I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 849 He Is The Person I Want To Protect The Most

After walking through the tunnel and returning to the family members, Ais immediately received the attention of all the family members.


Aisi tilted her head in confusion, wondering why they were all staring at her so directly.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Well, that’s right.

For some reason, everyone present felt that the Ais they knew in the past had returned when they heard Ais saying these words.


Tiona, who had the best relationship with Ais, jumped directly in front of Ais.

"That's amazing! We were able to draw almost a tie against a Level 8 adventurer. If that person hadn't been able to regenerate, you should have been able to win, right?"

But Ais shook her head slightly.

"Can't win."

"If it was my father's consciousness that controlled my body, I would have no chance to exchange injuries with him. I'm afraid the deception method at the beginning would be seen through, and I wouldn't be able to establish the same advantage as I did at the beginning."

Ais was certain of this alone.

If it had been a teacher, it would have been a situation that Dad couldn't escape from. But if she faced her father, she would definitely lose.

"Dad is very strong. Even if my body is only controlled by the dungeon, I am still not something I can fight against."

"But, you still won."


Ace doesn't deny this either. She really won.

Maybe winning is not that glorious, but as the teacher said, as long as she shows her full strength, then this trial will be her victory.

But what made Ais the most happy was that the teacher recognized her victory.

At this moment, Tiona only felt that Ais was really dazzling like this.

He clearly knows that his strength is not a match for Level 8.

But when he was challenged just now, he didn't retreat at all, even when he was forced into a desperate situation, and even gave up his right hand in order to win.

For a moment, Tiona felt that she needed to look up to Ace in the future.

It was obvious that they were adventurers of the same level not long ago, but they were so far apart in just half a year.

So, the key lies in that Bell Cronney.

Aisi would definitely not be able to grow to this level in half a year by herself, otherwise Aisi would have already risen to her current height.

That means the person who taught Ais is the real monster.

"Well... the projection just now only saw the battle on Ais' side, not the battle on that person's side."

Tiona felt a little pity at this time.

Although the man came back with Aisi's mother in the end, and was still beaten into a state of disgrace, it felt a little worse if he didn't see the whole process.

"Okay, everyone, calm down first."

Riveria stepped forward to stop the chaos that was about to begin.

"Ais, you just went through the battle. Now go and have a good rest. We can wait until tomorrow to talk about things.

"Loki, I'm sorry to trouble you, Ace."

Riveria knew Ais’ character very well.

There is nothing the parents can do for the time being, because Bell is suppressing her so tightly that Aisi can't have any ideas.

But I'm afraid it can't stop the update of its own data.

Ais must also be curious now, whether this victory in the battle can be regarded as a great cause of promotion.

I'm afraid if she doesn't understand this, Ais won't be able to rest easily.

Loki, who was sitting in the corner next to him, patted his butt and stood up.

"Finn, it's up to you to arrange things here.

"Aistan, come with me."


The crowd surrounding Ais made way for her.

Ais nodded, then followed Loki's footsteps and left the restaurant.

But those who stayed clearly had a lot to say.

Ais, who was just keeping up with Loki, probably couldn't hear other people's comments at the moment.

Ais followed Loki out of the restaurant blankly.

Because today is a gathering of the Loki Familia, there is no one in the corridor or outside. Everyone is gathered in the restaurant and has not come out yet.

It looks like Finn needs to deal with the matter over there for a while.

It is rare for the Loki family to hold a banquet, which is a banquet prepared for celebration.

The goal of this celebration is naturally that Ais has successfully crossed over to Level 8.

To be honest, this arrangement is actually a bit early. Originally, this celebration banquet was supposed to be held after Ais' upgrade was confirmed.


So Loki, who was walking in front, suddenly spoke.

"Ais, do you think this banquet is very unexpected?"


Ais, who was following behind, tilted her head, not understanding why Loki said such a thing.

But since Loki said it, Aisi will also think about this issue.

The celebration banquet held this time was obviously to promote her affairs, so the purpose was obvious.

"Loki is trying to help the teacher attract attention?"

Ais's answer made Loki, who was walking in front, nod slightly.

"Well, for that boy, he has reached a critical period, and he still needs to help attract his attention."

Ais nodded slightly.

She had heard similar words from the teacher before. The teacher seemed to have reached a critical point. This time the teacher must have obtained the conditions for promotion.

The next level 9 is the key.

"Why is Loki helping the teacher like this?"

She helped the teacher because the teacher taught her, but why did Loki?

Ace doesn't understand.

Loki, who was walking in front, stopped, turned his head and looked at Aisi's confused face and laughed.

"How should I put it? That boy should be the area I want to protect the most."


Ais looked at Loki in front of her in shock and surprise.

This answer surprised her very much, but Loki's smile full of something wrong made Gaai even more shocked.

"I have never seen such an expression on Loki's face before."

"Furthermore, the teacher is the person Loki wants to protect the most? The relationship between the teacher and Loki is so good?"

A few sudden questions made Aisi feel dizzy.

Loki, who realized that he said too much, didn't care that much. Anyway, the only one who heard it was Ais. It's just that Aisi's words don't matter that much.

"Those words you just said should be treated as a secret, and don't say it to anyone else."


Although she didn't know what kind of relationship the teacher had with Loki, Ais still understood that she should treat what she just said as a secret.

Turning around, Loki started walking forward again, perhaps because the words he just said made Loki's steps a little brisker.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a price.

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