I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 597 The Guild’S Attitude

"Did you hear that?"

"It's a tragedy on the 27th floor. I didn't expect those dark factions to be so courageous and dare to cause such a big thing at this time."

"Dark faction? Didn't you say that the massacre on the 27th floor was caused by "Hayate"?"

"Are you stupid? "Hayate" has always been well hidden. Why would he jump out and massacre the adventurers who entered that level when he was fine? Do you think your reward is not high enough?

In order to raise your bounty to a higher level, are you planning to kill the adventurers heading to the 27th floor?"


This rebuttal makes it impossible to make any rebuttal.

"Even if "Hayate" was wanted by the guild 4 years ago, can't you tell what the guild's attitude towards "Hayate" is? No matter how high the reward is for other wanted persons, the guild will issue an announcement every year to increase the reward, just to Let more adventurers provide information, but what about the "Half Wind" side?"

"Typically, the thunder is loud and the raindrops are light. Except for the guild's announcement of the wanted order for "Hast Wind" four years ago, it has not released any news about "Hast Wind". Don't you understand what the guild means?"

"Furthermore, the day after Guild 27 released the bounty "Half Wind", it announced that a number of important members of the dark faction were wanted. What is this? Isn't it a typical routine?"

After being explained like this, the person who had just asked the question suddenly woke up.

The highlighted wanted persons are naturally the direction that the guild hopes adventurers will work towards. As for the wanted person who is wanted by the guild and then actively asks the guild to transfer the target, then to put it bluntly, this is just the "wanted" behavior of the guild.

The person in question looked around, and none of the adventurers at the wine table objected. It was obvious that everyone knew this.

But the doubts in his heart have not been answered yet.

"But, I remember that "Hayate" attacked many innocent adventurers 4 years ago. "

The experienced adventurers around looked at each other and laughed unconsciously.

"Innocent? Who is innocent among those who are involved with the dark faction?"

"That's right. If those guys are innocent, aren't the adventurers and ordinary people who were killed by the dark sects back then even more innocent? Where can they go to reason?"

"If there's anyone in the world who hates the dark faction the most, it's definitely Hayate. The clan that guy belonged to was wiped out, and even the main god left Orario. Therefore, "Hayate" would only act like a mad dog when facing the dark faction. "

"That's right. And the dark faction is really ruthless this time in order to attract "Blast" to the 27th floor. Boy, do you still remember that there was something mixed with the news we got from the dark faction that day?"

The person in question recalled the information at that time.

"I remember it seemed to be a broken red long sword with a very special pattern on the sword.

"Then do you know who the owner of that broken sword is?"

The questioner shook his head.

"The sword of the leader of Astraea, "Beni no Masaka".


The person who asked the question suddenly took a breath. He really didn't expect that someone could be so angry.

If someone is really so angry, no bloody person can bear to be provoked like this.

"So, it would be strange if "Gate" doesn't come to your door. "

The people who were questioning now understood why "Hast Wind" would take such a big risk and jump into the trap set by the dark faction.

"But I heard that this time, the wind seems to be..."

"Ah, so you are just a rookie."

Several veterans around him could hear what this little rookie was thinking. Didn't they just say in a roundabout way that "Blast" might have killed some adventurers in one incident.

This kind of thing seems to be a natural result to veterans.

"Those adventurers on Rivera Street covet not only the bounty of the dark faction, but also the bounty of "High Wind". It's okay for those guys to want the bounty of "Hast Wind". As long as they have the strength, it doesn't matter for any other reason. "

"Whoever catches "Gate" will get the guild's bounty. "

"But no one in the world stipulates that a person who is caught cannot resist, especially in the case of "Hast Wind". Even if they knew that "High Wind" had killed many adventurers in counterattack, the guild still wouldn't care because that was not a problem that the guild needed to deal with. "

"I see, no wonder only the adventurers from "Rivera Street" went there. "

The people who had questions finally understood why the adventurers in front of them were so unmotivated to capture "High Wind".

On the one hand, it is because the strength does not support it, and on the other hand, it is probably too troublesome to have anything to do with "Blast".

It would be better if I caught it.

But if you can't catch it, you may even get trapped in it.

"That's right. There are almost no Familia who are interested in arresting "Hast Wind". After all, there are many Familia who have good relations with the goddess. Those gods will not take the initiative to arrest "Hast Wind", especially if the guild does not force him to do so. situation. "

"The ones who acted were those money-grubbers. Others would not provoke "Hayate" if they had nothing to do. After all, the strength of Level 4 was no joke.

Any older adventurer knows that the former "Hayate" was a person who was named a genius together with the "Swordswoman".

Even if "Hayate" now has no chance to upgrade due to the departure of the 970 Lord God [but that doesn't mean that ordinary electricians can manipulate her at will.

As long as he is not a person who regards wealth as his life, generally he will not target a troublesome guy like "Hayate".

Only then did the people who questioned understand the reason. I am afraid that as long as "Haifeng" didn't die by herself, no one would take the initiative to arrest her.

The guild's attitude towards her was to turn a blind eye. As long as the person involved didn't jump out, everyone would treat her as "didn't see it" or "don't know".

As for the adventurers who were aiming at "High Wind" and were killed, then it was because of their own lack of strength, and they deserved their death. And the guild will not deal with such things.

It has to be said that this is the guild's attitude of turning a blind eye.

"It seems that the female elf matter is over here."

The person in question wrote down this part of the matter.

"From the guild's attitude, it is true that female elves are not targeted."

"In addition to the guild, the same goes for the leader of the Ganesha Familia."

"It seems that the Astralia Familia was really popular in Orario back then."

Of course, this is only for the gods who are in the ranks of order.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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