Rebana asked Margaery: I probably understand what you mean. Since Caesar is the savior, why do you still want to kill him?

Caesarru is indeed the savior, but he has not taken on the responsibilities that a savior should have. Every month, he will capture some people from the slums and do in vivo experiments on Marshall. Margaery clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. Sound.

Rebanna also frowned, he really couldn't tolerate such evil behavior.

Cliff was stunned on the spot and didn't say a word. The reality of the situation exceeded his understanding. He believed that evil should be eliminated, and evil saved the villagers, but justice was almost wiped out due to lack of power, and innocent people died.

If Cliff's idea had been followed, Odo Town would have been wiped out by Marshall's army of monsters, and not even the scum would be left. Cliff lowered his head, thinking: Am I wrong?

Rebana lowered his head when he entered Cliff and did not bother him. He just let him think about it alone.

Turning to Margaery, she asked: Aren't you worried that Marshall will come back again after Caesar's death? Now Odo Town can still be in ruins and can feed most of the people in the slums. Once we fight Caesar, How do you resolve the life and death of the people here?

Margery looked at Rebanna. Rebanna's statement was the same as that of the stubborn bounty hunters. He looked forward and backward, fearing the wolf before and the tiger behind. I just want to survive and survive. As long as life can go on, it will be more miserable.

Rebana, is there any other choice? Marshall is conducting experiments on human bodies. Dozens or even hundreds of people will die every month. Even those who survive are like evil ghosts. Rebana, why are you living like this? Are you having a good time?

Rebana did not pay attention to Margaery's anger, but said coldly: You are hiding something from me!

Margery, since the Bounty Hunters Association has chosen to compromise, they will not easily counterattack. They will not take action until they can solve the problem of Marshall. From your conversation, I know that the bounty hunters in Odo Town The Financial Association is an organization that focuses on human life safety, and they value all lives, so two-thirds of the people voted against it.

Since it is such a friendly organization, why did you choose to counterattack? First, this is a decision you made privately and has nothing to do with the top management. However, there is a problem, that is, the top management of the bounty hunters in Odo Town will prevent it. You are doing this, but I don’t think you are being stopped. Pihou has taken the initiative to make a proposal to the headquarters of the Bounty Hunter Association, which shows that at least the top management of Odo Town has not stopped you.”

Not stopping it does not mean that they agree. Then, you are probably in the second situation. Your plan has certain feasibility, but the probability is not high, so the senior management maintains a wait-and-see attitude.

Don't say it's because Lord Red Wolf is here, so your senior management agreed to this plan. Lord Red Wolf is an extremely wise and powerful adult. Your plan must have been hidden from him, so he asked you to come up with it. Evidence. And while you are looking for evidence about Marshall, Lord Red Wolf is also looking for evidence about Kaiserru.

What Lord Red Wolf got must be different from what you told him, so when you were in the bar, Lord Red Wolf took action against you.

Rebanna was still staring at the tall building in the distance, using his perception ability to understand the situation of this tall building clearly.

When Cliff heard this, he looked at Margery and said, Are you actually liars?

Rebanna pulled Cliff to sit next to him and said, Okay! Just be quiet, aren't we also liars? Many things are not as simple as whether to lie or not.

How about it? Margaery, are you willing to tell us everything?

Margaery looked at Rebanna with horrified eyes: How could you know these things? Pihou will never tell you, and you will never have contact with other bounty hunters in Odo Town.

Wisdom! Rebanna said lightly. The truth of the matter is, Lord Red Wolf’s attitude towards Margaery. Rebanna still remembers the first time he met Lord Red Wolf. Lord Red Wolf was cold and hard to approach, but he was a cold-faced and kind-hearted person. people. The mosquito chariot that Rebanna is driving now is the one left by Lord Red Wolf.

Lord Red Wolf also left a test for Rebana at the checkpoint, which was to eliminate the salmonella ape family. If Master Red Wolf knew about the evil deeds done by the Kaiserlu Thieves Group, he would definitely destroy the group himself, but Master Red Wolf demanded evidence. Lord Red Wolf needs evidence to do something? As the honorary president of the Bounty Hunter Association, no one can make him follow the rules. He just follows the rules.

Lord Red Wolf did not take action, which meant there was a problem. Thinking about this issue with skeptical criticism, Rebana quickly thought of some possibilities.

Margaery, are you still unwilling to say it? Rebanna asked.

Margery sighed and said, When did you start doubting us?

I still don't doubt you until now. I don't feel that you are deceiving me. My perception is not wrong. Then, it can only be that you still have something to hide from me, just like you are hiding from Lord Red Wolf. In At the bar, you rushed into the hotel first. You and Mr. Red Wolf had time to talk, but Mr. Red Wolf still chose to teach you a lesson. That is, Mr. Red Wolf knew the truth and he was unwilling to help you, so you took action. Yes. You understand that only if Lord Red Wolf takes action, the odds of winning will be infinitely improved, and with Lord Red Wolf’s presence, the top brass of the Bounty Association will join the battle unconditionally.”

Rebana was still staring at the tall building in the distance. His eyesight was very good and he could see clearly what was going on in the building, but no matter how you looked at it, it was just an ordinary abandoned building.

Margery stared at the small building. There must be something in that small building.

Tell me! What is it! You can't tell Lord Red Wolf, you even have to hide it from me. Rebana said.

Taking a deep breath, Margery forced out a smile and said, Rebana, you really don't know whether it is a wrong choice or a right choice.

Gomez! Margaret said these three words, and Cliff immediately stood up. His eyes were red, as if he wanted to eat someone.

Rebana finally pushed Cliff down on the steps, and his breathing became very rapid. Say it! No one interrupts you.

Margery was very confused as to why Cliff seemed to be a different person when he said Gomez's name.

The thing is like this. A week ago, one of Gomez's men, a man named Varu, found us and planned to join forces with us to kill Marshall.

Cliff stood up directly and shouted angrily: Dream! Pure dream!

Rebanna slapped Cliff on the face, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Cliff's mouth. Cliff looked at Rebana dumbfounded, and Rebana said, Have you calmed down?

Cliff touched his face, and the burning sensation calmed him down. Cliff wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth without saying a word. He didn't understand why Rebana would hit him. Rebana had never hit him before, or even said harsh words.

But he knew that there must be a very important problem with Rebana hitting him, and he made a big mistake.

Margery didn't understand why Rebana would hit Cliff. For a moment, both of them were stunned. Rebana did not explain, but said to Margery: Go on, what is it? what happened? ’

Margaery was stunned and continued: That day, a man from Jiavaru came to the slums and found us. He said that he was Gomez's subordinate and wanted to help us eliminate Marshall. And now the Odo Bounty Association's The president rejected the proposal.”

Although the president rejected the proposal, we still wanted to eliminate Marshall in our hearts, so we found Varu privately. After communicating with Varu, we learned that there was a Marshall drug processing company in the slums of Odo Town. Factory. Gomez is willing to help us eliminate Marshall, but after that, the medicines and factories in the slums of Odo Town will belong to Gomez.

We told the president about this, but the president did not agree to do this. He believed that Gomez was more dangerous than Marshall. Once he agreed to such an approach, it would only lead to greater danger.

At the plenary meeting of the association, we decided to cooperate with Gomez. Although the president disagreed, he could only give in when faced with everyone's unified decision. And when this decision was sent to the Bounty Association headquarters, The headquarters believes that doing so is very risky, but the headquarters cannot interfere with our decision and can only proceed by proposing to find incriminating evidence between Marshall and Caesarru.”

Rebanna waited for Margery to finish speaking and said, You are cheating on me! Rebanna's perception told him that Margery was deceiving him!

I didn't! Margaery said.

Since the headquarters cannot interfere with you, why should we verify the relationship between Caesar and Marshall? Does the relationship between Caesar and Marshall still need to be verified? Caesar only arrests people for human experiments. Isn't this evidence? You What a clumsy lie!”

Rebanna said with a sullen face: 'Margaery, I am worthy of your trust, far more worthy of your trust than Mags' men. Do you know why Lord Red Wolf is unwilling to help you? Because Master Red Wolf is preparing to eliminate Gomez, but you want Master Red Wolf to join forces with Gomez? ’

You are so naive! Especially when you teamed up with Gomez to deceive Lord Red Wolf. Do you really trust Lord Red Wolf by doing this?

Margaery said: No, we just want to be more safe. You don't understand how strong Marshall is. We just want to be more safe, that's all!

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