I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 579 Bell, What Are Your Plans Next?

the next day.

Yesterday's internal conflict could only be regarded as an internal conflict. After the problem between God Loki and God Freya was temporarily resolved, the atmosphere at home was no longer as full of gunpowder as before.

"Well~~ Bell, good morning."

"Good morning, God Freya."


The next second, Bell was stared at with terrifying eyes, which made Bell realize that he had subconsciously called the wrong person again.

"Ahem, Freya."

After changing the title, the scary look just now was gone, and Bell couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"You should be more careful in the future and don't subconsciously call me the wrong name."

Freya naturally knew that Bell acted subconsciously, so she was not angry, but she needed to let Bell know that she was angry, otherwise this idiot would never change.

"Have you prepared breakfast so early?"

"Well, it's just simple food, not anything very advanced."

Bell still needs to be vaccinated in advance. Although he can make pancakes, wontons, steamed buns, etc., his skills are actually quite average and cannot reach the level of those professional chefs.

"Just keep it simple."

Freya didn't care what she ate, what mattered was who cooked it and who ate it with her.

Look at what's on the table. It's thin dough wrapped with minced meat. I've rarely seen anything like this in Europe 640. But I often see pancakes, and her tavern also sells some food. I can’t even name these things, but I know they are simple breakfasts.

"Where are Hephaestus and Hestia?"

"Hestia and Hephaestus don't get up so early in the morning."

Usually Hestia and Hephaestus don't get up too early in the morning, mainly because they go to bed very late every night, so they get up a little later.


Freya can already imagine what the situation is like.

Although she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she was still prepared as she knew this situation early.

However, it was better not to continue this topic. She was not ready to know the detailed process between Hestia and Bell before officially entering into that relationship.

"Then I'll ask Hestia before she wakes up."

"Bell, what are you going to do next?"

Bell didn't think about this problem for too long, and he naturally had plans for the future.

"My next plan is to first raise the areas where I can improve (chcc) to the top, and then challenge Udaios and get the key to advancement. N

"Aiming directly at Udaios? Not Anphispina?"

"Well, Amphispina's level is unstable, and challenging it cannot stably give me the key to promotion.

To be honest, as the target of a challenge, a weaker floor owner would be more friendly. But whether a weak floor owner can obtain enough great achievements to sublimate himself is another matter.

This is one of them. Another reason why Bell looks down on Anphisbina is because of its instability in strength.

When there is water, it is Level 6, and when there is no water, it is Level 5.

This kind of monster that purely relies on terrain to increase its strength does not rely on its own basic strength. This alone is obviously not enough.

"After entering Level 6, it's just the beginning."

"Maybe you can get the Lv.7 upgrade when the dark faction's counterattack begins."

"There are still Level 7 children with the dark faction?"

When Bell said that the upgrade to Level 7 would have to wait until the dark faction's counterattack, Freya immediately realized that the dark faction's background might be different from what they knew.

But Bell shook his head slightly.

"I only have certain speculations about this."

"There must be a certain reason why God Dionysus can swear so confidently. I think there must be strength in his hands that can break the balance.

"He took the initiative to design the conversion of his own family members, and staged a painful plot in front of God Loki, most likely targeting Loki's family members.

Dionysus's arrangement was clearly aimed at the Loki family, otherwise there would be no need to stage a big show in front of God Loki.

"The current Orario belongs to the Loki Familia and the Freya Familia. If the dark faction wants to successfully counterattack, they need to hollow out a wall."

"God Dionysus may have chosen the Loki Familia for his own sake..."

"The Loki Familia does not have LV.7."

Freya continued what she said, and Bell nodded slightly.

"No wonder you would guess that there are Level 7 children among the dark faction lords."

Instead of attacking her, he chose Loki to attack. It was obvious that between the two of them, Dionysus chose the one he thought was a weakling.

"However, three of the Loki children have reached Level 7. Can Dionysus' plan still be realized?"

Bell is very sure of this.

"He's definitely going to go ahead with the plan."

"Although Captain Finn and the others have crossed over to the Level 7 realm, they are just newbies now and are far from the level of adventurers who have been in this realm for a long time.

"Coupled with Captain Finn, the three of them can fight against the "strong men" under your command, but once they are forced to separate, the gap between their personal strength and the three-in-one will be too big. "

Freya nodded in approval. Oh, it was indeed a child that made her feel at ease, and the three children of Loki's family were indeed not at that level.

"Captain Finn is good at speed and has a throwing method to counterattack in adversity, but he has no other long-range strike capabilities, and he does not have any resistance. If his speed is limited, his strength will be greatly reduced."

"Vice Captain Riveria is good at magic and has unimaginable magic destructive power, but it is accompanied by a long magic chanting time. As long as the enemy does not give her enough time to release magic, she will be almost unable to perform her role. Lv.)’s strength.”

"Grace is even more like this. He has enough resistance, super strength and defense, but speed is his biggest weakness. As long as his strength is limited, it is like having his teeth pulled out. Like a tiger."

"So, you know what kind of restrictions I'm talking about, right?"

Freya smiled slightly and uttered three words.


If you want to limit Riveria's magic output, and if you want to limit Finn's speed and Grace's power, you need a space with a restricted range of movement.

So obviously, Freya guessed that it was the home of the dark faction, a secret base hidden in the dungeon.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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