I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 581 Derivatives Of Yan Hui

Bell re-entered the state of working out.

The ability value shown in the last data update has not reached the limit. What Bell needs to do now is to train his ability value to the extreme.

Don't waste any potential, and turn all this potential into the foundation for the next level after promotion. This is the most correct approach.

Therefore, if Bell wants to steadily advance his future plans at this moment, he needs to polish his current self to perfection and be ready to cross Level 6.

Because he needed to take training seriously, Bell also entered the dungeon in advance and began to polish his skills and abilities around the 30th floor.

Generally speaking, it is difficult for LV.5 adventurers to exercise their abilities without going to floors below the 50th floor.

But Bell is different from ordinary adventurers.

The way he obtains experience is quite simple and crude. "Three, five, three" can be obtained through "exercise". Even without fighting monsters, he can just exercise alone at home to obtain experience that improves his ability value.

So, exercising around the 30th floor is just the right place for Bell.


Three rays of cold light passed through time and space, appearing almost at the same time.

Blood spurted out from Iwakuma's body.

There were three blood stains visible to the naked eye on the body that was so huge that it was four meters high. It could be seen that the rocky skin and wounds on the outer skin of the rock bear's body showed the most perfect fit.


The huge body hit the ground heavily.

Bell nodded slightly as he regained his sword-wielding stance.

"Well, it's done."

In fact, Bell has already completed most of the "Swallow Return" technique.

When I was stuck on the last cut before, it was because my accumulation of skills and strength was not enough for the last cut. Now through his mastery of space, this last knife can be regarded as being used by him.

Bell took a deep breath, and the whole world turned black and white again.

Quickly draw the knife and slash three times in a row.

Three rays of cold light in the shape of an inner triangle that spread out from a certain point drew a fan shape in the air.

Only in this way can the technique of "Yan Hui" be truly completed.

"Very good, the foundation for Yan Hui has been laid."

It took almost half a year to complete this secret technique.

You must know that this half a year is the time when his consciousness has just awakened.

It took a long time to fully master the secret skill of Yan Hui, but I finally mastered it completely.

"The next step is to use it more in actual combat."

Bell or even any secret skill needs to be used many times in actual combat before it can show its value, and then it can improve on the original basis.

It just so happens that this is the 30th floor, which belongs to the lower range.

The birth rate of monsters here can be far faster than that of the upper and middle floors, and Bell has no shortage of monsters to train here.

After waiting for a while, a rock bear jumped down from the wall.

He hides his figure to master the timing, adjusts his breathing, and three cold lights suddenly appear at the same time.


As soon as Iwakuma landed, he lost sight of it and fell heavily to the ground.

It's just that Bell didn't put his mind on Iwakuma at the moment, but on his own hands.

"Stiffness appeared after three cuts."

"Obviously, I could still maintain my condition with the two previous strikes, but after three strikes, I became stiff."

This situation is unacceptable to Bell.

If you want to use "Yan Hui" extensively in actual combat, this situation must be dealt with as much as possible, otherwise "Yan Yuan" will be a huge flaw.

Have your hard-earned tricks turned out to be a flaw?

Bell didn't want to do useless work, so "Yan Hui" still needs to continue to be studied.

We must understand why swinging two swords can lead to subsequent attacks, but swinging three swords will cause the body to freeze for a moment.

Still using Iwakuma as a reference.

Three sword lights flashed at the same time, and the newly born Iwakuma once again became a skeleton that fell to the ground.

But this time, after paying close attention, Bell noticed why his body felt sluggish after swinging three swords.

The answer is "space".

"Hey! I didn't expect that taking the shortcut would come with a price."

"No wonder the two swords I trained have no such restrictions."

The first two swords were learned before the development ability of space jumped out. In other words, they were trained completely relying on the inherited experience and standing on the shoulders of the unknown swordsman.

Because the first two swords are pure skills, the skills can be connected.

However, the third sword has something other than skill involved, which makes the perfect skill impure. This also makes the third sword, although it is exactly the same as the original Yan Hui, it is essentially a product of force. ………….…

There is a little more in perfection, and superfluous things inevitably lead to some deviations.

"Hey...even though the missing part was found in the end, if it were not achieved through pure technology, Yan Hui would be just a one-time product."

Of course, there's that huge flaw.

This flaw is too fatal.

Moreover, the sword skill "Yanhui" itself is perfect, but it would be unacceptable if it becomes imperfect due to such an operation.

"Forget it, I just have time now to check and fill in the gaps."

Temporarily forget about the third knife, and pick up the second knife again.


"If I can use the space to swing the third sword, can I continue to increase the number on this basis?"

Suddenly an idea came into Bell's mind.


The world turned black and white.

"After tinkering around, I actually developed an attack method.

At the same time, a rock bear was born again from the wall.

The first two knives were cut off smoothly, followed by the third, fourth, fifth, and even the ninety-ninth knives.

Bell's eyes instantly lit up. Sure enough, B0 degree is really a good place to exercise.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

In the black and white world, Iwakuma's body is surrounded by sword lights.

“It seems like the end of “Yan Hui” really depends on technology.

After all, ninety-nine dollars is really a bit too much.

Bell quickly swung the knife.

Bell, who maintained the posture of wielding the knife, exhaled slightly. It took a lot of physical strength for a moment, but he actually succeeded.

And this idea is amplifying rapidly like a flame.

However, Bell also noticed that the body's stasis time was longer, which seemed to be caused by the excessive superimposed space.

The next moment, the world returned to color, and the endless sword light all fell on Iwakuma.

After adjusting his breathing, he quickly rushed towards the newly born rock bear and drew his sword!

No wailing was heard, only the rock bear covered in blood fell to the ground.

However, this move still needs to be improved. As long as subsequent research can obtain the most appropriate amount of space stacking, the stagnation time can be greatly reduced and the power of this move can also be increased.

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