I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 811 You Can Start Training Now

After completing the dragon hunt on the entire floor, Ais returned to the shelter on the 79th floor.

The teacher is waiting for her return inside the shelter.


When Ais returned, she saw Bell sitting on the ice bed.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but the closer she got to the teacher recently, the more she felt that the teacher's presence was always looming.

It's not the situation in the past where I couldn't find my breath, but an extraordinary feeling, but a feeling that the teacher himself should not exist.

That strange feeling began to become more and more serious as time passed, even to the point where she couldn't help but ask questions.

"Teacher, isn't your situation getting better?"

"Huh? Ah, has it happened again? Sure enough, it is still a phenomenon that is not easy to control.

"Difficult to control?"

In Aisi's ears, these words were like "603", which was as scary as a scary fairy tale. Her teacher had very strong control over power. Normally, there would never be a situation where she could not control her power. .

This also made Aisi's voice sound a little nervous and worried.

"Teacher, your power is out of control? Do you want to go back to the ground and rest for a while?"


Bell was a bit overwhelmed by the fact that Ais was so worried. Why was this completely different from the Ais he knew?

Although she felt strange in her heart, she still tried to comfort the anxious Ais.

"No need to go to such trouble. It's just some uncontrollable phenomenon caused by my initial exposure to power and my own lack of realm. It doesn't have that much impact on myself."

"Power? Teacher, isn't that a power that only gods can control?"

After hearing the teacher's conclusion, Aisi's anxious mood slowly calmed down. But now she had more questions in her mind.

Bell nodded without denying it.

"Indeed, power is the "rules of the world" that only gods can use. Without exception, it is almost impossible for ordinary people in the lower world to master this power.

These are also what Aisi knows. But just because I knew this part of the matter, I became even more curious about why the teacher was able to use powers.

Facing Aisi's curious eyes, Bell did not keep silent, but revealed it openly.

"Because I am slightly different from the ordinary adventurers in the lower world, I can use the powers that they cannot use."

"Originally, I shouldn't have this kind of uncontrollable phenomenon. But I didn't expect that something happened to me.

Bell felt a slight headache at this moment.

Yes, he did not use Rune to simulate power just now, but the power that he created on his own in the true sense.

"Secret" is the power born from him in the true sense.

It is not a simulation using Rune, nor is it stealing from other gods, but the power derived from him.

No, to be precise, it is not a complete power, but a fictitious power constructed in advance through the connection between the sphere and himself.

It's just that because he himself has not reached the point of qualitative change, the power created by the virtual creation has only been revealed a little. Most of it is still in the sphere, but part of it has already been reflected in his body.

That is to say, because of the accumulation of these factors, Bell is now somewhat unable to control this power, which often results in the power acting on him inexplicably.

"In short, it is a special situation. I have gradually become familiar with it in the past two days. I think today is the last day when the situation will occur."

Although it is indeed a bit troublesome to get the power he wants in advance, the good news is that this power can finally be controlled.

The process of controlling power is anything but easy.

You must know that "secret" and "hiding" are two completely different concepts.

"Secret" can not only completely hide one's own breath and existence, but can even hide the surrounding space and time, almost creating an independent special space.

In terms of operability, "Secret" as a power is not comparable to "Hide".

It is because of the excessive power of this power that it is so difficult for Bell to control the power due to the many factors surrounding it.

"I see."

Aisi, who was still a little irritable just now, slowly returned to her previous image of Sanwu, as if the person with the rich expression just now was not her.


"Yes, I understand."

Although Aisi still doesn't understand the details, as long as she confirms that there is nothing wrong with the teacher, she will be fine...

Well, the other things aren't very important.

Seeing that there was indeed no problem with Ais, Bell did not continue on the topic he had just discussed, but turned to Ais.

"Ais, how did you complete the subjugation mission?"

When her tasks and homework were mentioned, Ais suddenly became serious.

"All the dragons on the floor have been defeated."

"The Dragon Man confirmed that he didn't notice my position and was being assassinated by me the whole time."

Bell didn't need to observe Aisi's condition to understand. Her aura had been maintained steadily. Obviously, such a hidden method was no longer detectable by the dragon people.

"Well done, Ace.

"That's how fighting is. You need to use everything you can use to create more favorable conditions for yourself. If the external environmental factors are not enough, then you need to create a more favorable situation for yourself.

Seeing that Aisi has grown to this point, Bell still doesn't hesitate to praise her.

"As an adventurer, you should not be overly impulsive when fighting. Instead, you need to make a series of judgments about the current situation more calmly. We adventurers may have to face some fierce monsters all year round, but as long as we do enough The preparations are not something we adventurers cannot face."

"There is no difference between despicable and just ways of fighting. The key is to obtain the final victory."

2.8 "So, it is most appropriate not to be stubborn when facing monsters, but to face them with the power you are good at."

"You need to learn more from Captain Finn about this. His strength may not be the strongest among the Loki Familias, but he is definitely the best at analyzing on-site situations and the best at using existing methods to face troubles. A district.”

This is Bell’s hint for Ace’s future growth direction.

Ais cannot be a pure attacker, but needs to improve in all aspects, otherwise her future will be limited.

After careful guidance, the smile on Si'er's face became much brighter.

"You are ready to start training now, Ais."

This is Bell's recognition of Aisi's growth along the way.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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