I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 851 The Excitement That Can’T Wait

The time came the next morning.

“Bang bang bang!”

Early in the morning, there was a knock on Bell's room door.


The hostess of the room opened her eyes impatiently due to the knock on the door.

"Who is it, so early in the morning?"

Saying that, Hestia wiped her blurry eyes sleepily. She had just woken up and her eyes were on the highway so she could continue to sleep for a while.

Because Bell finally got home yesterday, she occupied Bell's time a little bit, and even her bedtime was postponed a lot.

That is to say, because he went to bed a little later, getting up early this morning still made Hestia a little sleep-deprived.


Yawning, he moved his body.

But when she lowered her head and saw Bell sleeping soundly in her arms, Hestia immediately became quieter.

“Bang bang bang!”

"Really, can't you sleep a little longer early in the morning?"

There was another knock on the door, which made Hestia frown in displeasure.

Especially when she saw Bell's eyelids moving, 13 Hestia knew that she had also been awakened.

Angrily staring in the direction of the door, Hestia gently held Bell's head and slowly moved closer to Bell's ear.

"Bell, wake up."

Bell, who was still slightly sleepy, suddenly opened his eyes.

But because he had just gotten up, his eyes were still filled with confusion as he could not understand the situation.

When she looked up and saw Hestia, her confusion turned into a hazy sleepiness. Burying his head deeply in Hestia's arms, smelling the familiar fragrance, he really felt like he didn't want to get up.

"Why so early?"

Bell now has a bit more coquettishness than usual.

Holding Bell like this, Hestia was even reluctant to let go.

But the person who knocked on the door would not just stand outside like this, and she had already guessed who was standing outside the door.


"Why is this guy's child so anxious like this guy?"

The reason why Loki came to knock on the door today must be because he brought his own child.

But Hestia couldn't say these words directly. After all, the person who asked Loki to come with Loki the next day was Bell himself.

"Bell, you asked me to come here yesterday."

Well, this suddenly opened Bell's eyes completely.


When he thought of his student, Bell became sober.

Holding Hestia in his arms and bathing in Hestia's scent, Bell also needed to wake up immediately.

Although Bell really wanted to stay in bed at this moment, he really couldn't do it this time.

"Hestia, I'm sorry."

I originally wanted to have a good rest for the day, but I did know that there was still something to do the next morning.

If only I could put things off until tomorrow.

It's a pity that Bell himself knows Aisi's character. This matter really can't be postponed until tomorrow.

After a good nuzzle in Hestia's arms, Bell decided to get up.

Hestia was actually the same at this time, and it was a pity to face Bell who had to get up. She hoped to enjoy a peaceful morning with Bell without being disturbed by other things.

However, I'm afraid it won't work now.

Hestia looked at the apology on Bell's face and reached out to hug him with a smile.

"Now we are on the road to the end, but we can't choose to be comfortable right now. Right?"


He was supposed to be the one to comfort him, but instead he heard words of comfort from Hestia.

After Bell agreed, his peace of mind eased a little.

Just as Hestia said, they are now on the road to the end, and now is not the time to choose ease.

The two immediately tidied up and got dressed and got up.

By the time the two opened the door, it was already ten minutes later.

The person knocking on the door was Loki, but at this moment Loki also looked helpless.

When he saw Bell, Rocky raised his hand and said, "Don't say anything yet."

"I was also disturbed by Aisi."

Then Loki pointed helplessly at his eyes. Those red eyes were filled with a lot of bloodshot eyes, and he looked like he had not slept well.

"The child was so excited that he ran to my door at four o'clock in the morning and kept knocking on the door."

"I really have no choice but to bring her here with me."

After speaking, Loki sighed again.

To be honest, she had never asked for any part of Ais Tan's bed. But it was only now that she really hated Ace's energetic look.

Especially when this high energy brings her a lot of emotions.

Both Bell and Hestia noticed the bloodshot eyes in Loki's eyes, and even Hestia, who usually had trouble dealing with Loki, couldn't say anything.

"...So, it's not that the tacit understanding between us is gone, but that Warren is too mischievous."

Seeing Loki like this, Hestia temporarily regained some of Loki's trust and understanding.

She said that when Loki was sleeping in Bell's room, she had never come over so early in the morning to bother him. Loki should also have this tacit understanding with her.

Bell looked at the depressed Loki and felt that she was really unlucky this time.

"Loki, this time I'm troubling you too."

"You still know. 130"

Loki rolled his eyes at Bell, but when faced with Ace's question, she was paralyzed.

After all, Ais is her dependent, and she cannot shirk responsibility for what Ais did.

However, the problem still needs to be transferred, otherwise I will feel unhappy. At this moment, Loki just hoped to divert this depression, otherwise she would not be able to sleep well tonight.

"Come on, I'm going to be depressed.

Loki pursed his lips and opened his hands widely, which made his meaning obvious.

Bell didn't refuse, and directly held Loki in his arms, silently comforting him. It wasn't until Loki's lips turned red from comfort that Bell let Loki go.

Although Loki, who was lying limply in Bell's arms, felt a little disgusted by the smell of Hestia in his arms, her depression was finally taken away here.

Hestia, who was watching the whole process, pursed her lips beside her, but she didn't care about it and asked another question.

"Loki, your child's data should have been updated, right? Has he achieved great success in getting promoted?"

Loki adjusted his mood and nuzzled in Bell's arms for a long time before getting out. This gave Hestia an accurate answer.

"Of course. Otherwise, do you think the child could sleep yesterday? If not, the child would have exploded yesterday."

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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