Collins Brandon sat paralyzed on the ground. He had seen the monster in front of him more than a year ago. It was also a night like this. The monsters attacked in large numbers. His parents locked the doors and windows and hid him.

He hid in the closet and looked at the situation outside through the gap in the closet. His parents were bitten to death by the hound robot that rushed into the room. He was so frightened that he did not dare to speak. He only dared to lower his head and hoped that the hound robot would not stop him. Discover him.

Collins Brandon hid in the closet for two days, until he couldn't bear the hunger anymore, and then walked out of the closet. It was a dark time, and he didn't know how he got there. He was in a haze every day, as if he had no soul. corpse.

It took a long time to get out of the shadows with the help of my friend Jasper Mullen.

Over the past year or so, he has forgotten his fear and what happened in the past. Just tonight, the fear and anger he once had came to his heart.

Collins Brandon huddled on the ground, as if hiding in the closet, as if he had returned to that night again. Lying on the ground shivering. In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Collins Brandon looked at himself in the mirror. The arrogant Mr. S was like a trembling puppy, wandering miserably in the rain.

Collins Brandon buried his head on the ground and kept saying: I am not, not Mr. S, not Mr. S, I am just a waste! A waste!

The screams outside are getting louder and louder. Monsters are tearing down houses, setting fires everywhere, and killing people. Collins Brandon ran back into the closet, trembling with the weapon in his hand.

Jasper Mullen lives in the east of Aldo Town, and Collins Brandon lives in the west of Aldo Town. The two families have been friends for more than ten years. Although the two families are far apart, the friendship between the two families has always existed.

When chaos broke out in Odo Town, Jasper Mullen left the house immediately. He had a short gun in his arms and two grenades on his waist. Weapons are considered contraband in Odo Town. Under the blockade of the Kaiserlu Thieves Group, all weapons are not allowed to be sold at the beginning.

However, some people are still selling them secretly, and with the economic income of Odo town declining, the people of Kaiserru also turn a blind eye to the sale of weapons. As more than a year has passed, arms trafficking is no longer a problem.

It's just that people in this town are still not allowed to own weapons. Once they are found to have weapons, it is a very serious matter.

Jasper Mullen inherited the shooting range at home. According to this system, the shooting range was not allowed to open. However, Jasper Mullen found Kaiserru and obtained the right to operate the shooting range and the right to use firearms through Kaiserru.

It's just that Caesar will not sell these guns to him, and he will have to pay high taxes. Jasper Mullen's shooting range could not make ends meet, but Jasper Mullen did not close the shooting range just to wait for this opportunity.

He bought weapons from bounty hunters just to protect himself at times like this. In today's troubled times, not having weapons in hand would mean losing one's hands and feet.

Jasper Mullen only hid a few weapons at home, and most of the weapons were still at the shooting range. Once the shooting range was guarded, he couldn't use as many weapons at home.

After hearing the gunfire, Jasper Mullen immediately ran towards the shooting range, holding a weapon in his hand, ready to kill the thieves in Caesaroo at any time.

Jasper Mullen was lucky and didn't encounter any problems along the way. It wasn't until he arrived at the shooting range that he found out that he had been robbed by Caesarru thieves. They all thought that the shooting range was very rich and wanted to escape before they could escape. After grabbing a large sum of money, he ran to the slums and hid.

After arriving at the shooting range, I discovered that the place was not as wealthy as imagined. The angry Caesarlu thieves bloodbathed the place. The guards Jasper Mullen left here died tragically, and no one survived.

Just when Jasper Mullen was ready to take revenge on the thieves of Caesaroo, he heard on the radio that the town of Odo had been recovered. Everything came and went quickly. Jasper Mullen was still in panic, but everything became calm again. But looking at the corpses on the ground, his heart couldn't calm down.

After walking to the weapons warehouse, most of the weapons were taken away. Jasper Mullen sorted and collected weapons one after another from the ground, saving all the ones that could be used. There were only a dozen guns and one gun. A little ammo.

This weapon is all he will have on the shooting range from now on, and the future will be dark.

When Jasper Mullen was worrying about the future, there was thunder in the sky. He climbed up, took out his telescope, and saw the monsters. Just like that night when monsters invaded Odo Town and killed countless people.

Jasper Mullen was thinking of Collins Brandon. The monster invasion had a big impact on him. After finally coming out of the shadows and encountering these monsters again, Jasper Mullen was worried about Collins. .Brandon is going to have problems.

He put all the equipment in the car, drove his jeep, and quickly found Collins Brandon before the monster arrived, and took him away from Odo Town. The current Odo Town is not a place for people. Soon this place will be hell on earth.

Jasper Mullen came to Collins Brandon's house. There was a body downstairs. Jasper Mullen walked over and saw that the body was already cold. Frowning, he hurried upstairs and opened the closet without much thought, just in time to see a trembling Collins Brandon.

When Collins Brandon saw Jasper Mullen, he felt like he was seeing a relative and burst into tears. Collins Brandon was incoherent, just like when he first met him. Jasper Mullen hugged Collins Brandon tightly, like an older brother hugging his younger brother, and took him out of the closet.

Jasper Mullen asked: Did you kill the man downstairs?

Collins Brandon nodded, sobbing.

Jasper Mullen continued to praise: You are so awesome! Collins Brandon lowered his head and said nothing.

Jasper Mullen continued: We must leave Odo Town immediately. Odo Town is too dangerous now. If we continue to stay, we will all die!

You have to rush out before those monsters completely surround Odo Town!

Collins Brandon nodded, but still didn't speak. Jasper Mullen understood that Collins Brandon was frightened, just like when he first met him, he was so frightened that he could not speak.

Jasper Mullen took Collins Brandon's hand and led him downstairs. As he walked at the top of the stairs, Collins Brandon noticed that a hunting dog robot appeared at the door of his home. The hound robot sprayed purple fireballs at the two of them. Collins Brandon and Jasper Mullen reacted quickly. When they saw the Hound Robot, they ran upstairs, just in time to avoid the Hound Robot's fire bomb.

Jasper Mullen aimed his short gun at the stairs, waiting for the hunting dog robot to appear and shoot it to death. The speed of the hound robot is very fast, far beyond the speed of a flying disk. Especially in narrow passages, the hound robot can jump repeatedly to avoid danger.

Jasper Mullen pulled the trigger of the short gun, and the bullets of the short gun poured outwards. In a short time, all the bullets were fired, but the speed of the hunting dog robot was too fast, and it did not suffer any damage.

The hound robot rushed up the corridor and jumped in front of Jasper Mullen.

Jasper Mullen was still changing bullets, but he was so nervous that he always made mistakes when changing bullets. The hound robot knocked Jasper Mullen down. Jasper Mullen was still struggling, trying to push the hound robot away, but the hound robot was very strong, not weaker than an adult giant dog.

Jasper Mullen was pinned under the hunting dog robot and unable to move. Jasper Mullen knew that he had no way to survive, so he could only pinch the neck of the hunting dog robot and ask Collins Brandon to leave quickly.

Collins Brandon, run, leave me alone! Run! Jasper Mullen turned around and yelled at Collins Brandon.

Collins Brandon was frightened when he saw the hunting dog robot. When he saw the hunting dog robot pounce on Jasper Mullen, he lost his mind even more. It felt like I was back to that time, hiding in the closet and watching my parents being killed by the hound robot.

Jasper Mullen was still shouting: Collins Brandon, run! Run!

Collins Brandon suddenly stood up with a roar, picked up the shotgun in his hand and walked to the side of the hunting dog robot. He inserted the barrel of the shotgun into the hunting dog robot's mouth, pulled the trigger, and the hunting dog robot was shot. The gun flew away.

Collins Brandon did not let go of the hunting dog robot. After walking in, he shot the mechanical hunting dog again. After blasting the hound robot into pieces, Collins Brandon collapsed on the ground. It was as if he had lost all his strength.

Jasper Mullen pulled Collins Brandon up and said, Okay, it's over! It's okay, it's all over!

Collins Brandon shook his head and said: Not yet, we are still in Odo Town and must leave immediately!

Collins Brandon and Jasper Mullen walked downstairs and got into the jeep. Jasper Mullen ran the truck out of the city and encountered oil drum robots along the way.

The roof of the Jeep was engulfed in flames, and the flames gradually spread and threatened to engulf the entire vehicle.

Jasper Mullen said to Collins Brandon: The Jeep is dead, we have to get out of the car.

Collins Brandon threw a grenade, temporarily blocking the oil drum robot. The two parked the car on the side of the road, put on the equipment they could carry, and walked into an alley. Exit down the alley and finally get rid of the oil drum robot.

The two walked through the alley to another street. The street was full of murdered people, and there were monsters coming from a distance. The two hid in a small house.

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