I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 794 Be Fully Prepared When You Go Out

All of Bell's predictions turned out to be correct.

While Bell and Artemis continued to stroll around the streets and eat snacks, the attentive eyes around them gradually disappeared. In just ten minutes, there were not even a pair of extra eyes around. .

Artemis, who was eating snacks, naturally felt it.

"Darling, it seems that no one is interested in us anymore."

"They held on for a long time and kept staring at us for ten minutes before they gave up.

From the time these people were watching, Bell could feel how much the gods wanted to catch him.

"Those people probably do things like this dozens of times a day, staring at who they think they may be.

Bell paused for a moment and shook his head slightly.

"It seems that the gods were really stimulated by me, and they actually used this kind of search intensity to attack me.

Artemis wasn't surprised at all.

"Who asked you, Darling, to reveal so many secrets of the world?"

"In the past, according to Darling, the gods in the lower world came to have fun, but now they all choose a knife for their heads, and they are the biggest joke after doing it for a long time. How can a proud god just continue to watch from the sidelines? With?"

That's true. It's not like Bell couldn't understand this.

The crisis of the world and the gods has been made clear. How could those 337 gods who knew about it so easily give up more opportunities to understand this situation?

There are definitely gods among them who have greater ambitions.

These conditions and factors prompted the gods to find him quickly.

Now he is the only one in the world who has mastered this part of the secret, and he is also the only breakthrough for the gods.

This inevitably made those gods start to encourage their relatives to keep looking for clues about him.

"Useless behavior."

Bell didn't care about the efforts of those gods, because he knew very well that all efforts were in vain.

After all, he is a very careful person.

Since he is a very careful person, he naturally knows where his behavior will be the object of observation.

Cautious people are cautious because they are suspicious enough. They will think about the possibility of being followed and the corresponding measures.

A cautious person is always well prepared before taking action.

Although today's date was a bit out of the ordinary, it was still within Bell's daily cautious range.

"Everything is based on my (cheh) guesses. I have designed many solutions to their tracking and stalking behavior. But compared to mind control, it is not as efficient as letting them have their own wrong perceptions. .”

"Although there is a suspicion of delaying time, what we need most now is actually time."

In three months, no, in less than a month, Bell had already raised all his abilities to the point where it was almost impossible to grow.

Next is the road to Level 8.

The only good thing now is that Bell doesn't need to think about going to Level 10.

That is the pinnacle of achieving the "favor system", that is, a demigod with godlike status.

But that kind of thing is just useless to Bell.

Now that he knows the direction he is heading, it is enough for him to keep moving forward. He does not need to consider those useless directions, but moves forward towards the only path.

Now there are only the last two hurdles that can block Bell's path forward.

Only after passing the last two hurdles can Bell officially declare that he is on the road to transcending gods.

Therefore, during this critical period, you must not be disturbed by any god, and you must not be affected by those gods.

But these are not within the scope of Bell's thinking at the moment.

He grabbed Artemis' hand instead.

"The following problems have been solved, so let's have a good stroll.


Artemis didn't have any scruples anymore, and just followed the spell and walked around the streets.

There are still many places to go shopping on the streets of Orario.

As the center of the world with a large number of dependents and gods, this city also has a neutral "church".

There are also some scenic platforms where you can stand on high places and overlook the entire Orario.

After eating a lot of snacks and your stomach is full enough, you can go and see the scenery.

Bell took Artemis to the high platform.

It's just that the high platform is connected to a church.

Places like the church are generally places that adventurers don't come to. The place where adventurers often go is the dungeon. Only ordinary residents who are not adventurers come to the church to pray, generally to pray for the blessings of gods. .

After all, ordinary residents and adventurers are different. It is still very difficult for ordinary residents to see gods outside.

So the church is a good place to send your voice and prayers to God.

Yes, the churches of this world can really convey the voices of ordinary people to God.

Whether the gods will pay attention to it is another matter.

However, as long as the people praying are not praying for excessive things, but just wishing for good health and prosperous business, most gods are still willing to fulfill them. After all, the difficulty is the easiest, and they still gain the people's faith.

Of course, what the gods want is not just faith. Faith is only the foundation, and there are some more substantial material foundations on top of faith.

After all, you can’t really pray to the gods for nothing, right?

Therefore, ordinary residents often come to pray in the church here.

Of course, this place is built on a high platform taking advantage of the geographical location. It is a good place to overlook Orario.

Where her hands were supporting the guardrail, Artemis' eyes looked down at the entire Orario with interest.

"From this perspective, the scale of this city is really large."

"Because in ancient times, this was a place where monsters would constantly emerge from underground potholes, and those monsters were very large. Naturally, if you want to suppress this pothole, you will need to build buildings on it. The northern pothole itself will be even bigger.”

Bell briefly introduced the origin of this maze city.

The reason why this place is called "Maze City" is also because of the pit that is suppressed underground and cannot be explored clearly.

"But even so, I think that the gods and adventurers in the past were really brave enough to create such a large city in such a dangerous place."

PS: Happy New Year!.

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