If he falls, what will happen to the monster's attack? Morse Hamilton couldn't understand Cliff's reason for doing this.

It's Rebana who doesn't want to use it himself. In the medical room, Rebana woke up at that time. Cliff originally planned to use the last red recovery potion on Rebana to allow Rebana to recover as soon as possible, but Rebana Banner stopped Cliff.

Leave the last potion, you may be able to get it in times of crisis. For my body, ordinary recovery potions are enough.

Cliff did not continue to persuade Rebana. He understood that what Rebana decided was not something he could change.

Morse Hamilton found out about Rebana's decision and was very puzzled that he couldn't get the answer he wanted from Cliff, so he went to find Rebana himself.

Margery Morey and Billy Dennis were left in the room. When Cliff saw the two of them still kneeling on the ground, he said, Get up! Rebana didn't blame you! Compared with you risking your life to save him, He would rather save you.”

Margery Morey said: We failed to take good care of Ray Banner. This is our fault. No matter what, we need to bear the consequences for our mistakes.

Cliff asked: Wrong? What's wrong with you? Can you tell me? I don't quite understand what you mean.

Billy Dennis said: It is our duty to protect Rebanna. It is my fault that I failed to take good care of him. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. There is no explanation. Lord Morse Hamilton's order is the guarantee. Rebanna is not injured, we must protect it with our lives. Otherwise, we will see you with your head.

For the prestige of Lord Morse Hamilton, we must die. There is no choice. Lord Morse Hamilton's authority has been damaged. Who will listen to Lord Morse Hamilton's orders in the future? ?”

Cliff didn't like this statement. For the authority of the superior, blood and death were needed to prove it. He doesn't like it, and neither does Rebanna, but this thing is valued by many high-ranking people.

Cliff doesn't like it, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. It's hard to see what's right and what's wrong. Just like his father, many people died for his authority because of his so-called authority.

In order for Morse Hamilton's authority not to be damaged, and for Ray Banner to feel relieved, Cliff said to Margery Morey and Billy Dennis: You really plan to die. Already?

Margery Morey and Billy Dennis nodded in recognition.

Cliff shrugged and said, Must die?

The two nodded again.

Cliff then said: Since you want to die, why not make your death more valuable?

Soon the monster will come to the courtyard. Since you want to die, why don't you die in the battle with the monster?

After Cliff finished speaking, he left the room. What he said was obvious, and the rest depends on what the two of them think.

Margery Morey and Billy Dennis both put away their daggers and walked out of the room.

Cliff returned to the balcony and observed the surrounding situation through the sniper scope of the laser sniper rifle. The oil drum robot, the vanguard of the monsters, has appeared a hundred meters away from the small courtyard.

The people in the small courtyard have been divided into teams. Cliff said to the first team through the intercom: At ten o'clock in the small courtyard, an oil drum robot appeared a hundred meters away. The first team set out to eliminate them and set up traps. .”

The second team occupies the commanding heights, covers the actions of the first team, and blocks them at any time.

Margery Morey and Billy Dennis mixed into a team, and they rushed to the front as vanguards. The oil drum robots a hundred meters away were not a troublesome problem, but after eliminating them, the monster army would quickly to catch up.

Cliff observed the situation well through the telescope and adjusted his command at any time.

Morse Hamilton arrived at the infirmary and saw Rebanna sitting on the chair. He walked up quickly and said to Rebana: Rebana, why are you sitting up? Hurry back to the bed and lie down.

Rebanna shook his head. Grenade injuries and injuries caused by electric current in an electric field will not heal in a short time. Now Rebana is just barely out of the dangerous period. Even taking a step is uncomfortable.

When Morse Hamilton saw that Rebanna was unwilling, it was impossible to use force, and he couldn't persuade him. Rebanna, why don't you use the last red recovery potion?

Rebanna looked at Morse Hamilton, smiled, and said, What do you think I can do after I regain my fighting strength?

Morse Hamilton said: ‘Of course it’s against the monster army! With your strength, our defense will be easy. ’

Rebanna shook his head and said: One person's power is too small. When I went out to save people, I knew that I couldn't save everyone even though I tried my best. Watching those people die, I could only secretly sad.

If it weren't for everyone's joint efforts, it would be impossible for me to come back alive. The power of one person is too small.

Morse Hamilton understood what Rebana meant and said, I can't advise you. You should have a good rest! Try to recover as much as possible.

Rebanna nodded and said: ‘Don’t worry! I won't be a burden anymore! ’

Rebana did not dare to use the last red recovery potion. In the following battle, Rebana did not know what else he would encounter. Cliff will most likely be injured in the ensuing battle and will likely need a red recovery potion.

Morse Hamilton saw what Rebana was thinking, so he stopped trying to persuade him!

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