I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 778 Another World

Seeing Artemis flying towards her like a madwoman, Bell sighed slightly but still caught her.

When she caught Artemis, her hands wrapped around her like the tentacles of an octopus. Her cute and delicate face, accompanied by her pink lips, moved infinitely closer, as if she lowered her head slightly. You can taste Luna's lips.

It's a pity that Bell's determination at this time is quite good.

He didn't directly take away the Moon Goddess girl's first kiss, but kissed the Moon Goddess girl lightly on her forehead.

"Eh? Just the forehead?"

This result made Artemis couldn't help but puff up her cheeks.

What she wanted was a mouth-to-mouth kiss, just like when she faced Hestia just now. Now just being kissed on the forehead made her feel a lot worse.

Bell sighed helplessly.

This goddess is good at everything, she is cute, her figure is almost the same as Hestia, and she has long silver-white hair. There is almost nothing to criticize about. But the biggest problem is that she shares the same body with another person. And God.

"Artemis, you and she share a body."


As soon as she heard Bell talking about this, Artemis had a sad look on her face.

"It's all that coward's fault!"

"If it weren't for her problem, the relationship between Darling and I would have progressed a long time ago."

But there is such a layer of relationship restrictions, which makes Artemis always unable to get what she wants, and can only watch from the side.

But seeing Freya successfully break away from the identity of the virgin goddess, and even Loki has broken away from the identity of the virgin goddess, this made Artemis completely unable to bear it.

Now she is really the only one left in the whole family.

She was already standing at the end of the line, how could she continue to endure this?

"Looks like I have to talk to her."

"Well, while Darling returns home this time, I must get rid of my identity as a virgin goddess!"

After a simple brainstorming, Artemis temporarily restrained herself from all this.

"Darling, you must compensate me for everything next time!"


Bell didn't object, but held Artemis in his arms.

"I'm back, Artemis."

"Hmm~ Darling, welcome home.

Although you can't kiss, you can still hug.

Artemis, who was held by Bell, could clearly feel that the other half's soul was fluctuating very violently, and she seemed to be quite responsive.

After a round of going home ceremony, the five people slowly and calmly sat down around the square table in the center.

There was an extra cup of hot tea and some snacks in front of each of them.

Although Loki is missing among the goddesses present, this does not prevent everyone from sitting down and chatting.

"Bell, how is the situation over there at "Sword Princess"?"

Hestia asked the key question first.

It went more smoothly than I imagined. "

"The act of defrauding the "favor system" can also be recognized, but the threshold for fraud is also very high, and it can only be altruistic. I am afraid these are all restrictions caused by fraud. "

Although the results were disappointing, the final goal was achieved, so Bell couldn't help but feel happy.

Hephaestus was not surprised at all by this result.

"A natural result. The "favor system" is not as easy to handle as you think. You should be able to feel it if you have actually operated it. "


Bell does not deny this. After all, the "favor system" is a tool jointly developed by the gods for human growth. It is not easy to fool itself.

"The price paid is nothing more than the exchange of conditions necessary to obtain this convenience.

"This is like the great deeds in the "favor system" that can only be promoted if recognized. Bell's "fraud" actually extends this part to a certain extent. Although it changed the rules set by the gods to a certain extent, it also increased the difficulty for the parties involved to obtain experience. "

"This is not so much "fraud" as it is "equivalent exchange." "

Hephaestus's conclusion also makes sense.

"Fraud" is a change to the rules in the "favor system", while "equivalent exchange" is compensation for previously deceiving the rules in the "favor system"

This operation reduces the quantity and threshold for obtaining experience, but it increases the difficulty of obtaining experience.

This is not a complete "fraud", but an exchange.

However, the threshold for this kind of operation is also quite high. Only adventurers who are strong enough to perform the operation can use this method to quickly gain a lot of experience.

The other "world" that suddenly appeared in Bell's words made the goddesses present frown slightly.

"I think everyone originally thought with the intention that "no one can change the rules", and I remember that everyone set the restriction that "gods cannot change the rules"

˙"I think it's because the "favor system" itself has no mandatory restrictions and cannot modify the rules. It seems that when we made the rules together, we did not limit this issue. "

Bell didn't hide it anymore and turned his attention to Artemis, the only goddess who was very calm.

Freya looked at Bell with a smile in her eyes.

However, regarding Freya's suspicion, Bell thought briefly and nodded slightly.

"There are no corresponding rules, and it is limited to the strong. Is this a script that (Zhao Li) wrote from the beginning?"

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Is there another world?"

"The world where Artemis lives."

In other words, "limited to the strong."

Freya also corroborated Hephaestus's remarks. She indeed remembered that no god had put forward any restrictions on this part.

"Well, it is true that there are no relevant restrictions."

It is normal for Freya to have such doubts.

"My mother must have already said hello to other "worlds" and knew in advance the help that other "worlds" would give me. "So she left some loopholes in certain possibilities."

Hephaestus remembered this very clearly.

"I think that's part of the reason."

Obviously, this is entirely a unique convenience given to Bell.

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