I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 814 Another Road

"The "Bonus System" allows the branded adventurer to maintain a healthy body before death.


Ais nodded blankly, not realizing at all how powerful what Bell said just now was.

Bell knew from the look on Ais's face that she didn't listen, and the muscles on her face twitched slightly. However, in order to allow the other party to fully recognize and understand, he still emphasized the key issues in this area.

"Ais, listen carefully, this is where the "favor system" succeeds. Remember these words carefully. When you go back and talk to Riveria and the others, you should be able to see their surprised expressions. "


Suddenly, the interest in his tone became high.

Ais's eyes suddenly shone with light. She was very interested in seeing the surprised expressions of Finn and the others, especially Riveria's surprised expression.

This also made her listen more seriously than ever before.

Bell continued the previous topic.

"Human bodies tend to change all the time. They grow when they are young and decline when they get old. Physical fitness also changes with age."

"The maximum life span of an ordinary person is about 80 years, and the peak period is between the ages of 18 and 35. During this period, the physical condition of ordinary people will tend to a high level, but once this period is passed After age, a person's body will take a turn for the worse.

"This is too fatal for adventurers. Because this peak time period is too short."

Human time is still too short.

Even if the peak period lasts less than 20 years, can all the monsters on the earth be suppressed in less than 20 years?

Even if you think about it with a pig's brain, you know it's impossible.

"So the gods developed the "favor system" and deeply explored the connection between humans and gods, so that the gods can share their "immutable" characteristics as gods to each of their dependents through the platform of the "favor system" . "

When Bell said this, he also had a little more admiration for the thoughts of those gods.

The gods who created the "favor system" really dared to think of sharing their own characteristics with their dependents, thereby increasing their peak time as adventurers.

"Unchangeable" is a trouble for gods, but this characteristic is the best characteristic for ordinary people (chaf) in the lower world.

Then Ais raised her hand again.

"Teacher, then the gods you just mentioned have shared their "immutable" characteristics with us. Can we obtain eternal understanding through their "immutable characteristics?"

Bell looked at Aisi in surprise, not expecting that this papaya-headed person could ask such a question.

"Theoretically, if the gods take the initiative to operate it, it is really possible to make all the dependents in the lower world have the same eternal life as themselves."

"But once that time comes, eternal life will often become the biggest fetter for human beings. No, to be precise, human beings who do not have the ability to resist the erosion of time will completely change themselves in eternity, and this change is often the worst direction. "

"Perhaps because of considering this issue, the gods gave up the granting of this "immutable" characteristic when they created the "favor system".

Once the gods endow life with the characteristics of "immutability", individuals like human beings will rapidly decline spiritually one by one.

The decline of human beings is not only physical, but also spiritual.

Ordinary people simply cannot resist the erosion of time. In this case, humans will inevitably go crazy.

I have to say that the gods are quite wise.

The reason why human beings are brilliant is because human life has time. Endless life will only make the original brilliance corrupt.

"Of course, the gods have not blocked the way to obtain eternity."

"The height of adventurer Lv.10 is a clear way for adventurers to pursue eternity. As long as they raise their own level to Lv.10, the adventurer can completely transform from the position of an ordinary person to a "demigod" and gain eternity. time. w

Aisi nodded without knowing why and silently wrote down these words.

Seeing that Aisi had written it down, Bell didn't repeat it.

"That's all about the "favor system", and then let's talk about the division of another strength class. "

“That’s the path I’ve chosen to take now.”

Huh? Aisi instinctively felt something was wrong, and then thought about what the teacher just said again, and figured out some problems.

"Teacher, after choosing the "favor system", can I choose other paths?"

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Bell directly rejected such remarks.

"Different roads have their own differences. There are many incompatibilities between two different roads. Naturally, we cannot have both."

People can choose the path of strength on their own. They can and can only choose one, but they cannot choose both.

But as the explanation came, Ais's questions arose.

"Teacher, what do you think of the path you have chosen now?"

"That's why I need to save my power through the ||favor system||."

"You want to abandon the "favor system"? Then, teacher, haven't all your efforts for so long been in vain?"

"If I knew everything was in vain, do you think I would choose to waste time on a road that is destined to be in vain?"

It took a while to recover from the shock.

Aisi was silent for a moment, then shook her head firmly.

"So through my research, I found that the power gained by the adventurer through the "favor system" did not completely disappear with the death of the main god, but always existed in the adventurer's own body, but that power has always been there. Sealed. As long as you change your religion to another clan, the hidden power will be revealed again. "

"In vain? Not in vain."


"Through this part, I can be sure that the basic power obtained through the "favor system" will not be stripped away because of the "favor system", but will only be sealed by the power of the gods.

"Because I want to abandon the "favor system."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Absolutely not! The teacher has never been like this."

Well, that's a good answer. Bell was very satisfied that Aisi could understand him. After all, he was the student he had taught for so long. If he didn't even know what he would never do anyway, then he would be really sad.

Bell laughed completely nonchalantly and looked at Ais with a slight smile in his eyes.

Aisi opened her mouth wide and forgot to speak for a moment, just looking at the teacher blankly.

"So Ace, do you think I'm the kind of person who wastes time?"

"Yes, you're right. I won't waste time on things that are destined to be in vain."

"Waiting for the ultimate moment of Level 9, I will completely abandon the "favor system" and direct this power to another path. "

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