I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 818 The Big Fish Took The Bait


The "Filthy Fairy" who lost his temper on the 80th floor suddenly froze on the spot.

What did she sense? Another part of the soul that was torn out???

The "Filthy Fairy" clearly felt that the other part of her soul had grown bigger and was no longer far away from her, just on the upper level.

But this feeling of surprise did not last long. The "Filthy Fairy" immediately realized what it meant for that part of his soul to be on the upper level.

"That man is also on the next floor!"

At this moment, the "Filthy Fairy" could already feel that all the nerves in his body were calling the police.

"So, that person deliberately put my torn soul back?"

The "Filthy Fairy" immediately realized that this was a trap, and it was a trap that would definitely end if he stepped into it.

This made him, who couldn't control his emotions, instantly become furious.

"You want to plot against me a second time!!!"

The surrounding air trembled slightly at this roar.

But the "Filthy Fairy" who couldn't control his emotions quickly calmed down.

It wasn't that he wanted to calm down. At this time, he couldn't calm down anyway, but the alarm sound coming from his whole body and mind kept growing. This warning of facing death made it impossible for him to calm down even if he didn't want to.

He already understands.

Now he can only choose to be plotted. Even if there is a big pit in the torn soul, he must step on it hard.

If he can win a glimmer of hope, then he can not only solve the biggest trouble, but can even continue his original plan to overthrow the world on earth.

And if He didn't seize this opportunity... Hehe, it doesn't seem to be any worse than the current situation.

The "Filthy Fairy" was so angry that her whole body was shaking.

It's really ironic that I was played twice by such a man. The corner of the "Filthy Fairy's" mouth was biting out a trace of bright red at this moment.

But he had to swallow this humiliation.

As long as he wants to fight for a chance of survival, then he must endure it even if he knows that it is humiliation, otherwise he will not even have a chance to win.

Guide your soul to this floor as quickly as possible.

The "Filthy Fairy" understood that that man would never give him too much time to prepare, he had to be quick!

In the shelter on the 79th floor of the underground city.

Sensing the rapid movement of the torn soul, the corners of Bell's mouth rose slightly.

Taken the bait.

The speed is quite fast. Bell paid attention to the time. It only took him fifteen minutes to release the torn soul, and the action had already begun over there.

Of course, it is not surprising for the "Filthy Fairy" to react like this.

After all, facing a near-life threat, there were not many choices he could make from the beginning. Coupled with the part of the torn soul he actively released, which has directly guided the "Filthy Fairy" to do this, can he make other choices?

As for facing death directly?

Well, this is indeed a good idea. Bell is convinced this approach is feasible.

As long as the "Filthy Fairy" really chooses to die directly, then all Bell's plans will be completely in vain, and all efforts will be in vain.

But again, would Jing make such a choice?

From the fact that the opponent can always choose to endure, Bell already knows very well that the "Filthy Fairy" will never choose death.

Would a "dirty fairy" with vengeful intentions towards humans and gods on earth choose death when facing humans and gods?

Obviously, the pride of the fairy once told "Absolutely impossible!"

Therefore, the "Filthy Fairy" can only make one choice.

Bo Yi Bo!

Bell was not in a hurry to go to the 80th floor, but lay quietly on the ice bed.

"Ais, rest for an hour. We will go to the 80th floor W々 in an hour.


Aisi, who was also resting, opened her eyes slightly as she listened.

Eyes locked on the smile on the teacher's face, Ais understood in her heart that the "Filthy Fairy" must have started to take action.

Because she knew the teacher's plan, Aisi didn't have any emotional fluctuations in her heart at this moment.

All the actions of the "Filthy Fairy" have been planned, and now we are just waiting for it to step into the pit.

Once the "Filthy Fairy" really steps in, Aisi doesn't think that the teacher who has made so many arrangements will lose to the "Filthy Fairy" who has been led by the nose.

Soon it was time for an hour's break.

"Okay, let's play."

Bell, who had been prepared for a long time, took Ais directly out of the shelter and headed to the next level.

The 80th floor is a fairly regular floor. This regularity is not only reflected in its numbers, but also in the internal conditions of the floor.

When you enter the 80th floor, you will see a completely different scene from the frozen world in front.

The entire world you see from the entrance seems to be filled with vegetation, exactly like the one on the 59th floor.

But Bell could clearly feel the difference on this level.

The most obvious point is temperature.

The temperature here is a bit too high, and it is no longer like the level where ordinary vegetation can survive.

Bell, who has extraordinary eyesight, quickly noticed something unusual.

The vegetation was flashing with some burning red.

"I see, no wonder the temperature here is so abnormal. It's really two completely different extremes from the frozen world.

"Ais, pay attention to the plants around you and don't touch them easily. Those things are all magma."


Aisi subconsciously felt that this was impossible. After all, all that came into view were vegetation. How could it be possible that these vegetation were all magma?

But after looking carefully and feeling the scorching heat emitted by the vegetation, his face suddenly turned ugly.

(Nuohao Zhao) "Teacher, won't this place sink?"

"It won't hurt if it sinks."

It seems a bit weird that the vegetation is filled with magma, but except for this part, the entire floor is not filled with magma that will sink.

"The interior of the vegetation is filled with magma. In all areas that catch the eye, the vegetation is like a deliberately created image."

"The vegetation is a magma spout, and the ground is ordinary ground, except that some of the ground has turned into a magma swamp similar to the ground.

"This is simply a natural hunting ground with natural traps everywhere."

"Here, there are even more dangerous visitors than the frozen world we have experienced.

If everything that follows is a magma hell, then Bell thinks that the subsequent floors may require Ais to learn how to bathe in magma.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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