I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 857 The Reason Why Werewolves Have Bad Mouth

After watching the ferocious wolf go away, Lilluka turned her attention to Grace.

"Mr. Grace, am I right?"

Grace looked at Bert, who had completely walked away, and then nodded slightly.

"Your guess is correct."

"That guy has actually been very vicious in his words since before, but he actually doesn't have that much ill will toward the adventurers in his family."

Liluka actually understood what Grace said. Compared to what she experienced in the Somo Familia, Mr. Bert's treatment was simply too easy.


"If Mr. Bert really despises us, he won't even say a word from the beginning. His attitude towards us is only indifference, and he will even appear to be very casual when it comes to protecting us.

"But through my observation, Mr. Burt is different."

Liluka had actually been observing the expression on Bert's face in the past, and she remembered it even the moment he turned his head.

"He is very proactive in facing the task of protecting us. When facing monsters that we cannot face, Mr. Bert can handle them much faster than us."

"If you just despise us, wouldn't it be better to just let those monsters attack us?"

What you said is too harsh. Grace suddenly felt that the child who was speaking might have had a similar experience, otherwise he would not have made such a judgment.

But Lilluka's judgment was actually correct.

If you really don't care, you won't even make the slightest effort.

If you really despise it, I'm afraid you will be passive and slow down from the beginning. If some guys are good at acting, they might pretend to be responsible at first.

"You're right. That kid, he's been like this since the beginning. It's obviously all about other people's concerns, but he always says it out in the most vicious way.

Lilluka was silent for a moment, then finally raised her head and expressed her guess.

I think it is precisely because Mr. Burt has had similar experiences and knows how desperate people at that stage can be that he deliberately speaks harshly to us.

"It's just like what Mr. Bert said to us. In fact, the deep underground city is a huge devil's cave. Once we lose our caution, we will die at any time."

"Mr. Bert, I'm afraid I've had similar experiences before. If not, I wouldn't have kept those words in my mouth all the time.

This kid... is almost as sharp as Finn. Grace had to admire the little human race in front of her.

Although the child's own talent is not that strong, his ability to see through people's hearts is no worse than Finn's.

At this moment, Grace also somewhat understood why Finn took such good care of Lilyluka. I'm afraid it was this talent.

Others may not know what happened to Bert, but as an old man in the family, Grace actually knows it very well.

When Bert joined the Familia, he actually got to know Bert as a personal investigator. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't know Bert that well.

"That's the end of Burt's topic. If we continue, Burt's past will be mentioned. "That's really not a story he doesn't want to be mentioned."

Grace did not continue with Bert's story.

The werewolf's character is so arrogant. Sometimes it's better not to poke the werewolf's sore spots.

Liluka also nodded to this.

Other listeners also understood to some extent that there might be some reasons. In this regard, they began to have a different understanding of this Mr. Werewolf who was not easy to face.

In fact, for adventurers, as long as they are not deliberately targeted, it is not a big deal.

As long as the relationship is not so bad that it is like the situation within the Somo Familia, it will be fine.

In this regard, the relationship within the Loki Familia is much better.

There wasn't that much bad blood between everyone.

The treatment of adventurers by the Familia is actually based on individual strength and dedication. As long as you have enough strength, you will get better treatment.

Although such conditions seem to be just average, Loki's family has taken this level to the extreme. In terms of treatment for adventurers of the same level, it can be said that the Loki Familia is the best.

And compared to other Familia, Loki Familia also has a natural advantage.

That is, there are many high-level adventurers, and the characters of high-level adventurers are actually not bad.

The most difficult person to communicate with in the entire human family is actually the Level 6 werewolf.

As long as Thiogne doesn't talk about the group leader, he won't get angry.

This is especially true for Tiona, who is usually laughing and joking. As long as she is not deliberately targeting her, she always looks optimistic. Moreover, she has also had many contacts with other adventurers in the clan, and she can even be said to be an Amazon girl who is very good at socializing.

The only bad-mouthed werewolf now knows what's going on.

Especially with Lily Luka's guess and Grace's approval. This is much more convincing than the parties concerned explaining it themselves.

After understanding this, the adventurers present became much calmer.

"."Mr. Grace, what should we do now?"

There is no doubt that conquering the floor is what they want to do now.

But Lililuka is not so hot-headed as to think that they can complete the strategy for this floor.

At the bottom level, only Aisi has relevant information. After all, only Aisi is directly involved in the entire process of the strategy.

"Here he comes."

"Although it took a few minutes longer than expected, the road to the safe area has been cleared. The next step is to gather on the safe floor [and then the teaching on the bottom of Mizi."

But as long as it was related to Ais, Riveria always felt that it was not something that needed attention.

But after saying this, Wei Liya still had some bad premonitions in her heart.

"Rivelia, you are too slow."

It’s the deputy leader, Riveria.

About three minutes passed, and there were some footsteps coming from the stairs leading to the lower floor.

Only (Zhao's) saw a figure appear little by little in the dark staircase.

Riveria, who was complained by Grace, was also helpless.

The others did not speak, but waited quietly.

Lilluka didn't quite understand Grace's words, but she didn't continue to ask questions.

Especially Aisi now.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

"The underlying situation is much more complicated than we imagined, and the person leading the team is Aisi. What do you think I can do to stop it?"


Following Grace's words, everyone's eyes subconsciously shifted to the direction where Grace was focused.

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