I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 860 The Deepest Part Of The Dungeon

At this time, at the lowest level of the dungeon, a young man wearing a white windbreaker was standing in front of a towering stone door.

He gently placed his hand on the stone door and whispered to himself.

"Soon, we will meet again."

"The most important step is still for me now. You who have been waiting for a long time probably won't mind waiting for me for a little longer.

What the young man responded to was a dragon's roar that was neither light nor heavy, and a low roar.

"Don't keep me waiting too long."

Hearing this response, the boy's lips curved slightly. He left without any regrets.

"Ah, it won't be long. I'm already standing at the door, you won't wait too long."

"The grievances between us need to be resolved by ourselves."

The young man uttered words with special meaning, and then the figure disappeared in front of the gate.

The breath behind the stone door gradually began to become unstable. However, it was still suppressed by the stone gate, and it was not the time to open it yet.

The giant dragon suppressed in the stone gate has not yet been released, because the brave man has not made enough preparations.

Leaving the deepest part of the bottom floor, the young man looked at the bright universe full of stars on the upper floor and sighed.

"I didn't expect that the lowest level of the dungeon is connected to a planet in the corner of the universe. If such a thing were known to the gods and adventurers from the outside, they would definitely be surprised."

The boy named Bell smiled and shook his head.

Perhaps at that time, Ming and the adventurers would no longer be thinking about the starry sky.

The two-month deadline has come and Bell has completed the final preparations before his transformation.

What you need to do next is to give up the power you have gained step by step, and then use your own power to create a completely new power.

The last step is undoubtedly the most difficult choice. As long as there is any deviation in the choice of the way forward, we will not be able to reach the end step by step.

But if we don't give up at the end, I'm afraid we won't be able to usher in true transformation. So what will be the real ending?

Bell doesn't know. But he didn't want to know at all.

When playing a game, you must win, just like an RPG game, as long as it does not reach a perfect ending, it will have a bad ending.

Bell never looks forward to the so-called bad ending, he must go to the best ending that belongs to him.

"Then, we should enter the final stage."

"Can feel it now... no, it should be her."

Although it was separated by a door, Bell could clearly feel that the guy on the other side of the door was also very excited. And the thought that He was looking forward to tearing him apart completely.

Bell felt inexplicably want to laugh every time he thought about this.

He was not prepared to die.

But it's still not possible at this stage. The gap is still so obvious that you can spot it without feeling. But the gap is no longer as far away as it was when we first met. Now we can clearly see the distance.

The level of a god.

Well, it's almost on the same level as a god.

It sounds like it's very close, but the difference is thousands of miles.

Adventurers who reach Level 10 are actually at the level of demigods. Only by gaining power can they be qualified to be promoted to gods. It can be said that the gap in power is the gap between demigods and gods. But it's just a difference in power, but there is a huge difference between demigods and gods.

This power gap makes the gap between demigods and gods wider than that between ants and Level 9 adventurers.

But it's not a big problem for Bell. The level of a god is only a stone's throw away from him.

And Bell always has a wonderful feeling in his heart.

"I will become stronger."

I don’t know if this is an intuition or an inner expectation.

The closer to the critical moment of promotion, the stronger this feeling becomes.

Shaking his head, Bell imitated this strange feeling. Specifically, it was not the result of waiting until the next layer.

But Bell's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Have we reached the 64th floor yet?"

Naturally, this is talking about the affairs of the Loki Familia.

Loki announced the news of Ais' promotion, and then announced the news of the expedition. The purpose of this kind of thing is naturally obvious. Bell knew this directly from Loki's mouth at that time.

So while Bell was exercising, he was also paying attention to the movements of the Loki Familia.

"Sure enough, it's better to test the water on the 64th floor first? It really suits the character of Captain Finn and the others...

After having a dependent family, there are more issues to think about. You can't just think about yourself when doing things, you also need to consider the issues of your family members.


Bell's training has been completed, but now there is still some extra time left. It was all the time Aisi saved him in the previous stage.

Bell knew this in advance, so he gave up his teammates who he could not trust and his family members who would cause trouble and burden to him, and chose to act alone.

Yes, the 64th floor has gone through rounds of tests by Bell, confirming that no matter how the "Monster Feast" is triggered, Zaganat will not be attracted.

"If it's the 64th floor, it should be fine.'

Therefore, Bell can waste a little time at this stage.

In fact, the benefits to Bell far outweigh the disadvantages.

Bell will not use this time to exercise and stabilize his own state.

Especially the heads of the dependent clans. Well, they are the leaders who can guide the family members in a good direction. He really admired it.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

"Forget it, just take a look."

3.8 Now Bell doesn't mind wasting some time.

If you continue to train at this stage, once the impact of the "favor system" becomes more serious, you will really be putting the cart before the horse.

But to say that I don't care at all is really not possible. Bell was still a little concerned. After all, this expedition of the Loki Familia was a blessing to him.

Originally, after completing the training, he should have completed the ritual of breaking up the sect immediately, and then completed his own promotion ceremony. But just because Aisi saved some time in the previous stage, this also gave Bell some more time.

Although Bell doesn't like to form his own Familia, Bell still admires other people's Familia.

Especially when most things can be solved by oneself, it seems unnecessary to form a family of one's own. Especially when they are weak, the family members tend to bring greater burdens to themselves.

As far as the current situation of the Loki Familia is concerned, as long as they don't encounter Zag Zhengnet at a deep level, there will be almost no big pressure.

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