I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 832 The Feeling Of Occasional Spike In Blood Pressure

The top brass within the Loki Familia gathered together in a rare gathering.

In fact, we usually have more time to gather and communicate. In the past, except for Finn who worked a lot in the family, Grace and Riveria were actually relatively free.

But as the three of them entered the Level 7 level at the same time, there were more things that everyone really needed to do.

Riveria and Grace need to start daily training. Recently, they often take the members of the family to walk around and exercise in the dungeon.

In addition to working with Riveria, Grace and the others, Finn also needs to handle the internal affairs of the Familia.

That is because there are too many things to do, so I haven't thought about the expedition recently.

After all, things like expeditions are not so simple that they can just be carried out. There is a lot of information that needs to be studied, and even more materials need to be prepared.

That is because there are now space props that can leave a lot of energy, otherwise the expedition would have to consider the transportation of materials.

In addition to these, human factors are also an issue that needs to be considered.

The purpose of an expedition is to explore unknown territories.

Although the unknown territory has now been explored by Bell and Ace, this does not prevent Finn from taking his family to see the scenery of the unknown territory.

You know, this is a real achievement and a big event that can be spread.

There are completely different concepts between leading a family to go and going as an individual.

Well...actually the latter is more difficult.

But the key point is that Aisi doesn't care about fame, while Bell has no interest in fame at all. These two people didn't think about publicity issues at all, so there were some things Finn wanted to do.

It is because of this factor that Finn has a lot of work recently.

Three people were sitting in the same room.

Finn couldn't help but sigh.

"We have all been very busy recently."

"Well, after all, we have all reached a new field, and the exercise that has almost lost its effect needs to be regained."

There was some helplessness in Grace's tone, but there was a little excitement in it.

Finn and Riveria can actually understand that even if they are top adventurers, they are not exempt from the commonplace.

Even they are eager to go further.

Even if they usually hide it deeply enough, their desire to go further has never weakened by half.

They watched the new members of their family grow up, and the fire in their hearts was still burning.

Now that they have such an opportunity, even they can no longer waste time.

"As for Ais, according to Loki, she has been growing very fast recently."

Finn's words reminded Riveria of the scene a few months ago when Loki updated Ace's data in front of her.

Especially the ability points that tell the growth and the extra skills, it is hard for Riveria to imagine how far Ais has grown in the past few months.

"Rivelia, you should have seen it directly last time, right? What do you think?"

Regarding Ace's situation, Finn could only shift the topic to Riveria. Among the three of them, only Riveria knew the best.

"I have completed the accumulation of ability points in three months, what do you think?"

"Knew it....…."

After hearing Riveria's words, neither Finn nor Grace were surprised.

"The last time I came back was not just to update the data, but to upgrade."

"But it's not that surprising."

Although it was very unexpected, it was still reasonable.

Finn couldn't help but ask while holding his chin.

"Sure enough, Aisi's rapid growth is directly related to Bell."

"The exaggerated exercise method, the pursuit of practical concepts, and the training method that seemed to us almost like seeking death gave Aisi such a big breakthrough."

Last time, through Aisi’s simple words, we knew that normal people who exercise would definitely die.

In fact, Finn also wanted to know how Ace managed to survive.

Those exercises are almost like connecting with death.

Finn can guarantee that a normal adventurer will understand after experiencing a near-death experience that what he experienced was pure death.

The difference is that after he actually experiences death, someone will pull him back from the line of death.

"Ais has qualities that none of us, or even all adventurers, have.

"She is very simple."

Riveria directly hit the key point.

"She has made her decision since she learned that Ellen and Arya were alive."

"Because she has a clear goal, she will yearn for power more than anyone else, and will even do anything to gain power."

"Just training to brush against death may seem like the simplest thing to Ais."

"And she also knows that she may not die."

Riveria pointed out the key differences between Ais and others in a simple and clear way.

Clear goals and a heart that is not afraid of death.

Those are Ais’s “qualities”.

It's just that the person involved probably really doesn't want to have such qualities.

At this point, Riveria could only sigh helplessly.

"I just wish the kid wouldn't be so forced."

Because Riveria knew very well what kind of child Ais was.

I have always liked to show off my strength since I was a child. Even though I am not strong enough yet, I still want to do things beyond my own strength.

A figure suddenly appeared and hugged Denviliya who was still talking.


Finn and Grace who were present almost jumped up.

But (yes) after seeing the figure in Riveria's arms, his facial muscles twitched and he sat down again.

But this feeling is really exciting to the heart.

Finn weakly supported his chin with both hands. He was really about to have his blood pressure soar due to this child.

"Ais, please don't hide yourself so well next time you show up."

Ais, who buried her head deeply in Riveria's arms, gave a dull response.

But seeing the way she didn't even raise her head, Finn felt that this kind of thing might not happen countless times next time.

And the things I worried about in the past were finally fulfilled.

"Isn't this Bell II?"

I used to think that only one Bell could do this, but now it seems that the key protected targets in their family have also learned this trick and performed better.

PS: Sorry, this is a chapter to catch up on when I fell asleep yesterday. .

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