I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 52: The Riddler Gets Out Of Orari

"What exactly happened?"

"Dungeon Riot" is no small matter. In the past, there have been riots and other phenomena in the dungeon, but the closest one should be more than ten years ago, right? He Faith Tos remembered that day quite clearly, as if it was the day when the Zeus family and the Hera family fought against the black dragon.

"Usually there is no such thing as riots in dungeons. Under normal circumstances, the biggest trouble encountered in dungeons is the "monster feast". Bell, what the hell did you encounter? "

"God He Faith, in fact, this matter really counts... Maybe I caused it."

Bell scratched his face in embarrassment.


Hestia's reaction was even bigger than Her Faith Toss. She is the main god of Bell, and she must be more surprised than any other god in the face of such a thing.

"Bell-kun, how did you get involved in such a serious problem? Your magic and skills don't have this ability. Is it the dark faction? Bell-kun, have you been in contact with the dark faction?"

A series of associations from Lord God made Bell a little helpless.

He Faith Tos looked at Hestia, who was jumping, speechlessly. Contact with people from the dark faction? To put it mildly, if the dark faction can still cause riots in the dungeon, then the dark faction has already flattened Orari a few years ago, do they still need to hide behind the scenes all the time?

"Hestia, do you think those guys have this strength? They are reluctant to play tricks on a certain level of the dungeon. If you think those guys can attack the entire dungeon, you look down on them too much. ."

"makes sense."

Hestia nodded rudely, and felt that she was a little wrong.

But after confirming that it wasn't those guys doing it, Hestia looked back at Bell.

"Mr. Bell, how do you say you caused it?"

"I think it should be my 'luck'. "

The answer left Hestia and He Faith Tos a little baffled. Luck, such a rare skill, often leads the owner of the skill to a better side. How could it be somehow related to the entire dungeon riot?

He Faith Toss was silent for a moment, then thought of something. She looked up at Bell, still feeling silly about the answer she realized, Faith Toss.

"Bell, have you guessed why?"


"So, is it really caused by too much luck?"

"I think . . . maybe so."

The expression on Bell's face was filled with helplessness. It was all because his luck was too invincible, which caused serious problems in the operation of the entire dungeon, and even caused riots in the entire dungeon.

He Faith Tos, who got the answer, couldn't describe his feelings in words. Slightly relieved, that white shirt could hardly stop the amorous feelings of mature big sister at this moment. Leaning against the back of the chair, He Faith Toss was really speechless, how could a child's skills have such a big impact.

"You're such a strange child that you are lucky enough to cause a big riot in the dungeon. Bell, if other adventurers know about you, I don't think you need to think about hiding from today."

He Faith Toss had a slight smirk as he spoke. This god has always felt to Bell that she is a very reliable big sister, why do you still feel that this mature big sister is still a little black?

"God He Faith, please don't make such a dangerous joke. If you know that my affairs have really been exposed, wouldn't the entire gods of Euleri cut me into countless pieces?"

"Oh~ that's what I said. Once the situation of your child is completely exposed, it is estimated that the person who robbed you will definitely be that woman. But even if that woman wants to keep you in the hands of countless gods in Euleri, it is not an easy task. ."

Now He Faith Tos wants to let Freya know about the child Bell. With that woman's character, seeing such a rare child as Bell would definitely not be able to control her desires. But if Bell's information is known to the gods, even that woman might not be able to handle it.

"What should I do? Suddenly I thought that woman knew about Bell's existence."

Of course, this is just the idea of ​​He Faith Toss suddenly having fun. You can't do this just for Hestia's consideration, otherwise Hestia will definitely be completely devastated. He Faith Toss knew this by seeing how Hestia loved Bell so much.

At this moment, Hestia, who had been out of the conversation the whole time, jumped in. He hugged Bell directly.

"I won't let Freya take Mr. Bell away."

Bell, who was being held in his arms, felt a sense of stalwart that ordinary people could not experience at all, and immediately explained it to Lord God.

"Lord God, I have been very careful when I acted outside in my current situation, and the probability of being targeted is not very high. And such a large dungeon, who would have thought that it was caused by an adventurer's reasons. riot?"

"I'm a rookie adventurer who has only acted on the first floor of the dungeon. As long as normal gods don't pay attention to me. Besides, what God Hefaith Tos said just now was just a joke. ."

Hestia was obviously calmer when she heard these words. When he turned to look at He Faith Toss, he saw a smile on his face. This made Hestia unaware that she had been deceived, and she was still deceived by He Faith Toss.

"Ugh! He Faith Toss, you lied to me again!"

An angry Hestia's face was bulging, and her eyes were filled with grievances. The worst thing she can hear now is that someone is going to rob her Bell, and He Faith Toss knows this and even makes fun of her.

But He Faith Tos just wanted to laugh when he saw it.

"Who told you to react so slowly? Now you idiot don't know why the dungeon is rioting, right?"

There was a rare embarrassment on Hestia's angry face. In fact, she really didn't understand what He Faith and Bell were talking about. It felt like the two were talking a riddle, but she was an outsider who couldn't solve the riddle.

But thinking of the tacit understanding between He Faith and Bell, she looked like an idiot. This made Hestia always feel excluded.

"Humph! I just don't know. Also, why do you and He Faith have such a tacit understanding, Mr. Bell? Why do you two seem to know each other?"

PS; ask for collection... ask for flowers... ask for evaluation

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