I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 589 Freya: I Guess So

Leaning his head on Freya's lap, Bell lay down on the sofa slightly unaccustomed.

It's not that he's not used to lying on the sofa, but he's not used to resting his head on Freya's lap.

Freya naturally sensed Bell's discomfort, but she did not say anything about this discomfort. After all, the child's vigilance was just like his cautious character, which was somewhat serious.

"Did it take half a month to complete?"

"Yeah. It took a little time, but it can be considered a skill that I didn't fully master before.

Speaking of "Yan Hui", it is actually something to be happy about. In fact, there is not so much information that I need to hide from Freya. "I am afraid that for nearly ten data updates, it is inevitable to watch from the side.

Even the more important ability value data has been watched by everyone, so naturally there is no need to keep some scraps secret.

"This time I finally completed the follow-up to that technique."

"After completing the skills, I also completed all the ability values. Well, I noticed that the ability values ​​have not improved for a few days."

How many days have you been without promotion?

Freya almost rolled her eyes when she heard this. She reached out and pinched Bell's face, preparing to introduce the so-called "common sense" to the child.

"Ordinary adventurers want to improve their abilities within a few days, which can only be experienced when they first become adventurers."

"I still feel like I haven't mentioned 713 liters in a few days. If you say this, any adventurer will want to beat you."

You can clearly feel that your ability value has not improved for a long time. This is a bottleneck that almost every adventurer will face.

But Freya saw something unusual in Bell.

This child's growth rate is so fast, it's even so fast that he can clearly feel the speed at which his abilities increase and stop.

"So, what happened to that child? How did we meet that child in the underground city? Moreover, the child's injuries were so serious."

Through Seele's eyes, Freya could clearly see how seriously Lyu was hurt.

There were very serious wounds all over the body, a piece of flesh was missing from the calf, and there were even serious fractures in many places, almost to the point of half-death.

If Bell hadn't helped control the child's injuries, he would have died completely before he could get a panacea.

However, Freya felt that Bell was too lazy to participate. Otherwise, Freya would not have felt that such an injury would have stumped Bell.

Bell could only shake his head and sigh at what happened to the female elf.

"Freya, do you (chdb) know how the Astralia family was destroyed in the first place?"

"According to the guild's information, a large-scale "Monster Feast" was encountered on the 30th floor. "

"The 30th floor "Monster Feast" cannot drag a group of LV.4 to death. "

Freya also scoffed at this news. With the size of the Astralia family, those talented children would die in the "Monster Feast?"

"So, the child encountered the same situation this time?"

"As far as the results are concerned, this should be it."

"The female elf was designed, just like the destruction of the Astralia Familia. But unlike the destruction of the Astralia Familia, which was somewhat accidental, the female elf was completely based on the destruction seven years ago. And designed.”

Bell's explanation was clear enough, and Freya also understood it.

*Designed by someone 7 years ago?”

Bell nodded slightly.

After receiving Bell's affirmative answer, Freya helplessly held her forehead.

"Those people are really no different from the past."

A soul full of violence and distortion must still be the same, no matter how long it takes, there will be no change.

"That's why that child stepped into the pit again seven years later."

People still need to make some progress.

That being said, Freya could also understand why the child was so impulsive. After all, all his past companions died in the design seven years ago. Naturally, she couldn't sit still when she heard the names of people from the past.

The person behind the design probably had this idea to attract the child's attention.

"Bell, what would you do if it were you?"

"If the matter has nothing to do with me, I will act more carefully. I just need to hide myself and conduct the investigation, stay with the suspect for a while and watch the person's reaction before correcting."

Bell thought for a moment and gave a very reasonable answer.

After all, who can guard against thieves for a thousand days?

As long as he has the means to hide his aura and himself, then as long as he follows some suspicious people, that person himself will be exposed. After all, when a person is alone, that person is often the most relaxed and unrestrained.

"What if you were the person involved?"

Freya's question prompted Bell to give the answer without any pause.

"Then I will kill everyone. I don't need to consider whether those people are related to people in the past. Even if they just spread the news, they must die."

"As long as everyone is dead, no one can pin the crime on me.

"At that time, it will be enough to put it all on the head of the dark faction. Even the reasons are ready. The dark faction intends to repeat the history of seven years ago and lead the trouble to the entire underground city."

"I will do it for you."

"Hmm~ I guess so.

"Sure enough, I knew you would do this."

But Bell also knew that this was not the answer Freya wanted, so after he finished speaking, he slowly added an answer to Freya's question.

Bell couldn't understand this statement.

But Freya didn't hate this kind of character, but she still wanted to ask questions that she was more concerned about.

The more cautious people and the more rational thinking people are, they are often the scariest when they are crazy.

But once things get involved with him, I'm sorry, Si'er will ask some people to see what it means to have a double standard.

PS: Please collect...Please. Flowers...Please comment.

That astonishing murderous intention did not surprise Freya at all.

There is only a veil between a sane person and a madman.

"Freya, I won't let myself get into a situation where I need to think about this kind of problem."

"I can do this for Hestia, but what about Hephaestus? Where about Loki? And, what about me?"

"If there is danger, you can eliminate it in advance. If there is trouble, you can prepare in advance. I don't like to think about how to solve the problem only when the danger comes. I like to make corresponding preparations beforehand."

Freya knew very well that Bell could definitely take the cruelest revenge, but the child would probably have carefully considered his own strength before taking action and even thought about how to deal with the subsequent troubles.

Since the matter has nothing to do with him, Bell can naturally hang up.

This answer made Freya laugh happily.

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