I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 816 Canary Locked In A Cage

"Damn... Damn..."

At this moment, the "Filthy Fairy" felt very dangerous, and his whole body sounded an alarm to remind him to leave quickly.

It seemed that if He didn't leave now, he wouldn't have another chance later.

But... the "Filthy Fairy" couldn't help biting her lips.

It's not that He doesn't want to leave, it's that He simply has no way to leave.

He was contaminated and swallowed by the dungeon. Even though he still carries his ego and rationality, he is essentially no different from the floor master of the dungeon.

Can the floor owner leave the floor he is on?

Apparently this is not allowed in the dungeon.

If he could really leave the dungeon, he wouldn't have to worry about creating a guardian of his own, and he wouldn't have to give birth to so many clones.

It is because he cannot leave this underground city, so he wants to take revenge on the gods and the humans on the earth [he needs to project his clone "450" ​​onto the earth.

A large number of clones will purge the world on the ground. As long as the suppression on the underground level is turned on, he can be released by the underground city and return to the ground again.

Originally, this plan went quite smoothly.

He projects his avatar to the upper level through his guardian. After giving the avatar a large amount of energy, he can exert a larger calendar area when projecting his consciousness onto the avatar.

In the process, he also accepted the cooperation of the gods of the dungeon.

Haha~ It's quite ironic that he, the fairy who wants to destroy the world on earth, cooperates with the person he wants to destroy.

But He gladly accepted it.

As long as His plan can proceed more smoothly, as long as He can project a more powerful clone to the earthly world, everything will be worth it.

But He still encountered a roadblock.

The "Filthy Fairy" felt itchy with hatred every time she thought of that man.

If it weren't for that man, His plan would have succeeded.

As long as he captures that woman's daughter and parasitizes it in that body, he can easily invade the earthly world.

Moreover, as both fairies, the woman's daughter and her clone must have better compatibility, and they must be able to exert more powerful power.

Unfortunately, all this was stopped by that man.

"Why are you going against me!"

If it weren't for that man, His plan would have succeeded, and it would have even invaded the earthly world now.

But now, everything has become a failure.

The guardian was playfully killed by the man.

The plan he designed was used by that man.

Everything was destroyed by that man, that man was simply His nemesis!

And just recently, the man contacted Him again through the torn soul. Since then, the "bad" and "dangerous" feelings have been lingering in His heart and cannot be ended.

In the temporary shelter on the 79th floor.

Aisi opened her eyes and sat up from the hospital bed early in the morning.

She subconsciously glanced in the direction and saw Bell sitting up from the bed as well as her.

"Good morning, teacher."

"Good morning."

Ais looked at Bell's slightly tired look and asked involuntarily.

"Teacher, did you sleep well yesterday?"

As he spoke, Bell couldn't help but yawn.

"Yes. I was barely able to control it until very late last night, which consumed a lot of energy."

Ais didn't have any experience in controlling powers, but judging from Bell's tired look, it was obvious that powers were not as easy to control as magic.

So she suggested.

"Teacher, you can sleep a little longer now."

"Today the teacher has to deal with the "Filthy Fairy". If you don't sleep well, it will affect the battle.

This made Bell, who had originally planned to get up, pause for a moment.

Although his current condition cannot be said to be that bad, he is indeed a little mentally damaged. It's not impossible to deal with the "Filthy Fairy" with his current attitude, but his condition is still a bit bad.

You can't slack off at all when facing an important enemy. You need to adjust your state well when facing the enemy.

Recalling the words he taught Ais, Bell put away his previous plans.

"Then I'll sleep a little longer."

Bell didn't insist.

"Ais, I will enter a deep sleep, and you can move freely during this period."


With that said, Bell lay back on the ice bed and quickly fell into a deep sleep under the influence of Rune.

Watching Bell fall asleep, Aisi quickly sat up from the bed.

After she gets up, she also needs to make some preparations for getting up.

Washing your face and brushing your teeth are naturally indispensable.

It's freezing and snowy when you go out. It's unrealistic to find a water source that doesn't need to be treated. Every time you want to use the water source, you need to do some processing...

Because he does the same thing every day, Ai doesn't feel bored at all.

Wrap the wind around your fingers and draw a circle on the ice with your fingers.

The condensed wind blew at the cut location under the ice surface, and the cutting was done.


Aisi's five fingers penetrated the cut ice surface almost without any hindrance. With a lift of her hand, a cylindrical icicle was grabbed from under the ice surface.

I took a look at the condition of the icicles.


Can be used as clean water for washing.

Ais took the icicle outside the shelter.

The shelter itself was built to avoid being invaded by monsters, and naturally there were quite a few barriers placed around it. As long as you stay around the shelter, you can avoid trouble from monsters.

Taking out the wooden basin and towel from her pocket, Aisi cut out the middle part of the icicle and put it into the basin, then wrapped the icicle with magic power to heat it.

The icicles melted and turned into a basin of steaming clear water.

Aisi soaked the towel in hot water, gently stirred it dry, and splashed the hot RMB on her face.


The sleepiness early in the morning was completely dispelled at this moment, and Aisi felt that she was much more energetic.

Ais was still a little concerned about Bell's tiredness.

"Power is really not something that people can control at will."

"But the teacher is really amazing. He is obviously the same adventurer as us, but he can already use powers."

Ais may not have figured out the part about power in 3.0.

You must know that the total number of powers in the world is certain, and gods are not allowed to give up their own powers. In other words, only the complete death of gods can free up excess powers.

This is the biggest reason why there is no hope of improvement in the "favor system". The upper limit is right there. The people below are at best demigods. All other promotion channels are blocked.

So what hope is there for this path?

"The next step is the teacher's promotion battle, but the opponent is that "filthy fairy."

Ais was sure that the teacher could win the final victory, but the strength of the "Filthy Fairy" left a deep impression on her heart.

"Should it be okay?"

"The teacher has allowed me to see it. I will definitely not lose to the "Filthy Fairy."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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