I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 97 The existence that gives Loki a headache

Today, Loki once again came to the door of Hephaestus' shop.

Hephaestus has not returned to the family's base for the past three days, and has stayed in the store without ever going out.

But this situation is actually not incomprehensible to Loki. To be honest, she really understands the current Hephaestus too much.

The appearance of the runestone directly caused a wave of waves in Orali's backwater.

First of all, everyone knows how amazing the role of runestones is.

At the same time, everyone knows how precious the creator of runestones is, and it is not difficult to guess that there are still many hidden functions of runestones that have not been revealed.

In this case, Hephaestus, as the eye of the typhoon, would naturally choose to stay out of the house.

At this time, I am afraid that I will not be swept away by the storm.

"Lord Loki."

"Huh? Xiaofei still doesn't want to meet?"

Loki, whose thinking was interrupted, looked at the receptionist in front of him subconsciously and said the result.

In fact, Loki really thinks so, at least when the storm subsides, Fei is unlikely to meet any god. 16

"Lord Hephaestus invites you to go upstairs to talk."

This made Loki, who was just about to stand up and leave, paused.

She turned her head to look at the receptionist, and Loki even wondered if her ears had heard it wrong.

"Xiao Fei asked me to meet?"

"Yes, Lord Hephaestus is waiting for you up there. 35


Loki was obviously a little stunned by this kind of operation, she just thought that Xiao Fei would not meet any gods before this storm was over. As soon as she turned her head, Xiao Fei was ready to meet her.

Loki paused in thinking, but quickly regained his senses.

She wouldn't simply think that Xiao Fei was simply meeting her. In this extraordinary period, Xiao Fei's actions represented the most direct attitude.

"It's a dwarf!"

So, almost instantly, Loki thought of the little dwarf Hestia.

Immediately, Loki's brain calmed down, and his slightly opened eyes slowly narrowed.

"Okay, let's go."

Loki probably knew what Phoebe and the little dwarf were planning.

Although this storm swept the entire Oralee, there were still ways to calm down.

It is enough to find someone who can calm the storm.

And now, among Orari, there are only two families who can calm down the storm, one is called Freya's family, and the other is her family.

Isn't that the obvious reason why Fei and the dwarf want to see her this time?

Go up to the second floor of the Hephaestus store.

The moment Loki came up, he noticed Hestia in a waitress outfit.

The black and white maid's clothes are intertwined, and the fair shoulders are exposed, and the figure is not very tall, but the ball protruding in front of the body is extraordinarily obvious.

Although this figure looks annoyed in Loki's eyes.

Every time he looked at the dwarf's figure, it made Loki think of this damn dwarf who mocked her figure every time they met.

"Cut! It's so big, it will sag sooner or later!"

Loki couldn't help but let out the most vicious curse in her heart, but the envy and jealousy in her heart still made her very red-eyed.

Even if she issued such a vicious curse, she also hoped to be cursed like this.

But on the surface, Loki was still very rude and sat on the sofa in the room.

But after sitting down, Loki felt weird.

"Strange, why does this sofa have human warmth?"

Turning his head and looking at it, he found that there was no problem, and Loki subconsciously ignored it.

"Xiao Fei, and...Little dwarf, you all know the purpose of my visit this time.


Hephaestus saw that Loki was not going to be around, and she didn't mind going straight to the point.

"It's about runestones, and it's also about Hestia's family."

"That's right.

Loki glanced at the shy little dwarf, she pursed her mouth in annoyance, and making this dwarf so proud of things other than her stature really made her very unhappy.

"Although I don't want to admit it, this little dwarf has a big luck this time."

Although Loki is very sure that her own children are also very good, she must also admit that the children of the dwarf are not worse than her children at all.

Not to mention other things, as long as this runestone is carefully managed, the clan of the dwarf will definitely become the largest production clan of Orari.

After all, the function of runestones is too great, and it is estimated that as long as an adventurer is to prepare some runestones by his side.

And from the type of runestones, it can be inferred that there are many runestones with different effects hidden behind them.

All Loki wanted was a hidden list.

As we all know, thrown out for sale are some innocuous things.

Many key things are actually hidden in those hidden lists, and the things in there are undoubtedly the highest specification things, and they are also things that will not be easily sold.

"Humph! What is good luck, my encounter with Mr. Bell is destined.""

Hestia is so proud now, it is rare for her to be proud in front of Loki, isn't it okay to just chatter?


This unfamiliar name was clearly the name of Hestia's child.

"Huh? Loki, didn't you even dial 617 to hear that kid's name?

Hephaestus looked at Loki a little strangely, with the power of the Loki family, it is unlikely that he didn't even know a name.

Even Hestia looked at the darkened Loki in surprise.

"Ah! There is no way to investigate it!"

"That kid wears a windbreaker and a hood whenever he goes out. He doesn't communicate with anyone, and he has never been in contact with anyone. Even the people in the guild don't have a very deep memory of that kid. How do you let me know? That kid's name?

The furious Loki couldn't bear the troubles in her heart and started to lose her temper, but after losing her temper, she was completely discouraged.

"I have never seen such a strange adventurer. The information in Orari is almost equal to zero, even in the dungeon, but no one has seen such a person in the dungeon."

If Loki hadn't seen Hestia's child in "Mistress of Harvest", she wouldn't even have a direction to look for.

This feeling of not knowing where to start gave Loki a headache.

Especially after confirming that Hestia's children don't care about fame, power and wealth, Loki has a headache.

If it was not determined that Hestia's child's target was Hestia, then Loki was not sure whether such a person would come out of the corner.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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