Rebanna walked towards Brian Joyce and asked him about the monster's traces. Brian Joyce did not dare to resist, so he led Rebanna to the sewer entrance. Rebanna stood at the sewer entrance, trying to understand the situation below through perception. After sensing it at close range, Rebana realized that this was a monster that was no weaker than the Piranha Monster Commander.

Having such a monster under the weapons arsenal is like having a time bomb buried under your feet.

Are these people crazy? They actually put such a terrifying monster under the weapons depot. If there was a riot, would there be any living people in the weapons depot? Rebana frowned and stared at the patterns on the sewer opening, as if I've seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

Rebana, what's wrong with you? Cliff asked in a low voice when he saw that Rebana remained silent.

Brian Joyce came forward, stretched out his finger and pointed down the hall, and said to Rebana: I suspect the monster here is the self-destruction device of the weapons arsenal. Rebana, if you want to keep the weapons arsenal , this monster below must be dealt with.

Rebana understood this truth and looked at the time. There were less than ten minutes before the attack was launched. Within ten minutes, if Rebana could create chaos, Flynn Crowder would lead his people away.

When the time comes, with Hester Sam's ugly face, he will definitely try his best to achieve the commanding position, and then the future Aldo Town will become Gomez's world.

Rebana turned to look at Cliff. He felt sorry for Cliff. He promised his brother to take good care of him, but he put him in a dangerous place.

Cliff, I want to hear your thoughts. The current situation is very dangerous. According to the plan, Flynn Cloud will launch an attack on the weapons research institute in ten minutes. However, I cannot create chaos. They will retreat. Rebana paused and continued.

If I go directly to create chaos, the arsenal of monster awakenings below will inevitably be destroyed. And if I go to deal with the monsters, I will probably not have time to create chaos, and Flynn Cloud will lead people away. Counterattack on Odo Town It will still continue, but Gomez’s men will rule the town of Odo.”

After listening to Rebanna's story, Cliff understood that there was no time for him to hesitate, but what should he choose? Cliff really doesn't know. He said to Rebana: Rebana, you go do what you want to do! I support you unconditionally. I believe in you, just like Abel.

Brian Joyce panicked at this time and gave Ray Banner a choice. He would definitely attack and create chaos. He and Cliff would stay here and wait for the monster to wake up and finish together.

Cliff, you can't make this choice! Don't lose your temper, Rebanna will kill both of us. Brian Joyce anxiously advised Cliff.

Then Ray Banner said: This can't be counted! Ray Banner, let Cliff choose again. He just said it wrong! Let him choose again.

Rebanna looked at Cliff and asked, There's no time! How do you choose?

Listen to you! Your decision is my decision! Cliff said firmly.

Brian Joyce was so angry that he didn't know what to do, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet. Madman, you two are madmen, why should I be with you two madmen! Ah! What did I do wrong to punish me like this!

Rebanna didn't pay attention to Brian Joyce who was crying and screaming. He was a coward who was afraid of death.

Lifting the cover of the sewer, Rebana quickly slid down. Rebanna chose to kill the monsters in the sewer before going to cause chaos.

Cliff chose to believe in him, he chose to believe in himself, and he would be able to complete it within the specified time.

There was a disgusting stench in the sewer. Rebanna ignored the torment of the smell and used his perception to find traces of the monster.

After discovering the trace, he ran forward with great strides, drawing both Smile and Cry swords.

After turning several passages in succession, I finally saw the Salmonella Ape locked at the end of the passage. This Salmonella ape is much smaller than the average Salmonella ape and larger than a normal human.

This Salmonella ape doesn't look very big, and it doesn't have much strength, but Rebana knows from perception that this Salmonella ape is very strong, far more powerful than the piranha that has not fully evolved. The monster leader is even stronger.

A metal chain was tied around the ankles of the salmonella leader, who sat in the dirty water with rats crawling over his body from time to time. The Salmonella Ape Commander didn't seem to notice the rats and allowed them to wreak havoc on his body.

Rebanna stared at the Salmonella Ape Commander and without any hesitation, he projected the Crying Taitō in his hand. The Smiling Taitō flew out, cutting through the air and making a sharp sound. The lying Salmonella Ape Commander was stabbed in the chest by the Smiling Sword and let out a shrill scream.

Bright red blood flowed from the chest. The blood of the Salmonella Ape Commander was a bit strange. It was not pure red, but mixed with a faint green color, like the blood of a piranha monster.

The Salmonella Ape Commander roared angrily, stood up, and rushed towards Rebanna, but the metal chains pulled his legs. Rebanna took advantage of the moment when the Salmonella Ape Commander was pulled, rushed forward, and smiled. The sword swept across the air.

The Salmonella Ape Commander sensed the danger and took a step back, just in time to pass by Smile Taito's sword. Smile Tai Dao only damaged the fur of the Salmonella Ape Commander, and a bunch of fur from the Salmonella Ape Commander flew in the air and floated to the water.

The leader of the Salmonella Ape looked at Rebana, but his eyes showed fear of the Smiling Sword in Rebana's hand.

Rebanna approached cautiously, and the Salmonella Ape Commander stepped back with his teeth bared.

After Rebanna took a deep breath, he concentrated his breath on the sword. The smiling sword seemed to be illuminated by a layer of moonlight halo. In the halo, the Salmonella Ape Commander became even more frightened. The Salmonella Ape Commander kept retreating, and Rebana cautiously walked forward, looking at the Salmonella Ape Commander cautiously.

The Salmonella Ape Commander was chased into a corner, and Rebana also blocked the Salmonella Ape Commander's attack direction. Rebanna was confident that he could instantly kill the Salmonella Ape Commander. He locked his aura on the Salmonella Ape Commander, and swung his sword with a moonlit smile. Just when the Smiling Sword was about to hit the Salmonella Ape Commander, an iron chain suddenly appeared in the water, and the iron chain tightly wrapped Rebanna's Smiling Sword.

The Smiling Sword was originally cutting iron like clay, and the Smiling Sword was wrapped in aura. With a strong pull, the iron chain broke into several sections. The moment the iron chain lost its inhibitory effect, the Salmonella Ape Commander changed his body shape and jumped behind Rebana.

The Salmonella Ape Commander's thick palm stretched out to Rebana's neck, as if to break Rebana's neck.

If the speed of the Salmonella Ape Commander was not limited by the toxin of the Crying Tai Sword, Rebana would definitely have his neck broken by the Salmonella Ape Commander. However, after the Crying Tai Sword's toxin limit, the Salmonella Ape Commander's movements were much slower. The ability to flexibly hide behind Rebanna is the limit of the Salmonella Ape Commander.

Rebanna squatted down and avoided the stranglehold of the Salmonella Ape Commander. He quickly turned around and cut the Salmonella Ape Commander's claws across with his Smile Taida knife. The blood spurted out and dyed Rebana with blood.

The Salmonella Ape Commander did not give up the struggle, but continued to pounce forward, trying to crush Rebana's neck with his teeth. However, Rebana slashed across with his sword, breaking off the Salmonella Ape Commander's head, and pulled out the Crying Taisword from the Salmonella Ape Commander's chest.

Rebana didn't know why, but the Salmonella Ape Commander didn't seem to be very strong, and it didn't cause him any harm. Is there something wrong with my perception? Rebanna walked back with confusion.

Suddenly his senses told him that he was in danger, and Rebanna quickly rolled sideways to avoid it. Due to the large range of movement, he hit the wall. There was a pain in my back, but it was better than death.

The Salmonella Ape Commander was still able to move freely after losing his head, but there was something like an eye moving around the wound on his chest.

Rebana finally understood why the Salmonella Ape Commander made him feel so much weaker. It turned out that there was a piranha monster's head hidden in the Salmonella Ape Commander's chest. It's a cross between a assembler monster, a salmonella ape, and a piranha monster.

At first, the toxin of Rebanna's Crying Taito limited the piranha monster, so the Salmonella Ape Commander seemed very bulky. After drawing out the Smiling Taito, the piranha monster revived, and the Salmonella Ape Commander's strength increased by leaps and bounds. Fortunately, one brain has been solved and the strength of the Salmonella Ape Commander has been reduced a lot.

The Salmonella Ape Commander rushed towards Rebanna. He still remembered the humiliation just now, and now was the time to take revenge. The best way now is to retreat and fight at the same time, but there is really no time to continue fighting with the Salmonella Ape Commander.

The severed arm of the Salmonella Ape Commander has also recovered, but without his head, it looks very scary.

Rebana swung the smiling sword in his hand, and the Salmonella Ape Commander's arm was cut off again. However, Rebana also felt uncomfortable. He was directly hit in the chest by the Salmonella Ape Commander, and his internal organs felt misplaced.

Flynn Crowder was guarding outside the Weapons Research Institute. There was less than a minute left before the planned attack, but now, there was no news and no movement in the Weapons Research Institute.

Margery followed Flynn Cloud and asked, Are you worried about Rebana?

Flynn Crowder nodded, his heart filled with anxiety. He was really not sure whether Rebanna could complete the task, and said: Margery, can Rebanna definitely complete it?

Margaery nodded and said: Master Flynn Cloud, don't worry, Rebanna can definitely do it. He and I took it out of the weapons research institute.

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