I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 800 The Goals Are Different

Three days passed quietly.

In the afternoon, Loki collapsed in Finn's office.

"Ah...those lunatics really want to drive me crazy!"

Loki, who had been annoyed for three days, was really going crazy.

Now she can't wait to release her divine power, then rush in front of those bastards and tear them into pieces!

If those bastards hadn't wasted her time, she wouldn't have stayed at home every day.

The three people who looked at Loki's rage didn't have anything to say. In fact, they very much agreed with Loki's rage at this moment, because the gods obviously wanted to deliberately torment them.

"Bear it, Loki."

Finn adheres to the mentality of doing less than doing more, and does not want to cause unpleasantness with the gods at this time.

"Because of the familiarity we showed with Bell before, it was inevitable that they would target us."

"And it's been three months, and the gods haven't chosen to give up yet. Apparently they don't intend to cool down the matter."

"Hmph! They are so cowardly, why should they be cooled down?"

Hearing Fenn's words, Lu Ji couldn't help but mocked him coldly.

"Don't I know what those cowards are?"

"When everything is fine, I am a fun-loving person, but when I am in trouble, one of them runs faster than the other."

"If things hadn't gone away this time, do you think all those bastards would have been at Orario Hospital?"

In fact, Finn didn't need Loki to remind him. After all, what Bell exposed this time was something that no god could escape.

Regarding whether the entire world will face the problem of restarting, do you really think this is a joke?

"Who made Bell's exposure such a big deal?"

Riveria glanced at Loki.

This result made Loki collapse on the sofa helplessly.

She naturally knew that Bell had made too much noise this time, and that no one among the gods could face it calmly.

"Ah...he made such a big fuss this time just to cut off his identity. I didn't expect him to make such a big fuss at first. I originally thought it was just about breaking the news. Some shocking information about Orario and Dungeon. Who would have thought that he would expose all the shocking information about the world."

"So, is Bell preparing for subsequent promotion?"

Finn was not surprised when he heard this reason. The only thing that concerned him was whether promotion required making such a big noise to divert the target?

"Well, that's right."

"But Loki, does an ordinary "promotion" require such a big movement? Even if Bell is very anxious, there is no need for such extreme measures, right?"

Loki pursed his lips and straightened up from the sofa where he was sitting.

"Finn, you're curious?"

Finn put down the pen in his hand and looked at Loki with curiosity. He nodded without denying it.

"I'm really curious about this."

"Although I know that Bell has extraordinary talent, according to Bell's cautious character in the past, it will not be suddenly exposed at this juncture. He can be as careful as possible and not let anyone know that he is there. Anything dungeons do.

Curiosity led Finn to ask these questions, making him wait for Loki's answers.

Finn was not the only one who was curious, Riveria and Grace were also curious.

Loki looked at the curious expressions of the three people and did not continue to hang on to them. After all, this was not a secret.

"This is what he has prepared for a long time ago. If possible, he also hopes to be quietly and slowly promoted in the days to come, but it backfires."

"You should also know that he has a strong personal talent, has very special skills, and is qualified for rapid promotion. However, there are also daily conditions for promotion within the critical illness system."

Finn nodded with understanding and added.

“One is that the proficiency of any ability value reaches above 500.

"The second is to accumulate enough "great achievements" for promotion.

"So, the reason why Bell exposed himself so directly, and used such a bold method to cut himself off from his identity and divert the attention of the gods, was just to obtain "great achievements"?"

Bell, who has rapid growth skills, will definitely not be stuck by the proficiency of his ability value. The only thing that can stop Bell is the "great deeds" required for promotion.

.........Please give me flowers 0......

Finn held his chin and thought for a moment.

"So, is Bell taking into account the great achievements of Level 8?"


Hearing Loki laugh, Finn was not angry at all, but realized that he had underestimated Bell's standards.

"Isn't it the great achievement of advancing to Level 8, but the great achievement of going to Level 9?"

After saying this, Finn himself was shocked by Bell's operation.

"Is Bell using Aisi's parents as a springboard to go to Level 9? I thought he was planning to use Aisi to cross over to Level 8!"

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a price review.

Seeing that his three children were greatly shocked [Loki still kindly comforted them.

Now they and Bell are both at Level 7, but they don't even have any ideas about Level 8, but Bell has already started thinking about the great achievements required to advance to Level 9. This gap is really quite big.

Finn covered his face with his hands. Indeed, he really underestimated Bell's level.

"Anyway, since I saw that kid's skills, I don't have any illusions about others surpassing that kid.

"Even if that boy's aunt is still more talented than that boy, you don't have to care so much."

Finn and Grace were both shocked.

"Is that why Bell dragged Ais to the dungeon at this juncture?"

And Riveria finally reacted.

"The skills he possesses mean that he will definitely not choose to follow the same path as ordinary people. Sometimes it is normal to do extraordinary things.

Instead of considering promotion to Level 8, he was actually considering promotion to Level 9.


"He is actually planning to use Aisi's parents to cross over to Level 9!"

After all, they are not comparing themselves with other people, but with someone who completely surpasses the concept of an adventurer.

"After all, your positions are different from his."

Although Loki's comfort made the three Finns feel unstable, fortunately, the three of them still endured it.

Riveria and Grace were also greatly shocked.

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