I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 88 The Man in Deep Despair

"The configuration of the eighth floor is indeed very similar to the seventh floor."

Purely from the inside the situation does look very similar.

Bell carefully paid attention to the situation on the eighth floor. There were many dull footsteps around, but no screams could be heard. It seemed that the eighth floor was not as chaotic as the seventh floor.

There's a thick fog that acts as a cover, which makes it easier for Bell to move around on this floor.

With the step of his foot, a light blue light enveloped Bell's whole body, greatly enhancing his physical ability.

The ogres and ogres appearing on this floor were quickly found.

"Yeah! 35

Cannibals have an extraordinary sense of smell and hearing. Even in such thick fog, footsteps can be heard, so as to determine the location of the adventurer.

After hearing the voice of the ogre, the ogres in the surrounding group also gathered.

Seven or eight ogres gathered together, and such a scene was still very scary.

Ogres may be just like ordinary children, but ogres have the height of half an adult, and they all gather together like a wall of monsters.

But Bell, who was the target, looked at the ogres who had gathered very calmly.


The huge ogre rushed up with the mace in his hand.

Bell, who was the target, did not dodge immediately, but controlled his center of gravity in advance when the mace was about to hit his body, and avoided the fatal attack while almost keeping the mace scratching him.

With the addition of Rune's physical condition, the impact of the mace is not very big, but the problem is that Bell has no intention of taking a hard beating.

Durability requires a beating, strength requires the right to wield a weapon.

This also makes it absolutely impossible to save effort in battle, especially when deciding to brush these two attributes.

Bell turned sideways to avoid the impact of part of the mace, but his body still endured about 20% of the impact force, and the center of gravity shifted in advance also fell back at the moment when it was about to hit. Bell took most of his strength off the body in the process.

Although he retreated a little further, it did little damage to Bell.

At the same time, Bell also understood the general situation of the ogre.

"The strength is strong enough, not even much worse than the Minotaur of Lv.2."

"A strong body should have unimaginable defensive power, coupled with astonishing muscle mass, it is a specialized monster with strength and durability."

"Without magical power, the anti-magic ability must not be strong."

"Attacks only need to pay attention to physical attacks."

"It's the most ideal sandbag for me at this stage."

After confirming the ogre's situation, Bell was not surprised at all.

Ogre is more than attack and defense, but the speed is not enough.

As long as the deadlift speed is concerned, the ogres can hardly keep up with the adventurers' footsteps, and they only gain a corresponding advantage by relying on their large numbers.

The effect of pure quantity on Bell is almost equal to zero.

It even said that Bell needs to improve his ability value, so what he needs is a considerable amount of ogre help.

In order to avoid being investigated by the people of the guild, Bell had no way of triggering the birth of a large number of monsters in the dungeon like the first two times, so what was needed was such monsters that could be born in large numbers and help him improve his "ability value".

"Then, let's begin."

At the same time on the seventh floor, the little human girl had successfully killed the three adventurers who entered the dungeon together, and successfully obtained their "legacy".

It's just that the face of the little human girl did not fluctuate.

Sneak attack and murder are nothing but common things for little human girls.

For the purpose of "surviving", she kept working hard.

She knew that what she did was wrong, and she also knew that what she did would be spurned in Orali.

But in order to survive for herself, she can only do this.

The little human girl knew that this was just an excuse to cover up her ugly crimes.

But now she needs these excuses, if it weren't for these excuses, maybe even herself would be disgusted with herself.

"How long will I have to do so much more?"

Lily Luca didn't know when it would end.

With a numb look, he walked to the upper floor with his things on his back.

When Lily Luca came to the sixth floor, two people suddenly appeared in front of her.

Seeing these two people, Lily Luca's body trembled uncontrollably.

She knew these two people, and they were also members of the Soma family, but they were adventurers, not supporters like her.

"Yo, Lily, it seems that you have a good harvest today."

The corners of his mouth raised a slight arc, and the greed in his eyes locked the stuffed backpack.

He knew very well how much Lililuka would gain once he succeeded as a supporter, and he was also waiting for Lililuka to successfully devour the target completely.

Only after Lililuka succeeds, can he grab all of Lililuka's harvest.


Lily Luca knew that she was being robbed now, but she was powerless to resist, not even allowed to refuse.

"Just take it out, if you don't want to be beaten up. 35

The man's face was only greedy and hideous. He didn't have any psychological pressure on a girl who abused a little human race. For him, it was just a matter of course.

The weak will inevitably be swallowed up by the strong, just like what he did to Lily Luca.

Not for any other reason, just because he is much stronger as an adventurer than Lily Luca as a supporter.

Lily Luca, who was persecuted, did not dare to resist at all.

Because the only thing she could resist was being beaten up, but fortunately, she had already hidden some valuable things (Wang De's) at the door of the seventh floor, and there were only some things on her body that were inconvenient to hide.

After all, she was someone who was often persecuted. Lily Luca knew that she couldn't resist, but she also knew how she could reduce the risk of being persecuted.

The man opened Lily Luca's backpack as he wished, but his face was not very good looking at the scraps inside.

"Che, what a bunch of poor people."

Although they were all worthless things, the man took everything away.

Even gave Lily Luca a smug smile before leaving.

"Keep working hard tomorrow, Lily.

Having said that, Lily Luca just lowered her head and clenched her fists tightly behind her back, but there was nothing she could do.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation

PS: I went to the hospital today, there are some problems with the cervical spine, I can't change it today, and I need to adjust the update time tomorrow.

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