I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 601 Preparations Before The Shenyue Festival

Five minutes later, Loki sat on Bell's lap, groaning and looking unhappy.

"I asked you to ridicule my figure. I'll see if you dare to do it again."

Bell, with Loki sitting underneath him, looked at the ceiling speechlessly.

At this moment, there were many, many teeth marks on his face and arms. It could be seen that just now Loki used the second-hardest teeth on her body to attack Bell in an all-round way.

See if I dare next time!

Bell now wanted to give Loki the same treatment, leaving teeth marks everywhere on her body.

But I dare not say this directly, otherwise Loki's teeth will probably start to act again.

He rubbed the face that had been bitten with teeth marks, and the healing green light flashed away, and the teeth marks all over his face quickly disappeared.

"So, this time the Shenyue Festival, all the 950s are planning to go shopping?"

"It's such a hard-working holiday, I should go for a walk after all."

"If that's the case, then I'll make some preparations."

In fact, there is no problem if you really want to go shopping outside during the festival, but Bell needs a certain amount of time to prepare.

"Another safety device?"

With his head raised, he rested on Bell's chest. After venting, Loki felt much better. But hearing Bell's preparation reminded her of Bell's inventions.

"This is a necessary preparation for safety."

Moving Loki's raised head, Bell needed to make some safety preparations, and he also needed to explain the necessity of doing so.

"Although Orario and the Dark Faction are still in a tacit understanding, it doesn't mean that no lunatic will jump out and cause trouble. I personally hate this kind of change, so it is better to take safety measures in advance. "



"Well...my nerves are always beating when facing a festival like this. I always feel that something big will happen in such a festival, just like the last monster festival."

"Isn't that because your illness is too serious?"

The four goddesses complained in their hearts at the same time.

They are all well aware of Bell's biggest problem. Caution and caution have become Bell's disease. But compared to ordinary adventurers, Bell's situation is obviously more serious.

It's just that the four goddesses didn't reject the preparations Bell wanted to make.

This is the current situation, and they also need to consider safety issues.

After ending the conversation, Bell immediately put Loki aside who was sitting on his lap, and then immediately headed to the basement he had specially prepared.

In your own room on the first floor, open the closet and there is an empty space inside the closet for a person to stand.

"Knock knock knock!"

I knocked lightly on the back wall of the closet three times, and the wood in that area moved to the side, leaving just enough space for someone to stand.

Bell stood in, and then the figure quickly disappeared in this space.

Space transfer magic circle.

At the same coordinate one thousand meters down, Bell's figure appeared again.

Seeing this underground office space he built by himself, Bell felt a feeling of "peace of mind" deep in his heart.

"Sure enough, staying in your own base is the most reassuring thing."

This feeling of peace of mind is unprecedented.

It is said that construction and forging are both speed bumps for men. Bell has clearly felt this in the past on Douyin. For example, knife forging competitions and outdoor construction are his favorite types. As for the young lady's dance, Bell still doesn't think there's anything interesting about it.

Having built an underground laboratory in the secret base of his own construction, this feeling of peace of mind has simply improved exponentially.

He took off his windbreaker and threw it at the door of the underground castle.

Bell walked deeper into the castle alone.

After many twists and turns, I walked into a very large empty room.

After Bell closed the door, the whole room began to glow. Especially in the center of the room, a 3D miniature map appeared.

A circular design with a towering tower in the center is the design of the maze city of Orario. And this three-dimensional map is also the map of Orario.

This map was specially created by Bell, and in addition to this map, there is also surveillance in the corresponding area...

And this is Bell's preparation for the future battle with the dark faction.

Bell habitually checked whether the image capture in every corner was smooth.

Swipe, swipe, swipe! Countless night market scenes are projected onto this map, showing the scenes in each area in the form of small pictures.

"Well, there was no damage anywhere."

But this is also an inevitable result.

You know, when Bell was manufacturing these screen capture devices, that is, when monitoring them, they even placed cognitive barrier barriers on them, just to make those things exist more reasonably and not attract other people's attention.

Fighting scenes often occur inside Orario, and some fights can also cause some things to break. However, such situations are relatively rare on the streets, unless there is a large-scale destructive attack on Orario.

"The streets and alleys are basically fully covered. As long as there is action there, I can record everything here."

The monitoring of the entire non-private area of ​​Orario has been completed. What is needed next is to copy this set and distribute it to the guild with ordinary functions.

Bell can't look at this map every day without moving.

Professional work still needs to be left to professionals.

For example, the "Almighty One" is very suitable for behind-the-scenes work. Letting her stand on the front line is simply a waste of talent.

Regarding this point, Bell thought he could talk to God Hermes.

It happened that the Divine Moon Festival had also arrived. According to the story he knew, the god Hermes came to Orario with the arrow of the moon god Artemis.

It became inevitable to get in touch with the god Hermes through this line.

However, before discussing with God Hermes, one still needs to make preparations to participate in the Divine Moon Festival in a few days. Hestia seemed to be very enthusiastic, and it seemed like it was her first time to participate in the Divine Moon Festival.

With this in mind, Bell quickly started working.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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