The squad leader doesn't just follow Rebanna's orders. He's the one commanding here. Why should he follow Rebana's orders? Besides, the surroundings are so quiet, how could there be an enemy attack. absurd!

Seeing the team leader sitting on the side, Rebanna grabbed the flare gun from his waist and fired two flares into the sky.

The squad leader stood up, walked up to Rebana, and said angrily: Rebana, what do you mean? Do you know what will happen if you fire the flare gun at will?

The captain's younger brother pulled the captain's sleeve and stammered: Captain, look far away!

The captain said angrily: I have something to do with this bastard, why are I looking so far away?

The captain glanced into the distance, and then he discovered that in the dark night, red eyes appeared one after another. These red eyes were rushing towards Odo Town, like balls of flames, flying in the air.

This captain was someone who had witnessed the last monster invasion. He naturally knew the terror of these monsters and shouted: Run away! Run away! The monsters have invaded! The monsters have invaded!

The captain shouted to run, but he picked up the short gun in his hand and fired at the eyes in the darkness. Die to me! Die to me!

The captain understands that all he can do is delay as much as possible. As a bounty hunter, he must buy enough time for his teammates.

Everyone in Odo Town is still celebrating. These monsters rushing into Odo Town will definitely be a massacre.

None of the boys around the captain retreated. They all fired with weapons in their hands. Their attacks were of no avail and had no effect. The monster was getting closer and closer, and they could already see its appearance clearly.

The one at the front of the team is the oil barrel robot, and behind the massive oil barrel robots is the sniper war dog carrying a red quiver.

A rocket launcher fired by the sniper war dog flew over and exploded in the crowd. Only one captain was left among the ten people who could breathe. He could only survive because Rebana pushed him to the ground in time.

The team leader really regretted why he failed to arrange the defense line according to the highest standards. If the direction was arranged, these monsters would not be able to enter Odo Town so easily. There is no regret medicine in the world.

He shook his dazed head, his ears were full of blood, and the huge explosion destroyed his ears. He couldn't hear what Rebana was saying, and there was no need to know what Rebana said.

He took out the grenade from his arms and looked for possible grenades on his opponent. He shouted loudly to Rebanna: Go! Go quickly! Take this news back, and I will organize these monsters!

He didn't know if Rebanna heard it clearly. Anyway, he couldn't hear anything, so just pretend that Rebanna could hear it! He must have heard it, otherwise he wouldn't have run so fast!

The world without sound turns out to be so quiet!

Come all! You monsters, come to me! I want you to know how awesome it is! Eat my grenade! Hahaha!

The oil drum robot rushed towards the squad leader and sprayed flames to burn him. In the raging fire, the squad leader howled and threw a grenade. In the huge explosion, he and the oil drum robot disappeared into the night.

The bright fire light illuminates the dark night.

The oil barrel robot exploded under the explosion of the grenade, causing a series of explosions and a large sea of ​​​​fire appearing, surrounding a twenty-meter area. Some oil drum robots choose to take a detour, and some choose to wait for the flames to gradually decrease.

The death of the team leader effectively delayed the monster's progress, and it bought him a minute or two.

The huge explosion finally woke up everyone who was cheering. When they saw the flare, everyone thought it was fireworks. It was not until the huge explosion sounded that these people woke up a little.

Enemy attack! Enemy attack!

One by one, they put down the wine bottles in their hands, went to put on their own clothes, and picked up weapons one by one. They are ready to meet the enemy, but they still don't know what the enemy is.

One by one, they occupied the commanding heights of the street, wanting to see who dared to invade. Rebana was very fast. He found Flynn Cloud and said, It's a monster! The monster has invaded Odo Town!

At this time, Flynn Cloud's drunkenness dissipated a little, and he asked in disbelief: What did you say? Monsters invaded Odo Town?

Rebana nodded and said: Yes! Monsters have invaded Odo Town! These monsters are mainly oil barrel robots, among them there are also sniper war dogs. At the very back, I also saw a powerful crane and an electromagnetic crane truck.

Flynn Cloud stood up with difficulty, remembering that night when monsters invaded Odo Town, causing countless casualties.

It's Marshall's monster army! They are coming! Odo Town is about to be destroyed again!

Flynn Cloud sat helplessly on the ground, lost in thought. Not long after Odo Town was recovered, it was attacked by monsters again. Is this destiny?

Rebanna caught Flynn Cloud and said angrily: You are the commander of the bounty hunter, Flynn Cloud, what are you doing now? What should you do?

It's useless! It can't be beaten! We will definitely lose! Flynn Cloud said dejectedly.

Hearing Flynn Cloud's dejection, Rebanna grabbed Flynn Cloud's collar, lifted him up, and said, Do you know what that huge explosion was?

That's the team leader you arranged. In order to give you time to prepare, he detonated the grenade. He used his own life to hold off those monsters just to give you some time to prepare. How do you repay him like this? Cherish what he gave you like this. The precious time left? Rebanna was furious.

Flynn Cloud, don't forget that you are the commander. Do you want to see the Bounty Association in Odo Town destroyed?

Rebana punched Flynn Cloud in the face, and the pain on his face finally awakened the decadent man.

Flynn Cloud wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, glanced at Rebanna, and said, I am the commander, and you actually hit me?

Rebana said: Is the commander sober? If he is not sober enough, I can help you again!

Flynn Crowder strode to the door and said: I remember! I will return this punch to you. When the battle is over, Rebanna, I will settle the score with you.

Flynn Cloud went to do what he knew how to do, and Rebana ran towards Morse Hamilton's small yard. He originally thought that Varu would lead his men to a surprise attack to celebrate the victory. Bounty Association, unexpectedly, monsters invaded Odo Town.

It was impossible for Marshall to send out the monster army in such a timely manner. Judging from the time, Marshall only now knew that Odo Town had been conquered. In other words, these monsters were invited to ambush near Odo Town.

Could this all be Varu's plan to introduce monsters into Odo Town to eliminate the Bounty Hunter Association? What good does this do to Varu?

Rebana didn't understand and had no time to think about it. He returned to the small courtyard. Morse Hamilton already knew the whole situation. Cliff could see clearly in the sniper scope that the squad leader was all over his body. He fully witnessed the moment when the grenade was set on fire.

Cliff said to Rebanna: The monster has bypassed the sea of ​​​​fire and rushed in from the east-west intersection of Odo Town. Along the way, it destroyed all the houses and burned and killed all the survivors.

Rebanna punched the wall and cursed: Damn it!

Marshall the bastard!

Morse Hamilton said to Rebanna: This is not all Marshall's problem!

Rebana looked at Morse Hamilton and said, Do you know anything?

Morse Hamilton sighed and said: I have heard some rumors that Caesar has a controller to summon the monster army. As long as the controller is pressed, the monsters created by Marshall will attack Odo Town. , razing the town of Odo to the ground.”

I used to think that this was a rumor deliberately spread by Kaiserru, but I didn't expect that it was all true.

According to our plan, Marshall doesn't know that Odo Town has been captured. The only one who can still use the monster controller after Caesar is dead is Varu, a bastard.

Rebanna only felt dizzy. All of this was Varu's trick. He wanted to keep the Bounty Hunter Association from getting involved, just to secretly take away the monster controller.

Morse Hamilton patted Rebana on the shoulder and said, Don't blame yourself. This is not your problem. You have done your best.

Rebanna didn't speak, but his face was gloomy and he clenched his fists as if he wanted to eat someone.

Cliff didn't want Rebanna to blame himself anymore, so he quickly changed the subject and said: Now we have other things to do. Monsters are invading Odo Town. Although we are safe for the time being, danger will come at any time, and... Those monsters are killed indiscriminately, and many civilians are in danger.

Morse Hamilton glanced at Rebana and said: It is true that the current situation is very dangerous, and civilians don't know what to do. Civilians are dying every minute and every second.

Rebana slapped himself hard, and the pain on his cheek made him wake up. He said to everyone: Organize a small team and leave the courtyard to rescue as many civilians as possible.

Morse Hamilton asked: There will be danger if you leave the campus, are you sure?

Rebanna nodded and said: There is nothing to say. I will lead the team out. The team does not need too many people, just three people including me. The other two people will participate voluntarily and do not force it. Even if I am the only one, I’ll be out too.”

Just one minute, I'll be out when the time is up.

After Rebana finished speaking, he found a corner and sat down. Everyone present looked at Rebana in the corner. It was a declining figure, which made people uncomfortable to look at.

Cliff wanted to go with him, but Morse Hamilton stopped him and said, Don't go! The courtyard needs your help in defense.

Cliff said nothing and sat aside.

Morse Hamilton said something to the two people beside him, and they both nodded and walked towards Rebana.

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