Flynn Claude snorted coldly and said: Cooperation? The villa is so high-sounding. You know exactly what you are thinking. You just want to use the strength of the bounty hunters in Odo Town to help you eliminate Marshall! Margery is just a silly girl who still thinks you are a good person. You, Marshall and Gomez are all the same, and they all want to use the Bounty Hunter Guild in Odo Town as a tool.

Rebana took a deep breath and said: A tool? Do you really think so? Okay, I, Rebana, am willing to be a tool for the Bounty Hunter Guild of Odo Town. I am willing to be a tool to help you conquer Odo Town. As long as you conquer Odo Town, After Odo Town, I am willing to leave immediately and never appear in Odo Town.

When Flynn Crowder heard this, he had a slight change in his view of Rebana, and thought in his heart: Does this kid really not have any thoughts about Odo Town? Didn't he want to take away the power of Aldo Town and take revenge on Marshall and Gomez?

Flynn Crowder was a little confused, but he didn't know Rebanna well. He only knew some of Rebanna's deeds from Margery's mouth. Rebanna's spare no efforts and Rebanna's wisdom made Flynn. Claude had a sense of crisis, Rebanna was really powerful.

Once Rebanna gained prestige, the entire Odo Town would become a plaything in Rebanna's hands. Thinking of his brother dying for an Avenger and losing his life, Flynn Cloud felt heartbroken.

The best example is Margaery, a girl who has been carried away by revenge and has lost the ability to distinguish right from wrong. She only knows that Rebana is a good person and is not even willing to help Flynn Cloud take action against Rebana.

In desperation, Flynn Cloud took action to drive away Rebanna, and a plan to counterattack Odo Town was already in place. Flynn Crowder read the plan and it was very feasible. He only needed to contact Hester Sam and Morse Hamilton and wait for their answers to counterattack Odo Town in one fell swoop. But Rebanna's existence is a problem. Once Rebanna steals power during the battle, Odo Town will change hands, which Flynn Crowder cannot accept.

However, Flynn Crowder has his own principles. Although he doesn't like Rebana, he will not kill Rebana. He just wants Rebana to retreat and understand that the Bounty Hunter Guild in Odo Town is not The plaything in his hand cannot be handled casually by him.

Flynn Crowder thought: Am I really wrong?

Flynn Crowder's fighting spirit was even fiercer, and it was difficult to distinguish right from wrong. He said angrily: Come on! Rebana, decide a winner and loser. It's life or death. Whoever wins will rule Odo Town. bounty hunters. It’s a challenge, a fair challenge.”

Rebanna was very helpless. He had already explained clearly, why did Flynn Cloud still want to fight? Are you annoyed? I told you that I don't want to fight and I have no desire for power. Can't I just stop fighting?

Don't worry! I, Flynn Cloud, keep my word. As long as you kill me, all my brothers will be under your command. Only the winner can lead the brothers to a better future. This is the tradition of Odo Town. , There is no need for you, an outsider, to question it. Flynn Cloud's fighting spirit became more and more intense.

The younger brothers outside were also cheering, and the shouts of killing came overwhelmingly.

Rebana knew that this battle was inevitable. So Rebanna dispelled the illusion. In the state of the illusion, Rebana was confident that he could kill Flynn Cloud without any injuries. After all, he only needed a sneak attack. Flynn Crowder would not have any defense, let alone Defeat him, even kill him, he won't feel anything.

But Rebanna is not here to kill, he is here to cooperate. He just wants Odo Town to restore its former peace and become an oasis in the wilderness. This is Rebana's promise to the red wolf, and it is also Rebana's wish in his heart. To become an existence beyond the red wolf, it starts with solving Odo Town.

He can do what Lord Red Wolf cannot do, and this is the first step.

Flynn Crowder moved his muscles. He originally thought that Rebana should be in front of him, but Rebana was behind him, eight meters away. Flynn Crowder was a little surprised. He didn't know how Rebana ran over, and there seemed to be no signs of injury or blood vomiting on his body.

Although Flynn Crowder was confused, his men did not let go. Flynn Crowder is generally weaker than Rebanna, and Flynn Crowder has not mastered the use of breath. In a real life-and-death fight with Rebanna, Flynn Crowder would have narrowly escaped death. . And Rebanna used illusions. Flynn Cloud and Rebanna would never survive in a fight.

He took the lead in punching, and punched him one after another with his fist as big as a casserole. Rebanna's hands were in the shape of palms, and they were going back and forth for a long time.

Flynn Crowder said at this time: The challenge in Odo Town is unrelenting. Rebana, wake up!

Flynn Cloud's offensive took it to another level. Rebanna was constantly pushed into the corner, struggling to dodge in the narrow corner. Flynn Crowder has many openings, and Rebanna has every chance to launch an attack on Flynn Crowder. However, such an attack will render Flynn Crowder useless, and may even make him unable to control him. It was so powerful that Flynn Cloud died.

Flynn Crowder said that this was a life-and-death duel, but Rebanna really didn't want to kill Flynn Crowder, and Rebanna didn't sense any killing intention in Flynn Crowder. Lin Crowder seemed to be attacking fiercely, but Rebana always felt that Flynn Crowder was deliberately seeking death. His moves were wide open and closed, and there were many gaps. This was not a style of play that would be used in a fight.

Rebanna didn't understand what Flynn Cloud was trying to do. Was he asking for death? The gap in the middle exposed the position of the heart. As long as Rebanna was willing, he could punch Flynn Cloud in the heart and kill him.

Rebana didn't make a move, but was blocking with one hand. His hands were very heavy, like a thousand pounds of stones tied to them, too heavy to be picked up.

Rebana is still insisting. He is waiting for Flynn Crowder to run out of strength. The defensive side consumes less energy than the offensive side, but the defensive side needs to concentrate much more energy than the offensive side.

As Rebanna expected, after Flynn Cloud persisted for five minutes, the violent storm turned into pattering raindrops. Although the sun was shining, it was actually a continuous spring rain, but a summer rainstorm.

Seizing the opportunity, Rebanna and Flynn Crowder punched each other in the air. Flynn Crowder was exhausted and fell to the ground. Rebana also pretended to be exhausted and fell to the ground, unable to get up. Rebanna struggled to lean against the wall, trying to see what was going on around him. Those Flynn Crowder kids didn't catch up, and they were indeed watching from outside the small courtyard.

Flynn Claude still wanted to struggle to get up, but he had no strength and could only lie motionless on the ground. Rebana pretended to get up and wanted to take action, but was unable to get up due to exhaustion.

Rebana asked Flynn Cloud: We don't have any strength, how can we count this sentence? Do we have to play another round?

Flynn Crowder wanted to play a round, but he really didn't have the strength. Flynn Crowder had a little trust in Rebanna. In the process of his coaching with Rebana, Rebana asked him for many opportunities to make virtue, but Rebana chose to give up.

Flynn Crowder had already made an agreement with Rebana before the competition. Whoever kills the other party will command the younger brother. With Flynn Crowder's reputation in Odo Town, everyone will believe Flynn Crowder. The truth of Germany’s words. But Rebana did not take action, which meant that Rebana had no intention of robbing Odo Town.

Flynn Crowder set a trap for Rebanna with his life. As long as Rebanna really kills Flynn Crowder, Flynn Crowder will let his younger brother kill Rebanna. A group formed a siege. Not only would these people not listen to Rebanna's orders, they would also chase him to the ends of the earth. This was Flynn Cloud's test for Rebanna.

Rebana passed Flynn Cloud's test. Flynn Cloud laughed. At this time, the boys outside the door seemed to have received the signal. They all left with smiles and hid in the house. Margaery also walked out at this time.

Margaery helped Flynn Claude up and sat on a stool in the small courtyard. When she was about to help Rebana, Rebana had already stood up and walked straight to Flynn without leaving any trace. Chatting with Flynn Crowder in front of Claude.

When Flynn Cloud saw this, he smiled helplessly and said: 'Sure enough, the strength gap between you and me is too big. ’

Margaery curled her lips and said: Boss Flynn Claude, what I said is not wrong! Rebanna is indeed a very good person, you have to believe in my vision! My vision is not wrong!

Flynn Cloud laughed and said, Indeed, you have a good taste in men! Margaery blushed for a moment after saying this.

Margery said to Rebana: I'm sorry, Boss Flynn Cloud insists on testing you, and I can't help it.

Rebanna shook his head and said it didn't matter.

Flynn Cloud said to Rebanna: 'I heard from Margaery that you clearly know about the internal problems of the Bounty Hunter Guild in Odo Town. First, there is a serious lack of strength and cannot fight against the people of Caesarulu; second, there is disunity within the organization, with Hester Sam and Morse Hamilton competing for the position of president; third, there are serious internal spies, and the plan is very complicated. It is easy to leak, causing the plan to fail. ’

These three questions have troubled me for a long time. I really can't do anything. Therefore, every time Margaery talks about counterattacking Odo Town, I always shake my head. Flynn Claude said with some helplessness.

Can you solve all the problems? Rebanna, Margaery has praised you to the sky! Don't say you can't do anything!

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