I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 836 Believers Of Equivalent Exchange

The age issue makes Grace somewhat vulnerable.

However, he also knew that many children in the family regarded him as "grandpa". Even if he heard that Ais thought so, his mood was only temporarily depressed, and he soon adjusted.

As the three pillars of the Loki Familia, they need to have a certain understanding of Ais's affairs.

After all, some things are not just Ais's business, but theirs as well.

Finn is sitting now, with a much more serious expression on his face than before. At this moment, he is the leader of the Loki Familia.

"Bell, the formal process should start next, right?"

"So be it. After all, the deadline for the souls of Ais's parents is only two months."


Bell's sudden statement startled Finn slightly.

There is quite a lot of hidden content in this speech.

Finn suppressed the surprise in his heart, and out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of Ace's calmness, and the equally calm Loki.

"It seems that the two most crucial people know it."

"Alan and Arya are still alive?"

"Nature is alive."

"Then the deadline means that they have reached the critical point and are almost dying?"

"Then you need to understand the definition of death first."

Because the definitions of death are different, it is difficult to use different people's cognitions to define the issue of death. Here Bell needs to let everyone present understand the definition of death.

"If you are talking about whether there is physiological death in their existence, then I can tell you for sure that they are not dead. They have always survived and have self-awareness and past memories, but they have also changed. Become someone else."

There is no physiological death, even memory and consciousness exist, but people are not the same people as before.

In order to give Finn and the others a clearer understanding, Bell gave an example.

"For example, it's the "Filthy Fairy" from before. "

A simple example made Finn understand the urgency of this matter.

"So, is this the reason why Aisi has grown rapidly during this period?"

After reacting, Finn immediately understood that Ais's rapid growth during this period was probably inseparable from this reason.

At the same time, Finn also understood that this reason must be what Bell told Ace.

"It can only be said that this is one of the reasons."

"The souls of Aisi's parents have been eroded. After all, there is a limit to how long they can wait for Aisi. And they have been waiting for more than ten years. No matter how determined they are, the erosion of their souls will not play tricks on them. So long.

Bell said his helpless words straightforwardly.

He naturally understands what Finn means, but he has never concealed his purpose from the beginning, and naturally there is no need for so-called concealment now.

His hope that Aisi will grow up quickly is naturally directly related to his own interests.

But his interests collided with Aisi's interests. Naturally, this was not a unilateral use, but a mutual benefit between both parties.

Finn was also speechless by these words.

In fact, he had naturally known for a long time that Bell wanted to use Aisi's parents to cross over to that stage. But what he was dissatisfied with was whether Bell took advantage of this and squeezed Ais's potential.

From Finn's point of view, Aisi has a better future and she can grow up little by little.

Unfortunately, Finn still didn't understand.

If Bell hadn't given Ais the chance to move forward and achieve a great career beyond Level 7, no matter how much potential and talent she had, she could only continue to endure at Level 6.

The gift that Ais faced had actually been marked with a value by Bell. The moment she got the benefit, she would have to pay for the fruit of the same value in the next ten days.

Therefore, from the beginning, Bell and Aisi were in an exchange of equal value.

Bell gives Ais the chance to cross over to Level 7 or even Level 8, and can even help Ais save her parents who were in trouble.

All Ais needs to pay is to give her the opportunity to cross Level 8 by her parents, and continue to give Bell tickets to go to Level 9.

In a sense, Bell paid more, but Aisi paid the least.

The corners of Bell's mouth raised slightly, and he spat out four very shocking words.

"Exchange of equal value."

"Nothing in this world can escape these four words."

"There is no good in the world for no reason, it is just good with a purpose. Therefore, both the giver and the beneficiary need to follow the unchangeable theorem of "equivalent exchange". "

Equivalent exchange is Bell's creed. He firmly believes that you need to pay for what you want to get.

That's right, you need to pay for what you want to get, not what you get after paying. Because you often don’t get what you want for your own efforts. Only when others see value can you be qualified to get it.

If you have no value at all, then naturally no one will look at you.

"I believe in "equivalent exchange," so I also like to speak openly. "

"Ais, I should have said something similar to you before, right?"

"Yes, the teacher said it."

Aisi was very sure that the teacher had said similar words before, and opened the topic of saving her parents and needing her parents as a step, and the teacher barely hid it.

"So, what do you think?"

"This is my way of doing things. Transactions must be equal exchanges."

"If I was really angry because of what I just said, I wouldn't have said even a few unnecessary words.

Finn was silent for a moment, then took a deep breath and spoke apologetically.

So he made an offer that neither party could refuse.

"When talking about interests, talk about interests properly. You can talk about other things besides interests. Of course, this is based on the situation of "equal value."

Bell believes in "equivalent exchange", but he also believes that the world needs emotions.

Although he sometimes speaks very unpleasantly and even harshly, this is indeed an equal exchange.

For example, friendship or something like that.

Bell opened his hands to Finn.

Bell understands this too.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Bell nodded 227 very satisfied. It was obvious that Aisi still understood this very well.

"I know, so I just explained it carefully."

Some things cannot only look at interests, but also need to look at other things besides interests.

He didn't bother to talk or take advantage.

"Ais is our hope for the future, so I don't want her to have any problems no matter what.

"The teacher's request is very reasonable."

"Sorry Bell, there are indeed some things that I am too self-righteous about."

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