I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 841 Mom And Dad, I’M Back


Looking at the sea, Bell couldn't help but smile.

"Use the enchantment to be placed on the entire floor to change the internal spatial structure and place a special world in the enchanted space...?"

"Compared to the size of the 89th floor, the space is a bit larger."

Bell raised his head and looked at the sky, and there was something strange in his admiration.

"The false sky turned into a real sky. As expected, it was built according to the method of building the space "outside the world."


Bell's hand fiddled with the space casually, and a slight ripple appeared in the entire space.

"Is that really the case?"

It was just a guess at the beginning, but now Bell can be sure.

The spatial structure of this floor is very unstable.

Although ordinary adventurers may not be able to manipulate space, for adventurers with spatial characteristics, this space can be turned into a giant space bomb at any time with a slight manipulation.

The entire floor should be completely swallowed up in an instant.

Different from ordinary bombs, space bombs will blow up that space to pieces. Its power lies in the devouring force of the shattered space on everything around it, as well as the space storm in the gaps between spaces.

The sound and movement will not be particularly loud, but the entire floor will be swallowed up extremely cleanly.

This guy doesn't want to die with me, does he? Bell couldn't help but have such a weird idea.

But then Bell shook his head slightly.

"The space bomb won't have much impact on me."

The power of the space bomb is very amazing. As long as a space with the same frequency is created, it will not be affected by the space wave.

Space still needs to be limited by space.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons, as for the other one.

"Dungeons can't be that smart."

The dungeon is just a program that operates according to set rules. The dungeon itself does not have any intelligence, so it will not think of using this method to perish with the adventurers.

"If it was smart, it wouldn't use such a stupid method to deal with me."

The damage to the enemy is close to zero, all of them... This is not an option even for gamblers who are jealous of gambling.

"So, it's just that it's just not built well?"

This made Bell's expression even weirder.

Is the level of the dungeon.........so low?

This was the first time Bell intuitively felt the huge gap between himself and the dungeon.

It's like a player who has never played a rank suddenly ranks among the five kings, but this player who has never played a rank has easily completed the pentakill operation for these five kings. I am afraid that everyone will doubt the quality of these kings.

After trying hard to calm down the doubts in his heart, Bell was not used to the feeling that his rank had suddenly become higher.

"Since it is an alien space established by borrowing the barrier, it should be relatively simple to find two people with the help of the perception of this part of the space."

It was very simple to find the node of this space. Bell wrote his runes into the space and temporarily took control of this space.

"......I see."

Some pictures flashed through Bell's eyes. This was the entire scene on the 90th floor. It really looked like a whole world wrapped in the sea.

This realization caused Bell to feel a little surprised.

His knowledge was so shallow that he actually thought that this floor was just an alien space created by a barrier, and it was also an alien space with very poor spatial stability.

It wasn't until he temporarily mastered this space and saw the panoramic view of the entire space that Bell let go of his blind naivety and arrogance.

"Ha~ Sure enough, narrow cognition is arrogance and arrogance."'

"When human beings really die one day, they will be tortured to death by their own narrow arrogance and arrogance.

"I can't make the same mistake."

Bell mocked his own blind arrogance and turned this experience into food to promote his growth.

He is arrogant, but he does not possess any arrogance.

Being careless will only get you into unexpected situations.

If you are not careful, you will step into the abyss.

Bell immediately stripped away all the excess emotions he had just generated and was cautious so that he could continue to grow.

Even now, he doesn't have the so-called "arrogance" capital.


You could hear the worry in Aisi's voice, but Bell smiled and shook his head. At this moment, he took a step forward again.

"Don't worry, Ace."

"After seeing a broader world and understanding my own narrowness, I have taken a step further than before."

Taking another step forward mentally, Bell also felt that his eyes had seen more and a wider world.

And this feeling is not an illusion.

The image of the sea flashed across the red eyes, and finally settled on a very hidden island on the sea.

And there are two figures standing there on the island.

"found it."

The space in front of him shattered like glass, and what appeared on the opposite side was the scenery that appeared in Bell's eyes.

"Only this time, I can feel that taking that step will be so simple."

You can now see a little of the scenery across that step.

Bell knew that this was the reason why he had peeked into that realm early.

The feeling that I could take that step at any moment began to become stronger.

"not the right time yet."

Bell forced down 770 the strong urge.

He didn't know why he felt like this, but now was not the time.

Along with his suppression, the restless mood slowly returned to calm.

Now, it's time to meet the two gatekeepers in front of Level 9.

He led Aisi into the broken space, stepped on the ground of the island, and stood directly in front of two receptionists who had already been waiting there.

The broken space is restored to its original state.

The lush scenery around makes people feel relaxed and happy just staying here. There are quite a lot of green vegetation, which also fills the surrounding with a lot of oxygen.


Aisi's eyes were fixed on the two people who appeared in front of her. If it weren't for the teacher's instructions, she wouldn't even be able to control her breathing.

The fresh air eased Ais' restless mood a lot.

"I'm a few years late. Sorry."

"However, I am finally qualified to come before you."

"Dad, Mom."

The two puppet-like people standing over there gradually gained intelligence, but soon this intelligence was replaced by dullness.

At this moment, only their good posture is the best reply to Aisi.

Ais also understood this and took out the Blade of Despair from her waist bag. She was also ready.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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