I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 853 Teacher, Can You Take Me With You?

Bell simply conducted a series of checks on the couple's situation. The main direction was whether there was any rejection reaction in the body and soul.

"Well, there is no rejection reaction."

The rejection of soul and body is often the most problematic.

As long as there is no rejection, it means that there is no problem between the soul and the body. In the future, it will be no problem even to rejoin a clan [even upgrading is not a problem.

There is only one issue that needs attention, and Bell also emphasized this issue.

"The body has just begun to carry the soul. If you want to control the body better, you need some simple physical exercises."

Just like a seriously ill patient who needs to exercise during the recovery period, this is an unavoidable stage.

But Bell was silent for a moment after he finished speaking. Thinking that what he said might give Ace some biased perceptions, he added another sentence.

"Ais, your parents' exercise doesn't need to be too intense. Just do it according to their adaptability."


Naturally, Aisi was very obedient and took these words to heart. This was something directly related to the new life of her parents.

Apart from the issue of the compatibility of body and soul, the rest is not a big issue.

This couple protected their souls very well and had almost nothing to do with the erosion of the dungeon. This also eliminates the need for additional processing of the souls of the couple, which can be regarded as saving some unnecessary time687.

Normally, Bell would definitely not be stingy with this little time.

But not now.

Of course, this couple does not have this problem. It saved Bell a lot of time.

"No problem."

After some inspection, Bell found no problem between soul and body.

The dungeon does not have the ability to manipulate the couple's souls under his current circumstances. The ten inspections have confirmed that there is no problem with the couple.

"Ais, have you brought your clothes?"

"Bring it. It's from dad's side..."

Aisi always carries all kinds of clothes with her. She wears out a lot of clothes when she fights. In order to avoid the dilemma of having no clothes at the end of the battle, "Ai learned to carry a lot of clothes with him.

In this situation, my mother can wear her clothes. After all, from visual inspection, there is not much difference in body shape between my mother and hers, so she should be able to wear them.

It’s just that dad’s side of the problem is bigger.

All she brought with her were some of her own clothes, none of which were suitable for Dad.

Moreover, her father's figure is taller than hers, so even her tight clothes can't fit into her father's body. You can't (bdba) let her father go out with her clothes covering his waist, right?

Ais looked at the teacher a little embarrassed.

Bell was not surprised at all. He had never prepared Ais's mother's clothes from the beginning.

Although he almost started from cells when cultivating that body, he was very familiar with the inside and outside of that body. But facts are facts, and things that should be avoided still need to be avoided.

Aisi's figure is not much different from her mother's.

Bell, who always takes Ais with him in dungeons, knows best that Ais always carries the same type of clothes with her. So he doesn't need to prepare Ais's mother's clothes [just leave it to Ais to handle it herself.

But Aisi's father's clothes needed him to prepare.

Of course, the clothes given to Aisi's father were not his. He is not in the habit of giving away his clothes to others.

Bell went outside and prepared a new set of very ordinary clothes, which were standard equipment for adventurers.

It's not very pretty, but it's still quite warm.

Immediately, Bell took out the set of clothes that he had prepared long ago.

"This is for your father."

"Thank you, teacher."

Ais took over the clothes immediately.

She knew that the teacher would definitely prepare something. Ais understood after just hearing the teacher's reminder.

Bell sighed helplessly, his mood was particularly complicated for Aisi. It's weird to feel like you're raising a daughter when you're only 14 years old.

"If you really want to thank me, don't bother me so early in the morning in the future."

"You ruined my hard-earned rest day."

With that said, Bell flicked Ais on the forehead.

This is Bell's only time to rest in three months, and there won't be that much rest time in the next two months.

In order to increase his abilities to their peak in two months, he needs to spend all his time in the dungeon.

There will be almost no rest time in two months, except for the real last day, otherwise Bell's time will not be able to be spent on rest in these two months.

But Bell had no intention of complaining any further.

This rugged road itself is Bell's own choice, and any situation on this road is nothing more than a trial.

Ais, who was in pain, covered her red forehead.

Suddenly remembering something, Ais suddenly asked.

"Teacher, what are you going to do next?"

"Me? Of course, I will first improve my current abilities."

"Teacher, can I follow you and exercise together?"

Hearing that Aisi wanted to continue to improve herself, Aisi almost subconsciously proposed to continue training, but Bell refused this time.

"Not this time."

"You finally succeeded in challenging your parents this time. Why don't you take some rest?"

"Your parents have been separated from you for more than ten years, right? Are you not going to stay with your parents for a while?"

The teacher's rejection made Aisi's heartbeat temporarily stop.

But the questions the teacher asked later made Aisi's thinking slow down.

Yes, I haven’t seen my parents for more than ten years. Aisi is naturally longing for her father and mother to return to her side, and now she is also thinking about living with her parents in the future.

But Aisi is a greedy child. In addition to thinking about her father and mother, she also thinks about her teacher.

This made Ais very confused at the moment.

She wanted to live with her parents for a while and have a good bed. She wished that her father and mother would come back to life. Then make up for the maternal love and fatherly love that Juban lost since childhood.

But she also wants to continue on the path of growth with her teacher.

The teachings in the past six months have made her understand a truth, and she wants to continue to grow with her teacher.


Aisi, who had a troubled face, was a little down for a while.

"Don't think about it so much, Ais."

Si'er always finds it interesting to see Aisi's brain about to burn out.

But it’s better not to think too much about some things. So Bell stopped Ais from continuing to think about those complicated issues.

"I'm actually in a bit of a hurry right now."

"I need to achieve a goal within two months, and I shouldn't have time to turn my attention to other people during this time. So, it won't work this time.

yes. "


After hearing the teacher's clear rejection, Aisi's face, which was still happy just now, suddenly became a little depressed.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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