Rebanna leaned in the corner, knowing that Xiao Huangmao was lying, but he did not intend to expose it. The purpose of Rebanna's coming was to unite with Hester Sam and counterattack Odo Town. Now that he had achieved his goal, there was nothing more to say.

Just as he was about to leave, Xiao Huangmao called out to Rebana again and said, Wait a minute.

Rebana turned to look at Xiao Huangmao. He didn't understand what Xiao Huangmao meant and said, What do you mean? Are you not allowed to leave?

No! It's not! Xiao Huangmao immediately became nervous when he saw Lei Banner enter the attack state, and said: You misunderstood, but I haven't finished what I said yet!

Rebanna frowned, very displeased, and said almost viciously: Then finish it quickly. My time is precious, if you delay me again, I will kill you!

Rebana made no secret of the murderous intent in his eyes, Xiao Huangmao smacked his tongue, feeling uncomfortable but unable to do anything, Hester Sam had some thoughts but wanted me to bear the anger. How could such a thing happen to me?

I am Lord Varu's subordinate, not from Kames. Whether the others die or not has nothing to do with me.

There were thousands of reluctances in his heart, but he finally said: This is the case. In order to confirm the authenticity of the alliance, Boss Hester Sam needs to communicate with Morse Hamilton and Flynn Crowder. Sit down and discuss it together. The time is up to you, you just need to inform Lord Hester Sam of the time and place.

Rebana sneered and said to Xiao Huangmao: How much does Hester Sam give you a month? Are you working so hard for him?

Rebana is testing Xiao Huangmao, trying to figure out who Xiao Huangmao belongs to.

Not much! Not much! Mr. Hester Sam is a very nice person and I am willing to work for him. Xiao Huangmao said, but his eyes were wandering.

Without the ability to sense, Rebanna could tell that Xiao Huangmao was lying. Rebana could sense Xiao Huangmao's attentiveness in doing things, but his target was not Hester Sam. If it wasn't Hester Sam, then who could it be? Rebana had a bold guess.

If you don't directly test Xiao Huangmao, if you test it out from him, it will be easy to do bad things. If Xiao Huangmao notices it, he will alert the snake.

I understand everything you said. Go back and tell Hester Sam, and I will inform him as soon as possible. Rebana made sure that Xiao Huangmao had no intention of continuing and left.

In the base camp of Morse Hamilton, there is a hut near the sea.

The waves hit the foundation of the hut, and the sound of the waves was mixed with heavy breathing, one after another.

On the bed in the hut, a young girl fell asleep contentedly. A fat man stepped out of the bed, shirtless. Seeing the young girl's exposed white arms, he tucked her in with the quilt.

Morse Hamilton picked up the clothes thrown on the ground, took out a cigarette box from his pocket, opened the cigarette box, and found only one cigarette inside. When he was about to light a cigarette, Morse Hamilton remembered that young girls didn't like the smell of cigarettes on him, so he put it on the table again.

Morse Hamilton walked to the window sill, feeling the coolness of the sea breeze, and threw the cigarette box into the sea. He also put the last cigarette on the tip of his nose and smelled it. He was reluctant to throw it away and put it on his ear.

In the room by the sea, a voice suddenly came to mind. The voice was very childish, and it was a man's voice. Is it over? It's time for us to talk!

Morse Hamilton turned and looked in the direction of the sound. It was a dark corner with no one there.

Morse Hamilton frowned, carefully approached the bed, and took out a dagger from under the pillow. There was a venomous snake mark on the scabbard.

The young girl had been tired for a while and was about to take a good rest when she was awakened by Morse Hamilton turning over her pillow. I'm going to sleep, so stop moving!

Morse Hamilton did not look at the woman twice, but stared at the dark corner.

Come out! I know where you are! Morse Hamilton shouted into the dark corner.

The young girl was also shocked. She quickly wrapped herself up, huddled in the corner, and carefully looked into the dark corner, but she did not find anyone in the dark corner.

The young girl thought that Morse Hamilton was teasing her again, so she covered her mouth and said with a smile: Mr. Morse Hamilton, you are naughty and deliberately teasing others. If you are like this, people will ignore you. !”

Morse Hamilton did not answer the young girl, but continued to stare into the dark corner. When the young girl saw Morse Hamilton's serious face, she was also a little worried. Morse Hamilton had never been so cold to her. It was like he didn't hear her voice.

Morse Hamilton heard the young girl's words. If it were normal times, he would have been hungry and pounced on the food, but in the current situation, he had no such intention. Morse Hamilton was very sure that he heard correctly. There was indeed a person in the room. This person was very powerful. When he entered the room, Morse Hamilton did not notice it. If that person had not spoken, Morse would have Sir Hamilton could not have discovered him.

There's no point in hiding. I've already discovered you. Your hiding is meaningless. Morse Hamilton didn't find that person, so he could only use words to trick him out.

A sense of crisis appeared, Morse Hamilton drew out the viper dagger, and there was only a sound of metal collision in the void. Morse Hamilton only felt a kick in the chest, and his entire fat body flew out and hit the wall behind.

Morse Hamilton vomited a mouthful of blood and got up from the bed with difficulty. The young girl shouted: Morse Hamilton, are you okay?

The young girl was about to get up to see Morse Hamilton's injury when she felt a soreness in her neck, her vision went dark, and she fainted.

Morse Hamilton got up to check on the young girl's injuries. He really liked this woman. Looking at this young body reminded him of his first love.

After confirming that the young girl was just unconscious, Morse Hamilton breathed his last. Morse Hamilton was holding a viper dagger, and there seemed to be frost in his eyes, and the coldness was frightening.

A light blue gas appeared on Morse Hamilton's body. The feeling of this gas was very similar to that of Lord Red Wolf. But Morse Hamilton's strong ice aura is much stronger than Lord Red Wolf's aura.

Rebana was surprised. Morse Hamilton's strength was far inferior to Lord Red Wolf, but how did he obtain the ice breath?

The strong breath of ice was still spreading, and the entire hut was covered in ice.

Rebanna felt a hint of coldness, and just when the cold air approached Rebanna, Morse Hamilton began to take action. The poisonous snake dagger in his hand seemed to come to life, and the poisonous snake dagger rushed towards Rebanna.

Rebana dodged and evaded, but was still caught up by Morse Hamilton. Morse Hamilton seems to have locked onto Rebana. No matter where Rebana dodges, the Viper Dagger can catch up.

Rebanna's strength is much stronger than Morse Hamilton, and it is very easy to avoid Morse Hamilton's pursuit. With the blessing of illusion, Morse Hamilton could still find Rebanna easily. Rebana understood that this was not Morse Hamilton's luck, but that it was indeed Morse Hamilton who saw through the illusion.

Using illusions would cause Rebanna to be distracted. After confirming that Morse Hamilton had discovered him, Rebanna gave up his invisibility. After appearing, the smiling sword in his hand collided with the poisonous snake dagger. There was a flash of fire and the air The cold aura in his body was chopped into pieces by the light and shadow of the sword.

After the flash of swords, Morse Hamilton was kicked and fell against the wall. Morse Hamilton covered his chest with his left hand. Rebanna's kick broke one of his ribs, and he lost his ability to fight for a short time. But the injury seemed serious, but Morse Hamilton had nothing to worry about. The modified body only needs a while to gradually recover.

Rebanna walked to Morse Hamilton and was about to do something to Morse Hamilton.

Morse Hamilton said in a panic: Who are you?

Morse Hamilton is stalling for time. It still takes a minute for his body to recover. During this time, he must persevere.

Rebana punched Morse Hamilton's shoulders twice more, completely breaking both of Morse Hamilton's shoulders. Now we can have a good chat! You won't be able to recover from such an injury in about ten minutes!

Morse Hamilton completely understood that the young man in front of him knew all the details about him, and he was desperate. He didn't say any more words of begging for mercy, but said: Just do it!

Morse Hamilton closed his eyes and waited for the moment of death.

Death did not come. Rebana found a stool and sat in front of Morse Hamilton.

Want to die? It's not that easy. Rebanna said to Morse Hamilton with a cat-and-mouse mentality.

What are you planning to do? Morse Hamilton looked at Rebana, anger burning in his heart. I don't know you, why did you come to me?

Rebanna pulled a stool over and sat down, and said: Introduce yourself, my name is Rebanna, Margery, you should know it! I am his friend. The purpose of my coming here is very simple, to be with you Join forces to counterattack Odo Town.

Morse Hamilton let out a sigh of relief. When he heard Rebanna say that he would counterattack Odo Town with him, he relaxed completely. In this way, he would not have to die.

No problem, I agree to counterattack Odo Town with you. If you had said so earlier, I would not have taken action with you. You told me the time, place, and how to take action. I will absolutely obey the command unconditionally. I have long wanted to counterattack Odo Town. . Morse Hamilton said.

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