I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 828 That Kid Can Definitely Do It

The five goddesses who were secretly kissed were stunned for a moment, but in the blink of an eye, they saw that Bell had run away, and their emotions could not be vented.

But without exception, the five goddesses exuded a touch of happiness.

In the end, Hestia was the first to get out of that happy state, and she spoke with a solemn expression.

"Do you think there's something wrong with that skill?"

"There's definitely something wrong!"

This question directly triggered a stress reaction in everyone.

"That skill will definitely not exist for Bell's promotion."

Freya's words were very certain. She was very sure that that skill was definitely not for promotion.

"Bell needs to get rid of the restrictions of the "favor system" if he wants to be promoted, so he must completely break away from his sect when he is promoted.

It's not about converting religion, it's about Xie Ying.

That is to say, completely separate from the family, completely peel off the brand of god from the body, and completely separate the "favor system" from Bell.

"After the sect is dissolved, according to what we know, the power Bell has mastered through the "favor system" will completely disappear. It's not even certain whether the proficiency Bell has mastered through his own training will also disappear. "

"Not at all."

Loki shook his head slightly. After knowing Bell's choice, she had been searching for information related to "Jie Zong" in her own way, and finally found some information.

"There are relatively few cases of sect liberation in Orario's history, but there are still some relative records. The adventurers who liberate the sect are actually the same as the adventurers who lose their families. All their powers are sealed. However, the ones who liberate the sect are Adventurers need to be more thorough."

"Dissolving the Song Dynasty is not something that can be decided simply [it means giving up everything created by the favor system]. So dissolving the Song Dynasty means completely losing all the power created by the favor system ||.

"It is rare that adventurers who have resolved their clan rejoin the clan. However, even if the adventurer who has resolved his clan rejoins the clan, he will once again have the mark of the god on his body, and his data will also be Only the proficiency of basic abilities is left~.

Loki's investigation made Freya frown slightly, and the skills and magic that were not mentioned were obvious.

"Have the skills and magic been eliminated?"

Loki nodded slightly, still remembering the "regret" record in his mind.

"The adventurer who solved the sect is a very talented child. Unfortunately, the child chose to solve the sect instead of converting the sect. If he had changed his sect, maybe he could have gained some fame."

"That's what it says on the record I looked at."

There is a trace of regret in the text, which is obviously a pity for the adventurer who solved the sect.

Even if the record does not clearly write down the specific circumstances of the adventurer who solved the sect, it can be analyzed from the words that "the adventurer who solved the sect is a master of flute magic and skills."

It can be said that there is still a price to pay for abandoning the "favor system", and this price is much heavier than imagined.

"Magic and skills are the price of breaking up the sect, but the abilities and levels are still retained.

Neither Artemis nor Hestia spoke, but Hephaestus shook his head helplessly and said.

"There is no use in retaining ability values ​​and levels. Unless you are the same person as a "super ordinary person", the gap caused by skills and magic is simply not something a child can bear. "

Hephaestus was right. The adventurers after the liberation of the sect were almost as disabled. Even if they retained their levels and ability values, there was nothing they could do. At most, they were only half disabled.

Although it is a pity for the adventurers after Jie Zong, if there is such a clear direction, then it will be certain. Bell's previous predictions were basically correct, and Bell's map selection was correct.

However, the elimination of skills and magic is really not a big problem, everything is just within the plan.

"If this is the case, the price of dissolution of the clan will not have a big impact on Bell."

Freya didn't care at all how high the price would be after breaking up the clan. For Bell, breaking up the clan was a ritual that completely broke away from the "favor system" [Giving away skills and magic was actually just a clean break away.

For Bell, magic and skills are useless, and the key is to retain the ability value.

Hestia also nodded in agreement.

The dissolution of the sect will have little impact on Bell. Since the impact is not significant, the ceremony of dissolution of the sect can be placed before Bell's promotion ceremony.

But she suddenly froze.

"Freya, do you think that skill has already had an effect?"

Freya knew what skill Hestia was referring to.

"..." If that skill is not for Bell's promotion, but is something that Bell has had an effect on before and is still having an effect on, then it can only be the thing created by Bell. "

This is the only possibility.

Freya was not particularly worried about whether Bell could catch up, because the biggest variable in the entire plan was not Bell, but the Loki children.

"Whether that skill was intended to trigger Bell's hesitation, or it has already had an effect, the discussion of that skill ends here. No matter what the reason is, that skill has lost its effect, and there is no value in continuing the discussion."

But if this is the case, it would be really strange.

No matter what, it's not worth discussing.


Freya's proposal was approved after a moment of silence among the four goddesses. (Qian Nuohao)

If the skill has already had an effect, then the skill has lost its meaning.

"We're done with that skill."

"This...I don't know either."

"Loki, can your child really catch up?"

"That kid is more powerful than I thought."

“When he was a human in the past, that child would hate any monster for revenge, and it’s even more so now.

Loki was very sure that Ais could do it, because the child now had a clear goal, and Ais would definitely do her best to achieve that goal.

Freya didn't care very much. She thought about it and summarized the problem.

If the skill has not yet taken effect, then the skill is destined to be meaningless.

Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please comment.

Hestia didn't have a good explanation for this problem.

"But if that's the case, then why did this skill appear now? Shouldn't it have appeared then?"

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