I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 9 Hestia's First Family

"This is my future family!"

With sparkling eyes, at this moment Hestia was really about to overwhelm the host and pulled the topic directly to her side. However, considering that this is He Faith Tos's shop, and this child came to find He Faith Tos to introduce her, it was a bit bad for her to speak without permission, and she could only observe carefully beside her.

"The hood is superfluous, so I can't even see the child's face."

Hestia, who was only 140 cm tall, couldn't fully see the hood that was deliberately hidden, which made Hestia, who was like a kitten scratching her heart, even more itchy. Now she is eager to see the appearance of this child, knowing that this child should be her first family member, it is of great significance.

He Faith Tos noticed Hestia's movements and sighed slightly in her heart, hoping that Hestia would be a good choice for this child.

"If a family is not established, there is indeed a waste god who can't even find a family."

"Ah! He Faith Toss is too much, and they are not a waste god. It's just that I just came down from the heaven and still don't know the rules of the lower realm, and I don't know how to form a family. It's definitely not a waste god, but I am famous. God of Fire."

Although he felt that he was really useless, Hestia still didn't want to be so embarrassed in front of her future dependents, and created an amazing appearance for herself as a god. As everyone knows, her image has been fixed in Bell's heart a long time ago.

"With your decadent look, what can I say?"

The person who knows Hestia best is not even Hestia herself, but Hestia's best friends and bad friends. Friends pay special attention to Hestia's affairs because of their concern, and bad friends pay special attention to Hestia because they have to find a place where they can harm Hestia. He Faith Toss is clearly taking on the role of friend.

Although he really wanted to single out Hestia's advantages, He Faith Tos still couldn't go against his thoughts. Lying to a child who just came to the city of Orari is not something that a god should do.

"This guy is my recommendation. Hestia, this guy has been on my side for a while. A thick-skinned guy, but a total idiot. If you didn't join any If it's a family, then just join her."

"As expected, I guessed right, this god is really still relying on a friend's house and refuses to move his nest."

Bell wasn't surprised by such a result, Hestia's temperament was also known. It's not that kind of dangerous God, and he still loves his family. Although his personality is easy to be bullied, but such a personality is also more inclined towards his family.

In short, it's a good character.

After a moment of silence, Bell turned to Hestia.

"God Hestia, I'm just an ordinary person from the countryside who became an adventurer in search of strength. Can you accept such an ordinary me?"


Hestia straightened her chest without hesitation. She was never picky about children in the lower realm and chose excellent ones, because she knew that as long as she was willing to join her family, children would definitely be good children. To accept a good child, isn't that what a god needs to do?

Of course, Hestia was also worried that after missing this one, she might not have the chance to find another one in Euleri. Especially after hearing the words Hefaith Toss reprimanded herself, Hestia believed that her actions definitely made her famous in Euler, so she had to seize the only child in front of her who would become her family no matter what. .

"No matter what kind of child, as long as they join my family, they are my most precious family members."

Bell believed this sentence very much, maybe it was just a casual remark from the Hestia god.

Now that I've decided, it's not appropriate to continue covering my head with a hood like this impolitely. Bell reached out and pulled the hood off his head, then bowed slightly to God Hestia.

"God Hestia, please let me join your family."


Only after Bell dropped the hood did Hestia really see Bell's appearance. A pair of calm scarlet eyes were hidden under the fluffy white hair. The expression was not particularly rich, it could even be said to be very rare, but But he also felt that calm personality.

All gods like handsome guys and pretty girls. After all, ugly guys who often dangle in front of their eyes will easily cause a bad mood. For Hestia, the child in front of her really grew out of her aesthetics.

Of course, what's more important is that she successfully harvested the first family member of the gods.


At this moment, Hestia finally realized the taste that only a High God of a family could experience. More importantly, the first child who became her dependent also grew up in her aesthetics, not to mention, the direct experience is doubled.

"Then, without further ado, come and perform the ceremony of granting "Blessings" immediately. "

"In my shop?"

He Faith raised his brows, does this idiot really know nothing? The ceremony of giving "blessings" is best performed in one's own territory. After all, the personal information of the dependents needs to be kept confidential. If other gods see some data, it may cause some unnecessary trouble.

"Please, He Faith Toss! You know, I . . . don't have one of my own."

Putting her hands together, Hestia naturally knew that the ceremony of giving "Blessings" was best performed in her own territory. But she has been eating and drinking at He Faith Toss for so long, how can she get territory without a penny? To know that a suitable territory is not something that ten or twenty million Pharis can handle.

Given that her financial resources are equal to 0, there is no way, Hestia can only ask He Faith for help. At least the place for her to perform the "Blessing" ceremony for her first kin can be here.

"Ha... only once. If you dare to bring your kin to me for the "Benefit" ceremony next time, don't blame me for kicking you out. "

"Hee hee~ only once."

"In exchange, let me see the data of the child's first "favor". "

"no problem!"

Originally, such an approach is definitely not allowed, so that other gods can see the family data of other family members. But most of the initial data of ordinary family members are whiteboards, even if they read it, it will not have much impact. He Faith Tos also understands that even if it is a reminder to Hestia, it is still a step.

As Hestia's good friend, Hefaith Tos too understands that if this idiot is not taught a lesson, this idiot is easy to slap his nose in the face. But after giving this idiot a lesson, the idiot will remember this lesson in the future.

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